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World Food Forum

World Food Forum

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

Created for and led by global youth for the sustainable transformation of our agrifood systems

Chi siamo

The World Food Forum (WFF)’s Global Youth Action Initiative is an inclusive, youth-led movement hosted within the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). We empower young leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers to drive action, innovation and policy solutions for the transformation of agrifood systems and the eradication of hunger. In alignment with the UN Food Systems Summit, we unite youth groups, influencers, businesses, academic institutions, non-profits, governments, media and the public to raise awareness, advocate for change and mobilize resources toward sustainable agrifood systems. Through innovation, education, policy engagement and cultural initiatives spanning gastronomy, film, music and art, we equip young people with the tools to create meaningful impact.

Sito Web
Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Non profit
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso World Food Forum


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