Foto di copertina di G.D S.p.A.

Chi siamo

G.D is the leading supplier of high-technology machinery for cigarette making and packing, filter production, other tobacco products and special products. Thanks to its extensive range of machines available, G.D is the only manufacturer of complete high-speed lines and of a wide range of solutions for the tobacco industry. With its headquarter in Bologna, Italy and thanks to its worldwide branches and service centers, G.D provides an extensive sales and service network to be always close to customers. G.D is part of Coesia, a group of innovation-based industrial solution companies operating globally, headquartered in Bologna, Italy.

Sito Web
Ingegneria meccanica o industriale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Tobacco, Machinery e Industria meccanica


Dipendenti presso G.D S.p.A.


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