Processi di sterilizzazione nel settore farmaceutico. Nei reparti farmaceutici, la sterilizzazione è un processo essenziale per garantire la sicurezza dei prodotti. Nel nostro ultimo articolo, Tiziano Galgani, Equipment Commissioning Specialist, approfondisce le principali metodologie, i parametri critici e le normative di riferimento. Scopri di più 👉 ____________________________________________ Sterilization Processes in the Pharmaceutical Sector. In pharmaceutical departments, sterilization is an essential process to ensure product safety. In our latest article, Tiziano Galgani, Equipment Commissioning Specialist, delves into the main methodologies, critical parameters, and relevant regulations. Read more 👉 #Commissioning #Sterilization #PharmaceuticalProcesses #DValue #ZValue
Techniconsult Group
Servizi ingegneristici
Firenze, FI 6.551 follower
Synergy for life sciences
Chi siamo
Techniconsult Group is the union of different companies specialized in consulting, engineering, construction, commissioning, Qualification and maintenance for the Life Sciences industry. Techniconsult Group is constantly developing, flexible, agile and where the people are at the heart of the company and represent its strength. The parent company of the Group, @TechniconsultFirenze was founded in Florence in 1993 following the desire of two young engineers to make their ideas and those of their partners real. Techniconsult Group stands out in the market for its strong specialization in Life Sciences, its soul, its values; it is a living organism that adapts its self to the customer need and believes in the development by skills. Techniconsult Group is one of the few Italian companies able to support its customers during the whole life cycle of a project: starting from consulting, to design, to procurement assistance, to site management, to the construction, Start-up, Commissioning and Qualification activities and plant maintenance. The passion of the Group, is the fundamental characteristic that helps to consolidate relationships of mutual trust with its customers, creating real long-term partnerships. Find out the companies of the group:
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Techniconsult Group
- Settore
- Servizi ingegneristici
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Firenze, FI
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1993
- Settori di competenza
- Engineering, Pharmaceutical Process, Construction, Commissioning and Qualification, Training, Maintenance, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD), 3D Printing, Biotechnology, Pharma, Bulk API, HVAC, Piping, Clean Utilities e Automation
via Carlo del Greco 25/a
Firenze, FI 50141, IT
Dipendenti presso Techniconsult Group
Il Commissioning degli impianti: Importanza, Processo e Benefici. Il commissioning degli impianti è un processo fondamentale per garantire l’efficienza, la sicurezza e la conformità al progetto degli impianti nuovi o modificati. Questo articolo esamina il concetto di commissioning, descrivendo le fasi chiave del processo, i benefici associati e le migliori pratiche per una corretta implementazione Scopri di più nell’articolo scritto da Stefano Palazzeschi, Commissioning Manager 👉 _____________________________________________ Plant Commissioning: Importance, Process, and Benefits. Commissioning is a crucial process to ensure the efficiency, safety, and compliance of new or modified plants. This article explores the concept of commissioning, outlining the key stages of the process, the associated benefits, and best practices for successful implementation. Find out more in the article by Stefano Palazzeschi, Commissioning Manager. 👉 #Commissioning #Maintenance #BestPractices #LifeSciences
Affidabilità e competenza in Commissioning & Qualification. Dalla progettazione alla validazione, mettiamo in campo esperienza e precisione per raggiungere i più alti standard di qualità. Scopri alcune delle nostre referenze! __________________________________________________________ Reliability and expertise in Commissioning & Qualification. From design to validation, we bring experience and precision to achieve the highest quality standards. Discover some of our references! #Commissioning #Qualification #Validation #LifeSciences
Career Day 2025: Unisciti a noi per scoprire un settore unico e stimolante! Il 3 aprile 2025 saremo presenti al Career SPSB Unina Federico II organizzato della Scuola Politecnica e delle scienze di base dell’Università Federico II. Lavorare nel settore Life Sciences significa entrare in un mondo altamente specializzato, dove ogni progetto rappresenta una sfida di alto livello e un’opportunità di crescita. Non si tratta di progettare semplici edifici, ma di contribuire alla realizzazione di reparti produttivi all’avanguardia e alla definizione di processi che fanno la differenza per le aziende farmaceutiche. Non siamo una azienda farmaceutica, ma giochiamo un ruolo fondamentale per il loro successo: supportiamo l’industria Life Sciences progettando soluzioni innovative e accompagnando i nostri clienti nelle loro sfide produttive più complesse. 📍 Ti aspettiamo! 3.04.25 / ore 9:00 Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant’Angelo Via Vicinale Cupa Cintia, 26 Napoli __________________________________________________________ Pharma Day 2025: Discover a Unique and Inspiring Sector! On April 3rd, 2025, we will be at the Career SPSB Unina Federico II, organized by the Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School of the University of Naples Federico II. Working in the Life Sciences sector means stepping into a highly specialized world where every project is a high-level challenge and an opportunity for personal and professional growth. It’s not about designing ordinary buildings; it’s about creating cutting-edge manufacturing facilities and defining processes that drive success for pharmaceutical companies. We may not be a pharmaceutical company, but we play a pivotal role in their achievements: we support the Life Sciences industry by designing innovative solutions and tackling their most complex production challenges. 📍 Join us to learn more! April 3, 2025 / 9:00 AM University Complex of Monte Sant'Angelo Via Vicinale Cupa Cintia, 26 Naples #careerdayspsb2025 #CareerOpportunities #LifeSciences
Vapore di qualità, sterilizzazione efficace! Nei processi di sterilizzazione, ogni dettaglio conta. I test di qualità del vapore (SQT) sono essenziali per garantire sicurezza e conformità. Scopri di più nell’articolo scritto da Emanuele Paesano, C&Q Project Manager 👉 _____________________________________________ Quality Steam, Effective Sterilization! In sterilization processes, every detail matters. Steam Quality Tests (SQT) are essential for ensuring safety and compliance. Find out more in the article by Emanuele Paesano, C&Q Project Manager 👉 #Sterilization #SteamQualityTest #Safety
We would like to present you some of our new colleagues: Cristian Paparella, Mechanical Hydraulic Operator Giuseppe Diana, Mechanical Maintenance Technician Mauro Coppacchioli, Mechanical Hydraulic Operator Welcome on board! #techniconsultgroup #WelcomeOnBoard #MeetTheTeam #Tecma
🌟 Scopriamo una delle tante passioni di Michele Viti, Civil Department Manager 🌟 Michele lavora con noi da oltre 26 anni e, oltre a essere un pilastro della nostra azienda, è anche un appassionato funghaiolo. 🍄 _____________________________________ 🌟 Meet Michele Viti Civil Department Manager, a man of many talents! 🌟 For over 26 years, Michele has been a vital part of our team. Beyond his professional contributions, he has a unique passion for mushroom foraging. 🍄 His dedication and enthusiasm, both at work and in his hobbies, inspire us all. #Techniconsultgroup #MeetTheTeam #HiddenPassions
Commissioning & Qualification: un processo strutturato per garantire performance, compliance e affidabilità degli impianti. Dalla mechanical completion e start-up fino alla validazione finale, offriamo un servizio completo grazie a un team dedicato alle attività di start-up e commissioning ed un team specializzato alle attività di qualifica di impianti e/o equipments. Operiamo sia su impianti da noi progettati che su quelli realizzati da terzi, assicurando qualità e conformità alle normative di settore. Prossima settimana parleremo dell’importanza dei test di qualità del vapore (SQT), un aspetto chiave nelle attività di validazione. Scopri di più sul nostro approccio 👉 ____________________________________ Commissioning & Qualification: a structured process to ensure performance, compliance, and reliability of systems. From mechanical completion and start-up to final validation, we provide a comprehensive service with a dedicated commissioning team working seamlessly with engineering and a specialized validation team. We support both our own designs and third-party systems, ensuring they meet the highest industry standards. Next week, we’ll focus on the importance of Steam Quality Testing (SQT)—a key step in the validation process. Discover more 👉 #Commissioning #Qualification #Validation #PharmaEngineering #EPCM #Testing
Read the article written by Michele Grassi, Head of Containment & Monitoring, who played an active role in the development of the updated SMEPAC guidelines, titled “The Evolution of the SMEPAC Guide: A New Edition of the Guideline for Containment Performance Evaluation.” In this article, published by ASCCA - ASSOCIAZIONE STUDIO E CONTROLLO CONTAMINAZIONE AMBIENTALE, Michele provides an in-depth analysis of the key changes introduced in the new edition, offering valuable insights into how these updates influence the evaluation of containment performance in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Read the full article for more ➡️ #Techniconsultgroup #SMEPAC #Containment #PharmaceuticalManufacturing #Guidelines #ASCCANews #Engineering
New SMEPAC Good Practice Guide now available! The latest edition of the SMEPAC Good Practice Guide has been published by @ISPE, offering a standardized methodology for evaluating containment performance in pharmaceutical manufacturing—covering both liquid and solid dosage forms. Access it here ➡️ We're pleased to highlight that Michele Grassi, Head of Containment & Monitoring, participated as a member of the Core Team, making a significant contribution to the development of this document. Applying these guidelines effectively is crucial for ensuring robust containment strategies. Whether you’re assessing existing controls or implementing new ones, our team is ready to support you in containment performance testing. Let’s connect — find out how we can help: This week, we’ll dive into this topic. Stay tuned! #Techniconsultgroup #SMEPAC #PharmaceuticalManufacturing #Containment #ISPE #Engineering