Foto di copertina di JACOBACCI & PARTNERS S.p.A.


Consulenza e servizi aziendali

TORINO, Italy 16.861 follower

Since 1872 we have been protecting your bright ideas.

Chi siamo

Jacobacci & Partners is the largest firm in Italy, and one of the most important in Europe, specialized in the legal protection and defence of intellectual property. Founded in 1872 in Turin, where at that time the Italian Patents and Trade-marks Office was located, Jacobacci & Partners has long been a leader in the protection of trademarks and patents thanks to the continuous development of its own technologies and its own working methods. In the course of a century, it has served a more and more demanding and heterogeneous Clientele. Jacobacci & Partners is internationally recognized, as evidenced by the top position achieved by the company in Italy in the rankings compiled and published by Managing Intellectual Property in its World Intellectual Property Surveys for each consecutive year, since 1997. In every country of the world there is a top-ranking legal office or industrial property consultancy which corresponds or collaborates with Jacobacci & Partners. This constitutes a high-quality network, tested by a wide range of problems and refined over many years. Such cooperation enables Jacobacci & Partners to support its Clients in every administrative or judicial proceedings with the same high quality standard. Thanks to its valuable know-how, Jacobacci & Partners offers its Clients an outstanding professional structure. Its mission is to do its best to assist Clients who want to be at the top of the market, providing suitable solutions to problems in all circumstances and for all countries.

Sito Web
Consulenza e servizi aziendali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
IP - PATENT - TRADEMARK - COPYRIGHT - SOFTWARE KNOW HOW, design e anticontraffazione


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