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AraBat srl

AraBat srl

Servizi ambientali

Foggia, Foggia 1.936 follower

From the soil, the electrical revolution: we turn spent batteries and biological waste into new raw materials.

Chi siamo

AraBat is a circular economy startup that has implemented “the most cost-effective and sustainable lithium batteries recycling process in the world”. Our innovative hydrometallurgical technology allows to recycle spent lithium batteries through the use of agri-food waste and recover their preicous metal compounds (lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel, others) without polluting. Our circular business is based on the offer of the strategic recycling service to the batteries manufacturers and the sale of the critical raw materials we recover. Our company is also involved in the development of other circular processes, the production of renewable energy and consultancy activities in the field of the green economy. Sustainability and circular economy are fundamental values in AraBat's corporate strategy. We are looking for investors and new partners! E-mail: ~ AraBat è una startup per l’economia circolare che ricicla batterie al litio esauste recuperandone i metalli preziosi attraverso l’impiego di scarti degli agrumi. AraBat ha implementato il processo di riciclo di batterie al litio più sostenibile e conveniente del mondo. La mission dell’impresa è quella di commercializzare le risorse critiche recuperate, litio-cobalto-nichel-manganese, contribuendo alla transizione sostenibile e all’indipendenza del continente europeo dall’approvvigionamento esterno da altri paesi. Il processo implementato da AraBat è unico e rivoluzionario nel suo genere: trattasi di un processo idrometallurgico alternativo che sfrutta l’azione sinergica dell’acido citrico e degli zuccheri riducenti degli scarti agroalimentari per riciclare le batterie e recuperarne i composti metallici di elevato valore. Siamo alla ricerca di investitori e nuovi partner! E-mail:

Sito Web
Servizi ambientali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Foggia, Foggia
Ditta individuale
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso AraBat srl


  • AraBat srl ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Raffaele Nacchiero

    CEO & Co-Founder at AraBat | PhD student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Bari | Top 100 Forbes U30

    Honored to be a guest on Mattina Norba Weekend on TeleNorba! I had the pleasure of sharing the journey of AraBat srl and some of our latest milestones: 🍊Patent granted for our (first) bio-based lithium battery recycling process. 🍊New bio-based recycling patent in development. 🍊Ongoing work on a new disruptive bio-based technology for further materials beyond batteries. AraBat srl is not just about oranges or batteries. It’s not just business, technology, sustainability, or circularity. It’s something more: it’s vision. Our vision is clear: to reshape the world and the future of our planet through a social-ecological perspective. We aim to solve challenges across industries and human projects using natural elements and properties. It may sound like an impossible mission, but every day, we push the limits of what’s achievable. As the great philosopher Jacques Derrida reminds us: “We must do the impossible, we must do and think the impossible. If only the possible happened, nothing more would happen. If I only did what I can do, I wouldn’t do anything.” Let’s redefine what’s possible.

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    1.936 follower

    Happy to be part of Sandbox Accelerator Program, one of the best programs for climate-tech startups, organized by Forest Valley Institute. See you on March 27th 2025 for the Demo Day event 🔋🍊

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Forest Valley Institute

    3.434 follower

    Batch #11 of our Sandbox Accelerator Program has officially started! Yesterday, we kicked off Batch #11 and got to meet the teams behind 12 startups. They pitched their ideas, and let’s just say, they didn’t disappoint. Each one brings a fresh (and fresh is always exciting) perspective to climate tech, and we’re already impatient to see what they’ll achieve in the coming weeks. Workshops, mentoring, and plenty of brainstorming await them, and we’ll be right there, helping them refine their solutions, build stronger business models, and prepare for Demo Day on March 27th, 2025, where they’ll share their progress with investors, corporates, and other partners in the climate-tech space. P.S. If you’re a startup and think this program could be what you’re looking for, Batch #12 applications are open until March 4th: Beatrice Carolina Iaia from BioTitan Nanotechnology, Olivier Bacs from Bendi, Piotr Angiel from Hydrogen Prospect , Gaetan Cuvillier from The OAK Network, Selin Türman from Spritju, Daniel Guariglia, PhD from Hyper Wind, Burak Koyutürk from Hydroyal, Łukasz Cejrowski from Waven, Matteo Curcio from BathBact, Raffaele Nacchiero from AraBat srl, Sacha Gentili from METACASA, and Sean Nelson from CreevX we’re happy to have you with us and can’t wait to see how you’ll grow over the next few weeks. Good luck!

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione AraBat srl

    1.936 follower

    Big news: our first-ever patent! Oranges and batteries are now officially synonymous. We have been granted a patent in Italy for our innovative bio-based battery recycling technology. This major milestone, soon to be followed by filings in other strategic countries, marks the beginning of a well-structured intellectual property protection and technology licensing strategy that we are building step by step. Efficiency, sustainability, and circularity are the core principles behind our invention. Once industrialized, it could play a key role in eliminating unsustainable mining and replacing competitors’ recycling processes that are neither nature-based nor designed to stay within socio-ecological limits. A huge step forward for the future of truly sustainable battery recycling! 🚀🔋🍊 A special thanks to Gerardo Greco for guiding us through this process and supporting us in achieving this milestone.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione AraBat srl

    1.936 follower

    Happy to be awarded by Google at GoBeyond powered by Sisal, call for best Italian startups 🚀🔋🍊

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione GoBeyond powered by Sisal

    808 follower

    I Partner di GoBeyond hanno assegnato alla startup semifinaliste e finaliste diverse menzioni speciali che si traducono in attività o servizi derivati dalle loro core competencies e che valorizzano e generano ulteriore valore per le startup scelte. Ecco i vincitori delle menzioni speciali della Call for ideas 2024👏 SMUSH Materials, grazie alla menzione di Mamacrowd, seguirà un percorso di fast track per accedere ad una raccolta di capitali. Con il premio She Tech, promama, Develop-Players, Deply e Drop Digital Health parteciperanno ad attività di networking, formazione e sensibilizzazione per sviluppare nuove competenze e opportunità professionali. promama, grazie a Carter&Benson, riceverà un assessment manageriale gratuito per supportare il suo sviluppo personale e professionale. AraBat srl, con il premio di Google, entrerà nel programma Google for Startup che offre consulenza, crediti cloud e un network di esperti al servizio della crescita. Complimenti anche ai 15 semifinalisti di questa edizione, che con la menzione di Alkemy enabling evolution potranno utilizzare spazi di coworking per dedicarsi allo sviluppo delle loro idee. #GoBeyond #GoForIt #Callforideas2024

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione AraBat srl

    1.936 follower

    We’re thrilled to announce that AraBat has been ranked #72 among Lithium-Ion Battery companies on F6S this December! Being recognized on a platform with over 1.9 million partners worldwide is a significant achievement for us. This milestone underscores our commitment to advancing sustainability and innovation in lithium-ion battery recycling. At AraBat, we strive to create bio-based solutions that recover valuable resources and minimize environmental impact. Thank you for supporting us on this journey towards an orange future 🔋🍊

  • AraBat srl ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Raffaele Nacchiero

    CEO & Co-Founder at AraBat | PhD student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Bari | Top 100 Forbes U30

    Only nature-based solutions can consistently address the challenge of climate change. It's no longer about exploiting nature to create value and reduce negative externalities; instead, it's about leveraging nature to create value and well-being without generating negative externalities. We must view today's world through the lens of post-growth, social-ecological systems, and a commitment to sustainability and circularity, embracing the regenerative potential of supply chains. This vision aligns perfectly with the mission of our startup, AraBat srl and its groundbreaking nature-based technology, AraMet. This enables the recycling of lithium batteries (and, hopefully, more in the near future!) using plant waste and organic acids. By repurposing food waste, such as orange peels, artichoke leaves, and many other types, we recover critical raw materials like Ni, Co, and Li with high efficiency, allowing them to be reused in new batteries or other industries. But our impact doesn’t stop there: 🔸Lower energy consumption thanks to our low-temperature and short-time leaching; 🔸Significant reductions in CO2 emissions and soil acidification; 🔸Enhanced safety in operations management; 🔸Substantial cost savings; 🔸And most importantly, providing a sustainable destination for the millions of tons of fruit and vegetable waste that go unused every day. Our process is unparalleled on a global scale for its holistic and forward-thinking approach. It doesn’t just focus on efficiency; it envisions a truly better future for everyone.

  • AraBat srl ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Raffaele Nacchiero

    CEO & Co-Founder at AraBat | PhD student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Bari | Top 100 Forbes U30

    On October 3rd, 2022, I had the incredible honor of shaking hands with the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, during the ENI Joule for Entrepreneurship awards. AraBat srl was recognized among the best Italian startups, and this moment will forever be a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovation behind our journey 🧡🚀

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  • AraBat srl ha diffuso questo post

    ### 🌱 Nuova Puntata del Podcast #i4i Impact4Innovation con Raffaele Nacchiero, Fondatore di AraBat srl 🌱 Arabat, una giovane startup pugliese che sta facendo la differenza nel settore del #riciclo delle #batterie al litio. Arabat ha sviluppato una tecnologia innovativa che utilizza scarti di frutta e verdura per riciclare le batterie al litio, unendo sostenibilità e innovazione tecnologica. Raffaele ci racconta l'origine di Arabat, la tecnologia dietro il processo di riciclo, e le sfide affrontate lungo il percorso. Con una passione evidente, spiega come la startup stia trasformando il problema globale dello smaltimento delle batterie in una soluzione sostenibile ed efficiente. Ascolta la puntata per scoprire: 👉 Come funziona il processo di riciclaggio di Arabat 👉 Le sfide e le opportunità di innovare nel settore green 👉 Come Arabat contribuisce alla riduzione dei rifiuti alimentari e industriali 👉 I vantaggi ambientali ed economici rispetto ai metodi tradizionali di riciclo 🌐 Link al Podcast: 👉 Spotify 👉 Apple Podcast 👉 Podbean 👉 Amazon Music Non perdere questa occasione di conoscere una delle startup più promettenti della Puglia e di ispirarti con soluzioni innovative per un mondo più sostenibile. Non dimenticare di iscriverti al nostro podcast Impact4Innovation per non perdere i prossimi episodi. Lascia un commento e facci sapere cosa ne pensi. 👉 **Segui** la nostra pagina Linkedin - 👉 **Segui** il nostro canale Youtube - #Innovazione #Sostenibilità #EconomiaCircolare #GreenTech #BatterieAlLitio #Riciclaggio #StartupItaliana #Puglia #FuturoSostenibile #Podcast Vincenzo Scarano Giovanni Miccolis Leonardo Renna Leonardo Binetti, PhD Serena Borra Alex Marenga

    ARABAT - La magia della frutta nel riciclo green delle batterie agli ioni di Litio

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