As we bring together our skills and expertise under the unified IMI brand to build a stronger company focused on innovation, sustainability, and collaboration, all content from this page will now be available on the IMI Process Automation LinkedIn profile. Be sure to follow IMI Process Automation to stay updated with the latest news and insights from IMI Orton!
IMI Orton
Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali
Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna 5.641 follower
Breakthrough Engineering for a Better World
Chi siamo
IMI is an international leader in the manufacture of triple offset metal-seated valves, large diameter double-eccentric butterfly valves and concentric rubber-lined valves, for on-off and control service. We have over 50 years experience in designing customised valve solutions for our customers, combining efficiency and reliability with the highest safety standards, for use in extreme operating environments. Critical applications: • Oil & Gas: our valves have proved their long-term performance and reliability in both on- and off-shore facilities where tight shut-off isolation and modulating features are essential. We are proud that our products and specialists have become real partners to our customers, operating in harsh environments and critical service. • LNG liquefaction plants & terminals: IMI Orton valves are in use in LNG (liquefied natural gas) liquefaction plants and regasification terminals worldwide. Customers select us for the wide range of technical solutions we can offer, and for our state-of-the-art testing facility, which means that every valve is fully tested before it is supplied. • Petrochemical industries: with a wide range of valves ranging from 2” to 120”, IMI valves are widely installed in petrochemical plants around the world. PTA plants with process licensed manufacturers have approved IMI products, and regularly install our valves to guarantee top performance and easy maintenance. • Desalination plants: our valves help customers operate desalination plants efficiently and reliably. Our valves protect the pumps in the desalination process area, and the perfect sealing and modulating capability of our valves is now widely recognised by plant operators. We also offer customers an ongoing maintenance programme, to ensure trouble-free performance for years to come.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per IMI Orton
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 201-500 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna
- Tipo
- Ditta individuale
- Data di fondazione
- 1963
- Settori di competenza
- Triple Eccentric Metal Seated Butterfly Valves, Rubber Sealed Butterfly Valves, Double Eccentric Soft Seated Butterfly valves, LNG, Tight Shut Off, Isolation, Customization, Control, TOV, Oil&Gas, Butterfly valves, Triple Offset valves, Desalination, Petrochemical, Cryogenic e Engineering
Via dei Bazachi
Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna 29121, IT
Dipendenti presso IMI Orton
As we unite all our skills and expertise under one IMI brand to create a stronger company dedicated to innovation, sustainability, and collaboration, all content from this page will be available on the IMI Process Automation LinkedIn profile moving forward. Make sure to follow IMI Process Automation to stay in the loop with all our latest updates and insights from IMI Orton. #IMIProcessAutomation #IMI
“Siamo molto legati e grati al territorio di Piacenza: la chiave del nostro successo è la competenza e la dedizione di tutti i nostri colleghi.” ✒️✨ Siamo lieti di condividere l’articolo pubblicato il 4 luglio sul quotidiano locale di Piacenza. Un grazie speciale al team di EDITORIALE LIBERTA - SOCIETA PER AZIONI! ✒️ #IMI #ValveUniversity #Experiencetomaster
In occasione della giornata IMI WAY DAY 2024, abbiamo avuto il piacere di ricevere la visita di volontari dell’associazione Progetto Vita (, inaugurando l’iniziativa “Cuore e Lavoro”, dedicata alla prevenzione di patologie cardiologiche. Il benessere di tutti i dipendenti in IMI ORTON è una priorità aziendale, per cui abbiamo lanciato con entusiasmo l’iniziativa “Cuore e Lavoro” offrendo uno screening cardiologico gratuito a tutti gli interessati. La Dottoressa Aschieri, direttore di cardiologia presso l’ospedale di Piacenza e presidente dell' associazione Progetto Vita, ha sottolineato l’importanza dello screening a fini della prevenzione della cardiopatia, e ha spiegato come l’attività dell’ associazione Progetto Vita contribuisca a diffondere la disponibilità di defibrillatori sul territorio di Piacenza. Il contributo di IMI ORTON aiuterà all’acquisto di defibrillatori e servirà per migliorare la capacità diagnostica degli ecografi a disposizione. Un sentito grazie da parte di IMI ORTON ai volontari del Progetto Vita, che gratuitamente prestano il loro servizio per il bene della comunità.
A big success for the Orton football team, we won the tournament! Kudos to the entire team, especially the coach Enzo Stendardo , who formed a formidable team! Congratulations to Alessandro Coca Sejas for winning the prize for best goalkeeper, but most importantly, a big thank you to Confindustria Piacenza for organizing such a great event in Piazza Cavalli. You can read more about the event here:
We are pleased to have participated in the Career Day at the Politecnico di Milano again this year. Our heartfelt thanks go to the University for their hospitality and to all those who visited our booth. #IMI #ValveUniversity #Experiencetomaster
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Still curious about our new look, and IMI Process Automation? Discover more about this new identity, and what it means for you and your business over on our website: #IMI #Engineering
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We believe that something special happens when different people and ideas unite as one. It is the moment a solution is found. A problem is solved. And a better world is made. That’s why, over time, you’ll see our product brands unite under one IMI visual identity. Giving us the ability to push technology to the limit and deliver safer, more sustainable, and more productive solutions to your problems together as one IMI, while keeping the teams you know and the expertise you trust the same. This is IMI Process Automation, where together we engineer a better world. To find out more, visit: #IMI #Engineering
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Celebrating 5,000 Followers! A Huge Thank You from IMI Orton! 🎉 We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for choosing to follow us and for your ongoing support. #IMI #ExperienceToMaster #ValveUniversity