Consulenza #export #import per: identificare e gestire mercati e clienti esteri - organizzare #fiere e incontri d'affari - sviluppare presenza su #marketplace e #LinkedIn - progetti #internazionalizzazione #MadeInItaly
UP TO €300,000 GRANTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF E-COMMERCE, INCLUSIVE DIGITAL TRADE!! Are you a cooperatives, entrepreneurs, social enterprises, and business communities (legal person, non profit making) based in the Southern Mediterranean (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia)? Then this is for you: Union for the Mediterranean could support you to expand into e-commerce! The UfM Grant Schemes have been made available by the financial support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE COOPERACION INTERNACIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO - AECID 📅 Application by October 28, 2024. Comment "guidelines" for the link to them! ******************************************************* 👍 Did you find the post interesting? Leave a like, comment and share. Follow me for updates on food and beverages, export, import, madeinitaly, FDI Italian Companies interested in finding new customers / suppliers abroad? Drop me a line…….