Oggi, lunedì 17 marzo, il Partner Giulio Mazzotti è intervenuto in qualità di docente al Master in "Diritto Tributario, Contabilità e Pianificazione Fiscale" della Luiss Guido Carli University di Roma, concentrandosi in particolare sugli aspetti accounting e fiscali di alcune delle principali operazioni di M&A, in una lezione dal titolo “Fusioni e LBO: Profili contabili e fiscali”. #Tax #ExtraordinaryTransactions #Taxation #DirittoTributario
Chi siamo
Legance is an independent Italian law firm with expert, active and result-oriented professionals, with a strong team spirit that has permitted a flexible and incisive organisational model that, through departments active in all practice areas of business law, shows the right balance between the specialist and the lawyer as a global consultant. Thanks to its attention to client service, the quality of its professionals and its team work, as well as to an innovative approach to the legal practice, Legance is a point of reference for major Italian and foreign industrial and banking groups, providing global services in most practice areas. Our professionals, who are regularly quoted by international directories as leading practitioners in the Italian market are steadily involved in the most important and complex transactions completed in Italy and Europe. Our close relationships with leading independent law firms throughout the world ensure that we can provide to our clients legal services on international transactions of the highest standard in terms of quality and efficiency. Legance comprises over 400 professionals, working in its Milan, Rome and London* offices. For your application you can send us your CV at the following link: https://recruiting.legance.it/ * Legance – Avvocati Associati and its partners are not regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (the “SRA”) and the SRA’s compulsory insurance scheme does not apply to them (they are instead covered by equivalent Italian insurance). A list of the partners of Legance – Avvocati Associati is open to inspection at the office of its London branch at Aldermary House 10-15 Queen Street London EC4N 1TX and also on the following website http://www.legance.it/eng/index.htm
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Legance
- Settore
- Studio legale
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 201-500 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Milan, Lombardy
- Tipo
- Società di persone
- Data di fondazione
- 2007
- Settori di competenza
- Corporate Finance, Banking & Finance, DCM, ECM, Financial Intermediaries, Investment Funds, Dispute Resolution, Restructuring, Insolvency, Eu, Labour, Tax, Administrative, Real Estate, Energy, Compliance, Transportation, IP, TMT, Environmental, Insurance, Food Law, White Collar Crimes, Life Sciences & Healthcare e ESG & Impact
Via Broletto 20
Milan, Lombardy 20121, IT
Via di San Nicola da Tolentino, 67
Rome, Latium 00187, IT
10-15 Queen Street
London, England EC4N 1TX, GB
Dipendenti presso Legance
Marco Varvello - News Correspondent, Bureau Chief at RAI UK, Marco Gubitosi - London Resident Partner at #Legance and Valentino Valentini - Deputy Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy closed the 9th Edition of “Equity and Debt investments in Italy conference”. A moment of mutual discussion and enrichment thanks to the valuable contributions from all the speakers. Thanks to the Ambassador of Italy to the United Kingdom for his attendance and hospitality, and to all the attendees who took part in this event. #EquityandDebtConference #ItalianInvestments
Anna Irrera - Senior Editor at Bloomberg News and Marco Gubitosi - London Resident Partner at #Legance introduced the last panel of the conference regarding policies and reforms in the Italian contemporary economic, business and legal environment, which were discussed with Alessandro Cattaneo - Chair of the UK-Italy Friendship Group in the Italian Parliament and Co-chair Pontignano Conference, Barbara Cimmino - Vice President at Confindustria, Carlo Comporti - Commissioner at CONSOB and Fabrizio Testa - CEO at Borsa Italiana. #EquityandDebtConference #ItalianInvestments
Unleashing debt capital market was the focus of the panel moderated by Andrea Giannelli - Founding and Senior Partner at #Legance and Nicol Degli Innocenti - journalist at Il Sole 24 Ore. The opportunities for private debt and alternative lenders in Italy were examined by Gianluca Capone - Investment Analyst at King Street Capital Management, Federico Brambilla - Director at Fortress Investment Group, Simone Loewenthal - Investment Director at Farallon Capital Management and Massimo Piazzi - Managing Director at Morgan Stanley. #EquityandDebtConference #ItalianInvestments
Long term equity investments represent an evolving landscape characterised by market opportunities in all sectors. Laura Li Donni and Francesco Florio - Partners at #Legance, together with Andrew Whiffin - Reporter and Editor, Monetary Policy Radar and former Lex Writer at the Financial Times, moderated a discussion regarding challenges and lessons learnt on these types of investment through the eyes of Luca Bassi - Partner and Co-Head of the Technology Financial and Business Services Vertical at Bain Capital, Fabio Canè - Managing Partner at NB Renaissance, Gabriele Cipparrone - Partner at Apax Partners, Giampiero Mazza - Managing Partner at CVC Capital Partners, Michele Rabà - Partner and Head of European Private Equity at Apollo Global Management, Inc., Alessandro Binello - Group CEO at QUADRIVIO GROUP, Francesco Giuliani - Managing Director at Oaktree Capital Management, L.P., Marco Molteni - Managing Director at Ardian, Valentina Pippolo - Chief Investment Officer Equity at Nextalia SGR and Lorenzo Stanca - Managing Partner at MCP - Mindful Capital Partners. Following this panel, Federico De Rosa - Deputy Editor–in-Chief at Corriere della Sera and Marco Gubitosi - London Resident Partner at #Legance discussed the Italian investments, capital markets and Government reforms with Federico Freni - Undersecretary of State to the Ministry of Economics and Finance Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze. #EquityandDebtConference #ItalianInvestments
The 9th Edition of “Equity and Debt investments in Italy conference” at the Italian Embassy in London has just begun. The conference has been organised by the Ambassador of Italy to the United Kingdom H.E. Inigo Lambertini and #Legance, under the patronage of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy and the Ministry of Economics and Finance, with the aim to promote a continuous dialogue between industry players and national institutions in charge of the issues concerning foreign investment in Italy and regulatory innovation in this sector. H.E. Inigo Lambertini - The Ambassador of Italy and Filippo Troisi - Founding and Senior Partner at Legance gave the opening remarks and started the discussion concerning foreign investment in Italy and the Italian banking system in order to convey to the numerous institutional investors in the London market an accurate and thorough understanding of the specific interactions of such market with the Italian economy, finance and industry. #EquityandDebtConference #ItalianInvestments Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy
Domani, sabato 15 marzo, il Counsel Giacomo Testa sarà tra i docenti del master in "Diritto dei contratti pubblici" organizzato da SIAA - Società Italiana degli Avvocati Amministrativisti, Università degli Studi di Cagliari e Centro di Ricerca “Welfare generativo, sostenibilità e diritti” dell’UER - Università Europea di Roma. L'intervento di Giacomo sarà focalizzato sugli affidamenti in house. #ContrattiPubblici #DirittoAmministrativo Master Universitario di II livello in Diritto dei contratti pubblici - A.A. 2024/2025
Si terrà il 20 marzo il convegno "“Codice dei contratti pubblici: un cantiere riaperto dal Correttivo 209” organizzato da IGI - Istituto Grandi Infrastrutture presso il TAR Lazio a Roma. Il Partner Alessandro Botto terrà le conclusioni del convegno, ideato con l'obiettivo di discutere delle nuove disposizioni integrative correttive al Codice dei Contratti Pubblici. Istituto Grandi Infrastrutture Roma #ContrattiPubblici #IGI
Ieri, giovedì 13 marzo, abbiamo ospitato nel nostro Auditorium di Milano l'evento "Il ruolo del Regolatore nel processo di M&A" promosso dalla Commissione M&A di AIFI - Associazione Italiana Private Equity, Venture Capital e Private Debt. I saluti di benvenuto sono stati tenuti da Marco Gubitosi, Partner di #Legance. Nell'ambito dell'evento, Francesco Florio, Partner di #Legance, è intervenuto nella tavola rotonda "FDI: golden power e negoziazione del deal". #mergers #acquisitions #FDI
✨ Il ruolo del Regolatore nel processo di M&A 📌 L'evento, promosso dalla Commissione M&A #AIFI, si è tenuto ieri presso la sede di Legance 👉 Dopo i saluti di benvenuto da parte di Marco Gubitosi - Legance, quattro tavole rotonde 🟢 Impatto sui flussi di investimento | Luciano Di Via - Clifford Chance, Filippo Guicciardi - EQUITA, Matteo Zenari - Intesa Sanpaolo 🟢 Regulatory constraints in Italia e all'estero | Carlo Mammola - Montefiore Investment, Eugenio Morpurgo - Fineurop Soditic S.p.A., Ermelinda Spinelli - Freshfields 🟢 FDI: golden power e negoziazione del deal | Francesco Florio - Legance, Raffaele Legnani - H.I.G. Capital, Ettore Scandale - McDermott Will & Emery 🟢 Clausole contrattuali | Enzo Marasà - Portolano Cavallo, Alberto Salvadè - Bird & Bird, Guido Testa - Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP 🤝 Barbara Passoni - #AIFI
Le imprese nella transizione energetica: a che punto siamo? Il commento di Monica Colombera, Senior Partner di #Legance, in occasione del suo intervento alla quinta edizione del Business Talk “Fonti Alternative & Green Transition” organizzato da RCS Academy in collaborazione con Corriere della Sera e Pianeta 2030, tenutosi stamattina a Milano e in diretta streaming. #RCSAcademy #BusinessTalk #GreenTransition