Produzione di macchinari

Treviglio, (Bergamo) 34.048 follower

Farming Technology. Since 1927.

Chi siamo

SDF is one of the world's leading manufacturers of tractors, agricultural machines, autonomous electric tractors and diesel engines. We distribute products through our SAME, DEUTZ-FAHR, Hürlimann, Grégoire and VitiBot. The company's Headquarters are situated in Treviglio (Bergamo), Northern Italy, where the business was established by the brothers Francesco and Eugenio Cassani in 1927 and from there grew to a multinational company, as well as achieving a revenue of € 2,031 million in 2023. Our mission is to satisfy our customers' needs and the SDF strategy aims at giving its products international appeal, expanding its sales network into key and emerging markets, as well as testing and developing the most advanced technology. We specialize in core components, as well as having a large and competitive product range in terms of quality, efficiency, safety and ease of use. The staff is composed of more than 4,400 employees worldwide, working in a multi-cultural and motivating environment, with concrete growth opportunities. They are engaged in different professional areas depending on their skills: Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Research & Development, Production, Logistics and Purchasing, Accounting and financial services. In this framework, talent and determination are the leading qualities we look for and encourage within the Group, through collaboration and responsibility. If you are interested in joining our team and investing in your future, don't miss the chance! Take a look at the careers opportunities we have in store for you:

Produzione di macchinari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Treviglio, (Bergamo)
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
agricolture, tractor, combine harverster, grape harvester, olive harverster, diesel engine, transmission, axle, cabin e farming


Dipendenti presso SDF


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    34.048 follower

    A short recap of the Agroshow 2024 exhibition in Bednary, Poland. Participants visited the 2,000 sqm stand for 3 full days, where SDF and its dealers exposed 13 tractors and a combine harvester, with a special focus on Agriculture 4.0 and sensors connected to the SDF Farm Management application. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Breve recap della fiera Agroshow 2024 a Bednary, Polonia. I partecipanti hanno visitato per 3 intere giornate lo stand di 2.000 m2 in cui SDF e i suoi concessionari hanno esposto 13 trattori e 1 mietitrebbia, con particolare focus all’Agricoltura 4.0 e ai sensori in connessione con l’applicazione SDF Farm Management. #SDF #tractors #agriculture #SDFnews #poland  

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    Great success at the DEUTZ-FAHR DAYS in Sofuentes, Zaragoza (Spain).  On September 19th, over 100 customers attended the DEUTZ-FAHR DAYS in Sofuentes organised together with the official dealer HERMANOS OTAL AÑAÑOS.   Participants also had the opportunity to test the DEUTZ-FAHR tractors from the 8, 7, and 6 series in field, guided by SDF experts, who shared the latest technological advancements in products. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grande successo ai DEUTZ-FAHR DAYS di Sofuentes, Zaragoza (Spagna).  Il 19 settembre, oltre 100 clienti hanno partecipato ai DEUTZ-FAHR DAYS a Sofuentes, organizzati insieme al concessionario ufficiale HERMANOS OTAL AÑAÑOS.  I partecipanti hanno avuto l'opportunità di provare in campo i trattori DEUTZ-FAHR Serie 8, 7 e 6, guidati dagli esperti SDF che hanno condiviso le ultime novità tecnologiche di prodotto. #SDF #tracors #agriculture #DEUTZFAR #DEUTZFAHRdays  

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    SDF France sponsored the 47th WorldSkills Global Competition in Lyon! Two 6210 TTV tractors were present to support young competitors from around the world in their future career as agricultural technicians. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDF France sponsor alla 47ª WorldSkills Global Competition di Lione! Due trattori 6210 TTV erano presenti per sostenere i giovani competitors di tutto il mondo nella loro futura carriera di tecnici agricoli. #SDF #tractors #agriculture #DEUTZFAHR  

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    SDF opens the SAME Library, at its historic headquarters in Treviglio (Bergamo). Around 1,300 books will now be available to SDF employees, offering them a vast array of choice including bestsellers, classics, novels, thrillers, books for children and young people, as well as publications dedicated to agricultural mechanization. By joining the Rete Bibliotecaria Bergamasca (RBBG) circuit, the Library thus allows all registered workers to borrow books and publications from the 245 participating libraries around the province. To read more: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDF inaugura la Biblioteca SAME, all’interno della storica sede centrale di Treviglio (Bergamo). Oltre 1.300 libri saranno da oggi a disposizione dei dipendenti SDF, per offrire loro una vasta scelta letteraria tra bestseller, classici, romanzi, gialli, libri per bambini e ragazzi, oltre alle pubblicazioni dedicate alla meccanizzazione agricola. Entrando a far parte del circuito della Rete Bibliotecaria Bergamasca (RBBG), la Biblioteca permette a tutti i lavoratori iscritti di prendere in prestito libri e pubblicazioni dalle 245 biblioteche della provincia aderenti alla rete. Per saperne di piu: #SDF #tractors #agriculture #SAME #bibliotecaSAME

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    Apprenticeship and school-to-work alternation in DEUTZ-FAHR Land, Germany: 12 new young talents have chosen SDF DEUTSCHLAND to begin their journey into the world of work.      As of September 1, 2024, 10 new apprentices and 2 university students have embarked on careers as industrial mechanics, warehouse logistics specialist and administrative specialist in Lauingen. The university students, in the school-to-work alternation, come from the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration.  SDF wishes the new apprentices and students a good start in the world of work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apprendistato e alternanza scuola-lavoro a DEUTZ-FAHR Land, in Germania: 12 nuovi giovani talenti hanno scelto SDF DEUTSCHLAND per iniziare il loro percorso nel mondo del lavoro.    Dal 1° settembre 2024, 10 nuovi apprendisti e 2 studenti universitari hanno intrapreso a Lauingen le carriere di meccanico industriale, specialista di logistica di magazzino e specialista amministrativo. Gli studenti universitari, nell'alternanza scuola lavoro, provengono dai Dipartimenti di Ingegneria Meccanica ed Economia Aziendale.     SDF augura ai nuovi apprendisti e ai nuovi studenti un buon inizio nel mondo del lavoro.    #SDF #tractors #agriculture #SDFnews #SDFdeutschland 

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    30 SAME-branded tractors are ready to enter service with firefighters. The SAME Virtus 135 RVshift tractors were built in a few months after winning the ministerial tender and will be dedicated mainly to forest firefighting operations in 18 italian regions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 trattori rossi a marchio SAME sono pronti per entrare in servizio insieme ai vigili del fuoco. I SAME Virtus 135 RVshift sono stati realizzati in pochi mesi dopo la vincita del bando ministeriale e saranno dedicati soprattutto alle operazioni di antincendio boschivo in 18 regioni d’ Italia. #SDF #tractors #agriculture #SDFnews  

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    SDF is committed to helping to look after the environment, a vital resource for us all. Company's commitment to environmental protection is not limited to compliance with minimum regulatory or legal requirements: compliance is only the starting point, a fundamental guarantee of consistency that cannot be disregarded. In addition to pursuing progressive optimisation in the use of energy resources and materials and the consequent reduction of the negative impact in terms of equivalent emissions, SDF has been committed for years to establishing the same standards in its products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L’ambiente è un bene primario della comunità che SDF vuole contribuire a salvaguardare. L’impegno aziendale nella salvaguardia del patrimonio ambientale non si limita alla conformità a requisiti minimi normativi o di legge: il rispetto delle regole rappresenta solamente il punto di partenza, una garanzia di coerenza fondamentale da cui non si può prescindere.  Oltre a perseguire l'ottimizzazione nell’impiego di risorse energetiche e materiali e alla conseguente riduzione dell’impatto negativo in termini di emissioni equivalenti, SDF è impegnata da anni nel fissare le stesse prerogative nei propri prodotti.    #SDF #tractors #agriculture #SDFinnovation #environment 

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    Great success for the ‘Dettagli Meccanici’ workshop, organised yesterday by the SDF Historical Archive on the occasion of 'Luglio con TreviglioMusei'. Inside the SAME Museum, more than twenty children aged 6 to 12 learned analogies between tractor mechanics and the working of the human body through simple and intuitive stories, and then concluded the afternoon with the creation of their own poster-collage on the man-machine theme. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grande successo per il laboratorio “Dettagli Meccanici”, organizzato ieri dall’Archivio Storico SDF in occasione di "Luglio con TreviglioMusei". All’interno del Museo SAME oltre venti bambini dai 6 ai 12 anni hanno imparato analogie tra meccanica del trattore e funzionamento del corpo umano grazie a racconti semplici ed intuitivi, per poi concludere il pomeriggio con la creazione del proprio poster-collage sul tema uomo-macchina. #SDF #tractors #agriculture #SDFnews #dettaglimeccanici 

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    The dealers meeting of the Italian market was held yesterday in Treviglio (Italy).   Yesterday afternoon, the SDF Auditorium hosted over a hundred participants, including market operators and dealers: they discussed the trend of the first months of the year 2024 and shared objectives and strategies for the second half of the year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Si è tenuto ieri, a Treviglio (Italia), il dealers meeting del mercato Italia. L’Auditorium SDF ha ospitato nel pomeriggio di ieri oltre un centinaio di partecipanti, tra operatori del mercato e concessionari: si è discusso dell’andamento dei primi mesi dell’anno 2024 e condiviso obiettivi e strategie per il secondo semestre. #SDF #tractors #agriculture #news #SDFnews

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    The PowerDays in Lauingen (Germany) are drawing to a close.   The training sessions hosted around 500 participants from dealers from all over Europe: field trials and demos allowed them to experience the SDF products and learn about SDF digital services.  The outcome of the experience was entirely positive for the SDF team, which managed to reorganise all activities despite logistical problems caused by the bad weather that hit Lauingen and the surrounding areas last month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Volgono al termine i PowerDays, a Lauingen (Germania).  Le sessioni di formazione hanno ospitato circa 500 partecipanti provenienti da concessionari di tutta Europa: prove in campo e demo hanno permesso di toccare con mano i prodotti e conoscere i servizi digitali SDF. Il bilancio dell’esperienza è stato del tutto positivo per il team SDF, che è riuscito a riorganizzare tutte le attività nonostante i problemi logistici causati dal maltempo che ha colpito Lauingen e le zone limitrofe nel mese scorso.     #SDF #tractors #agriculture #SDFinnovation #powerdays2024 

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