🇪🇺 What is the General Data Protection Regulation? What does it provide in terms of data protection and regulation? How was it actually implemented in Italy? In this podcast episode (part 2), Avv. RA Marco Rampf of "RAMPF EICHNER Avvocati und Rechtsanwälte in Kooperation" interviews Avv. Edoardo Di Maggio, our expert data protection and processing attorney about the basics of the GDPR and Legislative Decree No. 196/03. ✅ Find the link to the podcast episode in the first comment to this post! We would like to remind you that our podcasts are published every 14 days and concern the latest legislation and topics from the areas of real estate law and inheritance law, corporate law, compliance, contracts and cross-border legal transactions, with a special focus on the exchange between Italy and Germany. Our podcast channel is published, inter alia, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Index, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, Overcast, Castro, Podfriend and Goodpods. You are also welcome on our website. ✅ Find the link to our website in the second comment to this post! Enjoy our podcast! #gdpr #dsgvo #dataprotection #dataprocessing #privacy 💡 LEGAL NOTICE: This Podcast is not intended as binding legal advice. The legal situation must be checked on a case-by-case basis and the final result may vary. We are always at your disposal for questions and further information.
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Rome, Latium 1.962 follower
Avvocati und Rechtsanwälte in Kooperation | Monaco di Baviera, Roma, Brescia
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Siamo una cooperazione transfrontaliera consolidata, stabile e duratura tra Avvocati italiani e tedeschi. I fondatori e partner nominali della cooperazione sono abilitati al patrocinio in entrambe le giurisdizioni grazie alla loro doppia qualifica di “Avvocati e Rechtsanwälte”. Dalle nostre sedi di Roma, Monaco di Baviera e Brescia la nostra piccola ma qualificata rete di professionisti italo-tedeschi è al servizio di una clientela selezionata che necessita di consulenza specialistica e supporto legale puntuale nei vari ambiti del diritto civile e commerciale italiano e tedesco. Assistiamo piccole e medie imprese, imprese a conduzione familiare nonché privati, unendo competenza giuridica e visione imprenditoriale. Le nostre origini italo-tedesche e la nostra presenza locale in Italia e in Germania, ma soprattutto la nostra pluriennale esperienza nei relativi ordinamenti giuridici, sono il nostro biglietto da visita per un’assistenza consulenziale diretta ed efficace nell’interesse dei nostri clienti. Primo contatto? info@rampf-eichner.eu Siamo lieti di poterlaLa supportare nei Suoi affari!
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- 2-10 dipendenti
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- Rome, Latium
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- Lavoratore autonomo
- Data di fondazione
- 2012
- Settori di competenza
- Corporate Law, Compliance, Commercial Law, International Contracts, Tax Consulting, Accounting, Real Estate Law, Project Finance, Industrial Property, Energy Law, Tourism & Lodging, Start-Up, Manufacturing & Food e Renewable Energies
Via Roberto Raviola, 32
Rome, Latium 00127, IT
Thomas-Wimmer Ring 9
Munich, Bavaria 80539, DE
Via Aldo Moro 40
c/o Studio Scaglia
Brescia, Italy 25124, IT
Dipendenti presso RAMPF EICHNER
🇪🇺 OUR PODCASTS FOR SME AND ENTREPRENEURS What is the General Data Protection Regulation? What does it provide in terms of data protection and regulation? How was it actually implemented in Italy? In this podcast episode (part 1), Avv. RA Marco Rampf of "RAMPF EICHNER Avvocati und Rechtsanwälte in Kooperation" interviews Avv. Edoardo Di Maggio, our expert data protection and processing attorney about the basics of the GDPR and Legislative Decree No. 196/03. ✅ Find the link to the Podcast-Episode in the first comment to this post! We would like to remind you that our podcasts are published every 14 days and concern the latest legislation and topics from the areas of real estate law and inheritance law, corporate law, compliance, contracts and cross-border legal transactions, with a special focus on the exchange between Italy and Germany. Our podcast channel is published, inter alia, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Index, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, Overcast, Castro, Podfriend and Goodpods. You are also welcome on our website. ✅ Find the link to our website in the second comment to this post! Enjoy our podcast! #gdpr #dataprotection #dataprocessing #dsgvo 💡 LEGAL NOTICE: This Podcast is not intended as binding legal advice. The legal situation must be checked on a case-by-case basis and the final result may vary. We are always at your disposal for questions and further information.
🇩🇪 UNSERE PODCAST ZUM ITALIENISCHEN RECHT FÜR DEUTSCHE KMU UND MITTELSTÄNDISCHE UNTERNEHME. DIE ITALIENISCHE GMBH: BÜCHER UND JAHRESABSCHLUSS Welche Gesellschaftsbücher hat eine italienische GmbH zu führen? Welcher Unterschied besteht zwischen dem "Buch der Gesellschafter" und dem "Buch der Gesellschaftsprotokolle"? Wie erstellt man einen Jahresabschluss und woraus besteht er? In dieser Podcast-Episode gibt Ihnen Herr Avv. RA Marco Rampf von "RAMPF EICHNER Avvocati und Rechtsanwälte in Kooperation" eine aufschlussreiche Übersicht zu diesen verschiedenen Themen. ✅ Den Link zur Podcast-Episode finden Sie im ersten Kommentar zu diesem Post! Wir möchten Sie an dieser Stelle daran erinnern, dass unsere Podcasts alle 14 Tage erscheinen und sich mit der neuesten Gesetzgebung und Themen aus den Bereichen Immobilien- und Erbrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Compliance, Vertragsrecht und internationaler Rechtsverkehr, mit besonderem Fokus auf den Austausch zwischen Italien und Deutschland, befassen. Unser Podcast-Kanal ist u.a. auf Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Index, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, Overcast, Castro, Podfriend und Goodpods vertreten. Für weitere Informationen und Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne auf unserer Webseite zur Verfügung und freuen uns auf Ihren Kontakt! ✅ Den Link zu unserer Webseite finden Sie im zweiten Kommentar zu diesem Post! Viel Spaß! #gmbh #gesellschaftsbücher #jahresabschluss #bilanz #italien 💡 RECHTLICHER HINWEIS: Dieser Podcast versteht sich keineswegs als verbindliche Rechtsberatung. Die konkrete Rechtslage des Einzelfalls muss von Fall zu Fall geprüft werden und kann im Endergebnis unterschiedlich ausfallen. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit für Rückfragen und nähere Auskünfte zur Verfügung.
🇩🇪 LITERARISCHES PROJEKT 2024 AUF DER ZIELSTRECKE! Während unser Literarisches Projekt 2024 in den Endspurt geht, haben wir mit Freude festgestellt, dass unsere Co-Autorinnen aus der Universität Köln/Florenz und Mitglieder des Deutsch-Italienische Rechtswissenschaftler e.V., Frau Carla Cassano und Frau Francesca Ortalda mit ihren Beiträgen und mit ihrer Begeisterung das Projekt über seinen ursprünglichen Scope of Work hinausgewachsen haben lassen und es von einem einfachen Vademecuum zu einem Fachbuch erhoben haben. Wir haben uns von dieser Begeisterung anstecken lassen und entschlossen, das Layout unserer Bücher der Qualität seiner Inhalte anzupassen. Hier ein kleiner Einblick in die neue Grafik. Veröffentlichung bleibt für die erste Dezemberhälfte bestätigt. Ad majora! 😊
🇮🇹 I NOSTRI PODCAST PER LE PMI E GLI IMPRENDITORI: LA PROTEZIONE E IL TRATTAMENTO DATI NEL GDPR E NELLA LEGGE PRIVACY (PARTE 2) Come sono regolamentati la protezione e il trattamento dei dati personali nella normativa comunitaria e italiana? Ce ne continua a parlare l'Avv. Edoardo Di Maggio, professionista di fiducia di "RAMPF EICHNER Avvocati und Rechtsanwälte in Kooperation", in questo secondo episodio-intervista con l'Avv. RA Marco Rampf, aiutandoci a fare chiarezza su un argomento di sicuro interesse per le PMI e gli imprenditori nella loro attività commerciale domestica e transfrontaliera. ✅ Il link all'episodio podcast è presente nel primo commento al presente post! Ricordiamo che i nostri podcast sono pubblicati ogni 14 giorni e trattano delle ultime normative e argomenti nei settori del diritto immobiliare e del diritto successorio, del diritto societario, della compliance, del diritto contrattuale e delle operazioni giuridiche transfrontaliere, con particolare attenzione all'interscambio tra Italia e Germania. Il nostro canale podcast è presente, tra gli altri, su Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Index, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, Overcast, Castro, Podfriend e Goodpods. Per approfondimenti e maggiori informazioni, Vi invitiamo a contattarci tramite il nostro sito web. ✅ Il link al nostro sito web è presente nel secondo commento a questo post! Buon ascolto! #gdpr #privacy #trattamentodati #pmi 💡 NOTA LEGALE: Questo Podcast non deve essere inteso come una consulenza legale specifica e vincolante. La situazione giuridica particolare deve essere verificata in dettaglio ed il risultato finale può variare a seconda del caso concreto. Siamo sempre a vostra disposizione per domande e ulteriori informazioni.
It's always a pleasure to see our estimated Colleague and fiduciary Professional of RAMPF EICHNER, Avv. Paolo Battaglia on the screen. Paolo is a passionate Globetrotter and has visited almost 140 countries over the last years. Moreover he has a deep and enviable knowledge of the history, the geopolitical situation and the traditions of people and countries he visited and is eventually a resident expert of the transmission "The Passenger" on Radio Roma TV. Almost forgetting... he's a hell of a lawyer! Thanks for being a valuable member of our team! 😊 #globetrotter #kirghizistan #tagikistan
OUR PODCASTS FOR SME AND ENTREPRENEURS: DATA PROTECTION AND PROCESSING ACCORDING TO ITALIAN LAW (PART 1) How is data protection and processing ruled under Italian Law? In this podcast episode (part 1), Avv. RA Marco Rampf of "RAMPF EICHNER Avvocati und Rechtsanwälte in Kooperation" interviews Avv. Edoardo Di Maggio, our expert data protection attorney about the basics for the data protection and processing at domestic, EU and international level. ✅ Find the link to the podcast-episode in the first comment to this post! We would like to remind you that our podcasts are published every 14 days and concern the latest legislation and topics from the areas of real estate law and inheritance law, corporate law, compliance, contracts and cross-border legal transactions, with a special focus on the exchange between Italy and Germany. Our podcast channel is published, inter alia, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Index, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, Overcast, Castro, Podfriend and Goodpods. You are also welcome on our website. ✅ Find the link to the website in the second comment to this post! Enjoy our podcast! #dataprotection #gdpr 💡 LEGAL NOTICE: This Podcast is not intended as binding legal advice. The legal situation must be checked on a case-by-case basis and the final result may vary. We are always at your disposal for questions and further information.
🇩🇪 🇮🇹 UNSERE PODCAST ZUM ITALIENISCHEN RECHT FÜR DEUTSCHE KMU UND MITTELSTÄNDISCHE UNTERNEHMER: EIN-PERSONEN- UND VEREINFACHTE GMBH, INNOVATIVE START-UP UND KMU Wie funktioniert die Ein-Personen-GmbH im italienischen Recht? Was versteht man unter einer "vereinfachten GmbH"? Welche Regelungen bestehen für innovative Start-Ups und für innovative KMU im italienischen Recht? In dieser Podcast-Episode gibt Ihnen Herr Avv. RA Marco Rampf von "RAMPF EICHNER Avvocati und Rechtsanwälte in Kooperation" eine aufschlussreiche Übersicht zu diesen verschiedenen Themen. ✅ Den Link zur Podcast-Episode finden Sie im ersten Kommentar zu diesem Post! Wir möchten Sie an dieser Stelle daran erinnern, dass unsere Podcasts alle 14 Tage erscheinen und sich mit der neuesten Gesetzgebung und Themen aus den Bereichen Immobilien- und Erbrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Compliance, Vertragsrecht und internationaler Rechtsverkehr, mit besonderem Fokus auf den Austausch zwischen Italien und Deutschland, befassen. Unser Podcast-Kanal ist u.a. auf Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Index, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, Overcast, Castro, Podfriend und Goodpods vertreten. Für weitere Informationen und Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne auf unserer Webseite zur Verfügung und freuen uns auf Ihren Kontakt! ✅ Den Link zur Webseite finden Sie im zweiten Kommentar zu diesem Post! Viel Spaß! #KMU #StartUp #GmbH #EinPersonenGmbH 💡 RECHTLICHER HINWEIS: Dieser Podcast versteht sich keineswegs als verbindliche Rechtsberatung. Die konkrete Rechtslage des Einzelfalls muss von Fall zu Fall geprüft werden und kann im Endergebnis unterschiedlich ausfallen. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit für Rückfragen und nähere Auskünfte zur Verfügung.
🇩🇪 🇮🇹 BALD IST ES SOWEIT! Wir freuen uns darauf am 23. September 2024 den Anwälten der Kanzlei Gleiss Lutz (Stuttgart) unser exklusives Webinar zum Thema "LkSG und CMS italienischer Zulieferer" anbieten zu dürfen. Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei unseren geschätzten Kollegen und Schriftführer der "ESG Zeitschrift für nachhaltige Unternehmensführung" vom Verlag C.H.BECK oHG, Dr. Eric Wagner und Dr. Marc M. Ruttloff, Dr. sowie bei Frau Anna-Sophia Wiegers-Schäffler für die Unterstützung bei dieser Initiative und freuen uns auf das bevorstehende Event! Marco Rampf Dr. Susanna Eichner, LL.M. (LMU) #LkSG #Lieferkettengesetz #Compliance #CorporateCompliance #Verbandshaftung #Menschenrechte #Umweltschutz
🇩🇪 🇮🇹 OUR PODCASTS FOR SME AND ENTREPRENEURS: TRADEMARK REGISTRATION AND PROTECTION (PART 2) What are the steps for the registration of a trademark at domestic, EU and/or international level? What is the EUIPO? How can a company protect its trademark against third parties unlawful interference? In this podcast episode (part 2), Avv. RA Marco Rampf of "RAMPF EICHNER Avvocati und Rechtsanwälte in Kooperation" interviews Avv. Edoardo Di Maggio, our expert patent and trademark attorney about the basics for the registration and protection of a trademark at domestic, EU and international level. Find the link to our podcast episode in the first comment to this post! We would like to remind you that our podcasts are published every 14 days and concern the latest legislation and topics from the areas of real estate law and inheritance law, corporate law, compliance, contracts and cross-border legal transactions, with a special focus on the exchange between Italy and Germany. Our podcast channel is published, inter alia, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Index, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, Overcast, Castro, Podfriend and Goodpods. You are also welcome on our website at the link in the second comment to this post. Enjoy our podcast! #trademark #euipo 💡 LEGAL NOTICE: This Podcast is not intended as binding legal advice. The legal situation must be checked on a case-by-case basis and the final result may vary. We are always at your disposal for questions and further information.