🐝 🐝 Two oral presentations of the Animal and Food Genomics group of our Department.
🐝 🐝 Two oral presentations of the Animal and Food Genomics group of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences - University of Bologna at the 1st EAAP - European Federation of Animal Science Workshop on Insect Genetic IMProvement, IMPlementation, IMPact at the Agricultural University of Athens AUA OFC 🐝 Population genomics from a food matrix: estimating csd variability using next generation sequencing on Apis mellifera DNA present in honey S. Bovo, A. Ribani, V. Taurisano, G. Schiavo, M. Bolner, F. Bertolini, L. Fontanesi 🐝 How genetic integrity in honey bees, addressed in a regional law, can be monitored using mitochondrial DNA V. Taurisano, A. Ribani, D. Sami, K. E. Johnson Nelson, G. Schiavo, V. J. Utzeri, L. Fontanesi Luca Fontanesi, Valeria Taurisano, Samuele Bovo, Ph.D., Anisa Ribani, Giuseppina Schiavo, Matteo Bolner, Francesca Bertolini, Dalal Sami #honey #honeybee #genomics #dna #genetics #beekeeping