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Stern Energy

Stern Energy

Fabbricazione di semiconduttori per il settore dell'energia rinnovabile

Parma, Parma 15.917 follower

Costruzione, Gestione, Manutenzione e Revamping di impianti fotovoltaici

Chi siamo

Stern Energy, founded in 2008, is an Italian company specialized in technical services for PV plants. Operating in six European countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, France, and Denmark), it offers O&M services, construction, revamping, repowering, and asset management. The company manages a portfolio of 2.1 GWp of technical O&M across 500 plants, 0.6 GWp of constructed or revamped plants, and 1 GWp in asset management. Stern Energy is now a reference point in the European solar sector, thanks to its consolidated experience and ability to offer innovative and customized solutions for every need.

Fabbricazione di semiconduttori per il settore dell'energia rinnovabile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Parma, Parma
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Photovoltaic, Extraordinay Maintenance, Commercial Management, PV Construction, Technical Services, PV Revamping, PV Repowering e Operation & Maintenance


Dipendenti presso Stern Energy


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    🚀 New milestone for Stern Energy! 🚀   We are happy to announce that Stern Energy Germany has taken over the technical management of the newly built solar park in Borrentin! 🌞   Here are the key facts about the park: 🔋 Capacity: 114 MWp 🗓️ Commissioning: October 2024 🏗️ Construction completed by: BELECTRIC GmbH 🤝 Operator: Encavis AG 🔧 Operational management: Stern Energy Germany   With nearly 200,000 solar panels covering an area of 964,600 square metres - the size of 135 football pitches - this park will make an important contribution to sustainable energy generation. 🌱   We are proud to take on this important responsibility and, together with our partners Encavis and BELECTRIC, lead the way to a greener future! 🌍💡 ~ 🚀 Neuer Meilenstein für Stern Energy! 🚀   Wir freuen uns, bekanntzugeben, dass die Stern Energy GmbH die technische Betriebsführung für den neugebauten Solarpark in Borrentin übernommen hat! 🌞   Hier die wichtigsten Fakten zum Park: 🔋 Kapazität: 114 MWp 🗓️ In Betrieb genommen: Oktober 2024 🏗️ Bau abgeschlossen durch: BELECTRIC GmbH 🤝 Betreiber: Encavis AG 🔧 Betriebsführung: Stern Energy GmbH   Mit fast 200.000 Solarmodulen auf einer Fläche von 964.600 Quadratmetern – einer Größe von 135 Fußballfeldern – wird dieser Park einen wichtigen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Energiegewinnung leisten. 🌱   Wir sind stolz darauf, diese wichtige Verantwortung zu übernehmen und gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern Encavis AG und BELECTRIC GmbH den Weg in eine grünere Zukunft zu gestalten! 🌍💡 #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    🎬 Inside the Team - Episode 2: Construction 🎬 Ready to see what happens behind the scenes? 🚀   In the second episode, we take you into the beating heart of our Construction department. Explore the journey of a PV plant construction from the very “first stone” to its energization.   Don't miss this exclusive journey into the world of Construction! #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    🌞 Taking over the ordinary maintenance of the Arsac 4 & 7 PV Plant 🌞 We are pleased to announce that the ordinary maintenance of the Arsac 4 & 7 PV plant is now fully managed by our technical teams! 💡🔧 This takeover ensures optimal management of the plant's proper functioning and guarantees the continuity of green energy production for the region. 🌍♻️ Our teams are committed to regular monitoring of the installations, with detailed inspections and preventive interventions to optimize the performance of the solar panels and ensure maximum energy production throughout the year. 🌱 Stay tuned for more information on our actions and the progress made on this sustainable project. Together, let's build a greener future! 🌿 ~ 🌞 Prise en main de la maintenance ordinaire de la centrale photovoltaïque d'Arsac 4 & 7 (33)🌞 Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que la maintenance ordinaire de la centrale photovoltaïque d'Arsac 4 & 7 est désormais entièrement assurée par nos équipes techniques ! 💡🔧 Cette prise en main assure une gestion optimale du bon fonctionnement de la centrale et garantit la continuité de la production d'énergie verte pour le territoire. 🌍♻️ Nos équipes veillent sur le suivi régulier des installations, avec des inspections détaillées et des interventions préventives afin d'optimiser la performance des panneaux solaires et d’assurer une production énergétique maximale tout au long de l'année. 🌱 Restez connectés pour plus d'informations sur nos actions et les progrès réalisés sur ce projet durable. Ensemble, construisons un avenir plus vert ! 🌿 #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    21 giorni, 3 buone abitudini, un solo obiettivo: la salute! 💪 Nelle ultime settimane, in occasione del World Cancer Day, abbiamo promosso piccole ma importanti scelte quotidiane per il benessere dei nostri dipendenti, aderendo all’iniziativa promossa da Unione Parmense degli Industriali in collaborazione con i professionisti dell’area Oncologica dell’Ospedale Maggiore di Parma. 🥦 Mangia Smart – Frutta fresca sempre disponibile per uno snack sano 🍏 🏃♂️ Muoviti Smart – Un invito a inserire più movimento nelle nostre giornate 🚶♀️ 🚭 Respira Smart – Informazioni utili e mini-giochi per trovare alternative alla pausa sigaretta 🎲 Tre settimane di iniziative per ricordare che il cambiamento parte dai gesti di ogni giorno! Grazie a tutti per la partecipazione e per aver accolto con entusiasmo il nostro percorso di sensibilizzazione. #WorldCancerDay #HealthyHabits #WellbeingAtWork

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Stern Energy

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    We are thrilled with the extraordinary results our collaboration with Encavis AG is achieving in the field of solar energy. The Pozzolo project, a 30MWp solar park in Italy, represents a significant milestone for us. Together with our colleagues, we inaugurated the construction site, marking the beginning of a more sustainable and green future 🌍 #wemakeithappen #renewables

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Encavis AG

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    We are extremely proud to announce the successful groundbreaking of our first new construction project with Stern Energy! 🎉 The Pozzolo project, a 30MWp solar park in Italy, marks a significant milestone for us. Together with some of our colleagues, we inaugurated the construction site and kicked off a sunny future. ☀️ This project was fully developed and planned by Stern Energy, demonstrating their competence, innovation and excellent cooperation within the group. A big thank you to the entire project team for their hard work and dedication. Without you, this success would not have been possible! We look forward to the challenges ahead and to achieving great things together! 🚀 #Encavis #solarpower #renewableenergy #renewables #sternenergy #newbuild

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    🎬 Inside the Team - Ep 1: Business Development 🎬 Ready to see what happens behind the scenes? 🚀    In this first episode, we take you into the beating heart of our Business Development department.   Explore the journey of how a PV plant is developed from the original idea to the start of construction activities.    Don't miss this exclusive journey into the world of Business Development!  #wemakeithappen #renewables

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    Abbiamo completato con successo un importante intervento di revamping inverter presso impianti fotovoltaici situati in Sicilia. Andrea Bandini, membro del Consiglio di amministrazione di Stern Energy, ha commentato: “Siamo orgogliosi di aver collaborato con partner di eccellenza come Green Arrow Capital e SMA Italia nella pianificazione e realizzazione di queste importanti attività di revamping in Italia. Il successo di questo progetto è una chiara dimostrazione della grande professionalità e flessibilità del nostro team nel proporre soluzioni di revamping innovative, capaci di integrare perfettamente le nuove tecnologie con lo stato attuale degli impianti, assicurando un aumento di efficienza e sostenibilità”. Non perdere l'opportunità di scoprire tutti i dettagli di questo progetto 👇🏼 ~ We have successfully completed a major inverter revamping intervention on PV plants located in Sicily. Andrea Bandini, member of the Board of Directors of Stern Energy, commented: “We are proud to have collaborated with excellent partners such as Green Arrow Capital and SMA in the planning and execution of these important revamping activities in Italy. The success of this project is a clear demonstration of our team's great professionalism and flexibility in proposing innovative revamping solutions, capable of perfectly integrating new technologies with the current state of the plants, ensuring increased efficiency and sustainability.” Don't miss the opportunity to discover all the details of this project 👇🏼 #wemakeithappen #renewables  

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    15.917 follower

    🎬 Coming Soon: Inside the Team 🎬 Get ready for a journey behind the scenes of our company! Every month, a new mini episode will take you into the heart of our departments, where the magic happens. Discover the stories, challenges, and victories that make our team unique.    🔍 Episode 1: Business Development  📅 February 5th     🔍 Episode 2: Construction  📅 March 5th     🔍 Episode 3: Asset Management  📅 April 1st     🔍 Episode 4: Control Room  📅 May 6th  #wemakeithappen #renewables

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione Stern Energy

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    Stern Energy France Seminar 2025: A Flying Start! 🚀 This beginning of the year was marked by our kick-off seminar, a key moment for our team. It was an opportunity to come together, strengthen our team spirit, and lay the foundations for upcoming projects. ✨ On the agenda: 👉 A review of a year rich in events and developments for Stern Energy France 👉 A projection for an even more intense 2025 👉 Moments of sharing and relax to strengthen our bonds This seminar was not only an opportunity to set our goals but also to celebrate our past successes. Together, we have already accomplished great things, and this new year promises to be full of promise! 🎯 Goals for 2025: We are ready more than ever to take on new challenges, continue to innovate, and grow together. Thank you all for your energy and enthusiasm! ~ Séminaire Stern Energy France 2025 : Un départ sur les chapeaux de roue ! 🚀 Ce début d’année a été marqué par notre séminaire de rentrée, un moment clé pour notre équipe. L’occasion de se retrouver, de renforcer notre esprit de cohésion et de poser ensemble les bases des projets à venir. ✨ Au programme : 👉 Un retour sur une année riche en événements et développements pour Stern Energy France 👉 Une projection sur une année 2025 qui sera encore plus intense 👉 Des moments de partage et de détente pour renforcer nos liens Ce séminaire n’a pas seulement été l’opportunité de définir nos objectifs, mais aussi de célébrer nos réussites passées. Ensemble, nous avons déjà accompli de grandes choses, et cette nouvelle année s'annonce pleine de promesses ! 🎯 Objectifs 2025 : Nous sommes plus que jamais prêts à relever de nouveaux défis, à continuer d’innover, et à grandir ensemble. Merci à toutes et à tous pour votre énergie et votre enthousiasme ! #wemakeithappen #renewables

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