To the Council of Architecture - India, I talked to 150+ students. Do you know on average, architecture interns get paid ₹7,100 a month? That’s ₹10,966 less than the minimum wage for unskilled labour in New Delhi.
Did you know that an architectural intern is paid about ₹7,100 a month, on average?
Meanwhile, the minimum wage for unskilled labour in Delhi is set at ₹18,066.
Now, I’m not gonna say all those things about how architectural internships are bad.
And f*cking toxic in every sense.
And that they basically suck.
We all know that.
So I’m gonna skip that part.
All I’m saying is, that during an internship, your average intern gets paid about ₹7,100 a month.
Which is basically like, 2.5X lesser than the unskilled labour minimum wage in Delhi.
Isn’t that f*cking appalling?
Now, the Council of Architecture - India is the body that regulates architectural education and professional practice in India, right?
That means the Council of Architecture - India’s core job is to prescribe and monitor the standards of design education in India.
And yet, that same body conveniently claims that internships, a mandatory part of any Bachelors of Architecture curriculum, do not fall under their purview.
How does that make any f*cking sense?
An internship is the first time ever that a young architect is exposed to what the field actually looks like.
Based on the dangerous, harmful, archaic "master-apprentice" ideology, these 3 things capture what architectural internships look and feel like:
1. Super long hours.
Sometimes Sundays working too.
2. Meagre stipends.
Sometimes unpaid.
Sometimes you need to pay an architect to f*cking get one!
3. Super toxic work culture.
Walking on eggshells.
Being constantly yelled at.
Menial tasks.
Next level criticism.
Insanely unprofessional.
No real dignity in the workplace.
Now imagine that you’re a young, enthusiastic architecture student stepping out into the field for the very first time…
In 45 years, India’s regulatory body on architectural education has failed to make any formal rules whatsoever around internships.
Can you believe it?
And these guys have like a proper, lengthy f*cking Code of Conduct.
I mean, they literally have rules about the lamest things your mind could possibly come up with.
But internships?
The intersection between practice and education?
Nope. No rules.
India's governing body for architects has ZERO guidelines on architectural internships.
Honestly, I think it's pretty f*cking scary.
The Council of Architecture - India needs to stop destroying the careers of young architects.
Do you also think that after 45 years of doing nothing, it’s finally time for the Council of Architecture - India to wake up?
And regulate architectural internships?
Tell me in the comments.
Also, tell me more about your own internship experiences, as both students and employers!