RIGHT HUB Srl Società Benefit

RIGHT HUB Srl Società Benefit

Consulenza e servizi aziendali

Seregno, MB 2.316 follower

ESG Strategy | Sustainable Events ISO 20121 | Sustainable Procurement | People with disability work inclusion

Chi siamo

RIGHT HUB Benefit Company is an innovative Italian consulting company providing since 2014 to profit and not-for-profit organizations the following key services: > Sustainability and ESG Strategy design and implementation; > Sustainable Procurement and Supply Chain processes design and implementation; > Social Procurement and Suppliers Diversity programmes design and implementation; > Sustainable and Responsible Management of events, locations of events, organizers of events, suppliers of goods/services for events (ISO 20121); > Sustainability in Motorsports projects ( ISO 20121, ISO 14001, ISO 20400, FIA Accreditation, etc. ); > Sustainable management of tourism facilities (ISO 21401) > Work inclusion of people with disability (Italian Law 68/99 and Convenzione Art.14) and social co-operatives engagement. > Carbon footprint measurement and reduction plan Find out more: https://www.righthub.it/it/

Sito Web
Consulenza e servizi aziendali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Seregno, MB
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Sostenibilità ambientale, economica, sociale ed etica, Eventi sportivi sostenibili , Eventi musicali sostenibili, ISO20121, ISO20400, Art 14 inclusione disabili e cooperative sociali, green procurement e social procurement


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