

Produzione di capi di abbigliamento

Turin, Piedmont 6.507 follower

Sharing Experiences, Inspiring People

Chi siamo

HModa è il polo produttivo del lusso Made in Italy, dove aziende complementari collaborano per creare valore e rapporti che crescono nel tempo. Il Progetto Holding Moda è promosso da Holding Industriale SpA (HIND), holding company nata a Torino nel 2011 dedicata all’investimento nel capitale delle PMI italiane con l’obiettivo di favorire processi di crescita, di internazionalizzazione e di ricambio generazionale.

Sito Web
Produzione di capi di abbigliamento
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Turin, Piedmont
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso HModa


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    "HModa is an entrepreneurial and independent industrial aggregation project: the Made in Italy luxury hub, a union of virtuous Companies representing the excellence of Italian manufacturing in fashion. The project was created to ensure their sustainability over time and accelerate their growth path with a long-term horizon. The mission is to enhance the companies that join the Group: Italian manufacturing realities that come together with synergy in 10 different product categories, creating projects that go beyond the ordinary. The Group provides a vertical and complete offering, guaranteeing Made in Italy production that combines craftsmanship and innovation. HModa places the Customer and his satisfaction at the center of its activities, anticipating his needs and requirements, with the aim of continually improving in the pursuit of excellence. We believe in talents, determination and passion; in people who, with care and enthusiasm, make high quality garments; in the future of crafts and arts of manufacturing and their redevelopment as core activities of the high fashion industry. We team up by coming together, sharing ideas, special projects and growth strategies. We connect with visionary and determined women entrepreneurs who enrich the Group's offerings with their companies.   HModa wants to inspire people to be part of positive change." Thank you for believing in our project making this possible. Uno Maglia SpA, Albachiara Srl, Alex & Co. Srl, SERISCREEN S.R.L., Beste, VALMOR S.R.L., PELLETTERIA GAB S.R.L., Project Officina Creativa, RBS Srl, FAMAR Abbigliamento, RILIEVI GROUP, Calzaturificio Dema srl, Taglionetto, Emmetierre, Arca, Elledi.

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    We are happy to announce that the Group welcomes the 18th company in its synergistic project: with the acquisition of 60 percent of Fustellificio Toscano Srl, the Group continues on the path of enhancing the best representative companies of Made in Italy, expanding the know-how at the service of the most important luxury brands.   Fustellificio Toscano Srl is a company specialized in high-quality processing for the leather goods and footwear sectors, active in particular in the production of punches and in offering services such as printing, milling, cutting and high-frequency processing.  Founded in 1976 in Valdarno, it is a family business under the leadership of Leonardo Naldini, current CEO, and son of the founder, Ugo Naldini, who have embarked on a path of innovation while preserving the authentic value of quality craftsmanship.   The company joins HModa's Leather Goods Business Unit, led by Simone Lenzi, owner of PELLETTERIA GAB S.R.L., allowing the Group to expand its expertise in high-quality specialty processing for leather goods and footwear.   “As part of our strategic plan, we look very carefully at the world of intermediate processing for ever greater supply chain integration and optimization in the different segments of the high-end fashion industry.”  Claudio Rovere, President of HIND and HModa #HModaAcquisition #HModaGroup #FustellificioToscano

    Hmoda acquisisce il 60% di Fustellificio toscano - MilanoFinanza News

    Hmoda acquisisce il 60% di Fustellificio toscano - MilanoFinanza News

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    HModa founds a systemic circular economy project starting from the BEREDO® project of closed-loop circularity (client-to-client), already present in one of the investee companies, Beste, and creating an open-loop (supplychain-to-system) circularity system. This has captured the interest of various clients and has allowed us to work both upstream (with a view to preventing the waste problem), changing the culture and offering courses through Accademia HModa and downstream with specific solutions tailored to the type of waste for clients and supply chain, with a view to solving the problem. Holding Industriale SpA #BeRedo #HPlanet #sostenibilità

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di UN Global Compact Network Italia, immagine

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    #SustainabilityonStage ♾️“HModa Circular”: al via il progetto di Holding Moda che diffonde la circolarità come approccio strategico al waste management Al principio del 2024, HModa – subholding di Holding Industriale SpA, specializzata nell’aggregazione di PMI del settore textile&fashion – ha dato il via al progetto “HModa Circular” con lo scopo di diffondere, fra le proprie aziende controllate, la #circolarità come approccio strategico al #wastemanagement. 💬️ È Veronica Bovo, Chief Sustainability Officer di Holding Industriale, a presentare il progetto portato avanti insieme a partner esperti e che avvicina sempre più l’azienda all’obiettivo di creare una “simbiosi di filiera” tra il settore tessile e gli altri settori industriali. 👉 Leggi la #Story qui: #SustainabilityStories #CircularEconomy #WasteManagement #FashionIndustry #UnendoImprese #UnitingBusiness

    “HModa Circular”: al via il progetto di Holding Moda che diffonde la circolarità come approccio strategico al waste management

    “HModa Circular”: al via il progetto di Holding Moda che diffonde la circolarità come approccio strategico al waste management

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di UN Global Compact Network Italia, immagine

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    È online la nuova storia di #SustainabilityonStage! 👥 “HModa Circular”: al via il progetto di HModa che diffonde la circolarità come approccio strategico al waste management 💬️ Sustainability Story con intervista a Veronica Bovo, Chief Sustainability Officer di Holding Industriale SpA 👉 Leggi qui la #Story: #SustainabilityStories #EconomiaCircolare #WasteManagement #FashionIndustry #ImpreseSostenibili #UnendoImprese #UnitingBusiness

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    Cross Days are events promoted by HModa where people of each company within the same function come together for team activities and knowledge exchanges, sharing best practices. We recently held the first Cross Day for the HPlanet Sustainability Team, a day dedicated to explore the world of bees, which offered us a unique perspective on collaboration, communication, and ecosystem.   People from each company on the HPlanet team chose and planned activities for the entire day. This day was the climax of a journey that began in January and included idea generation, teamwork, and planning: the entire organization of the day contributed to build the team, fostering collaboration and connection. The day was filled with team building activities, immersive experiences in the world of bees, and discussions among team members, all aimed at strengthening team spirit and internal cohesion.   We thank all participants for their enthusiasm and the experts who shared their knowledge with us. Inspired by the bees, we continue to work together with dedication and harmony for a sustainable future. #crossday #sharing #HPlanet #HModaGroup

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di HModa Showroom&Lab Paris, immagine

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    L'HModa Showroom&Lab Paris est un lieu de rencontre et d'échange. Nous sommes heureux d'avoir accueilli dans nos locaux 80 jeunes de l'Institut Français de la Mode Summer School venant de 24 pays différents. Avec eux, nous avons exploré la supply chain du luxe et relevé les défis de notre secteur ainsi que le potentiel créatif de la filière. Les étudiants de l'Institut Français de la Mode Summer School se sont montrés curieux et motivés, apportant avec eux une bouffée de fraîcheur et de créativité. Ils ont partagé leurs expériences et leurs connaissances, contribuant ainsi à créer un environnement d'apprentissage dynamique et collaboratif. Leur énergie et leur enthousiasme nous inspirent à continuer à repousser les limites de l'excellence dans notre domaine. Nous remercions l'Institut Français de la Mode pour cette opportunité extraordinaire et tous les jeunes participants d'avoir rendu cette expérience inoubliable. Chez HModa, nous sommes convaincus que l'investissement dans la formation et l'engagement des nouvelles générations est la clé d'un progrès continu. L'HModa Showroom&Lab Paris è un luogo d'incontro e di scambio. Siamo felici di aver ospitato nei nostri spazi 80 giovani dell'Institut Français de la Mode Summer School provenienti da 24 nazioni diverse. Con loro abbiamo esplorato la supply-chain del lusso e affrontato le sfide del nostro settore e il potenziale creativo della filiera. Gli studenti dell Institut Français de la Mode Summer School si sono dimostrati curiosi e motivati, portando con sé una ventata di freschezza e creatività. Hanno condiviso le loro esperienze e conoscenze, contribuendo a creare un ambiente di apprendimento dinamico e collaborativo. La loro energia e il loro entusiasmo ci ispirano a continuare a spingere i confini dell'eccellenza nel nostro settore. Ringraziamo l'Institut Français de la Mode per questa straordinaria opportunità e tutti i giovani partecipanti per aver reso questa esperienza indimenticabile. In HModa siamo convinti che investire nella formazione e nel coinvolgimento delle nuove generazioni, siano la chiave per un progresso continuo. #IFMsummerschool #IFM #HModa

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di HModa, immagine

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    Valentina Vaccarini, director of HModa Showroom&Lab Paris, Board Member of Accademia HModa & PM Ente Formativo Calzaturiero, participated in the Première Vision panel entitled "The management of supply chain: from fiber to final product". During her speech, topics such as sustainability in the supply chain and educational projects initiated by HModa were discussed. "HModa recognises that effective and integrated supply chain management is essential to maintain competitiveness and ensure long-term sustainable success. Our strategic approach is based on collaboration, transparency and sustainability. We want to create a highly integrated ecosystem of partners, where every actor in the value chain can contribute significantly and benefit from shared synergies. We also actively face the challenge of attracting young workers in the fashion sector through various initiatives, including Accademia HModa, Ente Formativo Calzaturiero delle Marche and CRAFT-MI project. These programs offer professional training that combines theory and practical experience, sharing our know-how and contributing to generational turnover within the fashion industry." Valentina HModa is committed to a sustainable future and believes in the importance of investing in education to ensure the continuity of excellence in the production of Italian fashion. #PremièreVision #Paris #HModa #SupplyChain #Education

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Première Vision, immagine

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    [PV TALK] - Première Vision Paris 2-4 July 2024 Tuesday 2 July 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm The management of supply chain, from fiber to final product With, Marion Colibeau, Senior partnership Manager / PANGAIA Valentina Vaccarini, Director / HModa Showroom&Lab Paris, Board Member / Accademia HModa Giovanni Vasino, Sales Manager / ANGELO VASINO S.P.A. Marco Mantellassi, CEO / Manteco Moderated by Silvia Gambi, journalist and founder / Solo Moda Sostenibile #supplychain #fiber #product #management #premierevision

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di HModa, immagine

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    The corporate culture of SERISCREEN S.R.L., a company part of the HModa Group specializing in screen printing, promotes creativity, collaboration and excellence. Driven by innovation, the company creates unique solutions in digital and UV screen printing. With a constant eye on the future, Seriscreen is determined to follow emerging trends and anticipate customers' needs. #HmodaGroup #Seriscreen #screenprinting

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di SERISCREEN S.R.L., immagine

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    Seriscreen, specializzata in serigrafia, stampa digitale, stampa UV e su grande formato, offre anche servizi di stampa su pelle, tessuto e decorazione di mezzi. Fondata nel 1992, l'azienda è diventata un punto di riferimento per il Valdarno e le province di Firenze e Arezzo. La crescita di Seriscreen è dovuta a significativi investimenti in tecnologie all’avanguardia e a un costante aggiornamento dei macchinari. Questa strategia ha permesso di ampliare il portfolio clienti, il mercato di riferimento e di specializzarsi in lavorazioni complesse. La nuova sede dell’azienda testimonia il successo ottenuto in questi anni di attività ed è il simbolo di una filosofia di lavoro basata sulla ricerca della massima qualità. La cultura aziendale di Seriscreen promuove creatività, collaborazione ed eccellenza. Guidata dall’innovazione, l'azienda crea soluzioni uniche nella stampa serigrafica digitale e UV. Con uno sguardo costante al futuro, insieme a HModa, Seriscreen è determinata a seguire le tendenze emergenti e ad anticipare le esigenze dei clienti. #Seriscreen #screenprinting #HModaGroup

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    People are the main value of our companies, and their well-being in the workplace is fundamental to facing everyday challenges together. Like bees, in HModa we act together according to values of solidarity, rigor, efficiency, sustainability and collaboration towards the achievement of common goals. At HModa, we believe that the single person can make the difference and that the Group achieves more ambitious results if it acts in harmony by supporting each other. #HModa #Sharing #Inspiring #People

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Project Officina Creativa, immagine

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    DISTRICTS - On the loose Districts is the name of the project that combines synergistically, to date, Project Officina Creativa and RBS Srl and their respective production districts, forming an industrial project in the HModa Group of long-term that offers luxury brands sportswear products Made in Italy, with corporate verticalization and integration of strategic assets. The opportunity to spend a day together outside the company spaces, is an opportunity to strengthen even more the team spirit that unites us, having fun, getting to know us more, also personally as well as professionally, and making new experiences. An opportunity that we also share with our families and friends, because they can know the value of the passion we have for our work. __ DISTRICTS - Assieme fuori azienda Districts è il nome del progetto che aggrega sinergicamente, a oggi, Project e Rbs, e i rispettivi distretti produttivi, formando un progetto industriale di lungo periodo nel Gruppo HModa. L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di offrire ai luxury brand prodotti sportswear Made in Italy, con verticalizzazione aziendale e l'integrazione di asset strategici. L'opportunità di trascorrere assieme una giornata al di fuori degli spazi aziendali, è l'occasione per rafforzare ancora di più lo spirito di squadra che ci unisce, divertendoci, conoscendoci maggiormente, anche personalmente oltre che professionalmente, e facendo nuove esperienze. Un'opportunità che condividiamo anche con le nostre famiglie e amici, perché possono conoscere il valore della passione che abbiamo per il nostro lavoro. #HModa #productiondistricts #RBS #PRJT #sportswear

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