Embassy of Switzerland in Japan

Embassy of Switzerland in Japan


Minato City、Tokyo6,252人のフォロワー

Official Representation of Switzerland in Japan


As the official representation of Switzerland in Japan, the Embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between the two countries. It represents Swiss interests in the areas of political, economic and financial affairs, legal arrangements, science, education, culture and tourism.

社員 11 - 50名
Minato City、Tokyo


  • プライマリ

    5-9-12 Minamiazabu

    Minato City、Tokyo、106-0047、JP


Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの社員


  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    🌐 Introducing our Cleantech Online Exhibition on the Vitality.Swiss Website🌱✨ Switzerland is globally recognized not just for its stunning landscapes but also as a leader in innovation, particularly in cleantech. The country’s commitment to developing clean technologies is evident in its efforts to create a more sustainable world, focusing on six core themes: water💧, biodiversity🐝, mobility🚲, waste♻️, energy⚡, and circular economy♻️. Switzerland’s unique political system, close collaboration between government, private sector, and research institutions🤝, and the presence of international organizations foster an environment that drives innovation💡. Through these efforts, Switzerland is actively contributing to global sustainability goals and tackling climate change. 👉Explore a selection of the best Swiss projects and startups in the cleantech space, curated on the Vitality.Swiss website.  Produced and published by: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Presence Switzerland In collaboration with CleantechAlps © FDFA Presence Switzerland, 2024. All rights reserved. 🌐* Vitality.Swissウェブページでクリーンテックオンライン展示会をご紹介* 🌱✨ スイスは、その美しい風景だけでなく、特にクリーンテクノロジー分野におけるイノベーションのリーダーとしても世界的に認知されています。より持続可能な世界の実現に向けたクリーン技術開発への取り組みは、水💧、生物多様性🐝、モビリティ🚲、廃棄物♻️、エネルギー⚡、循環経済♻️という6つのコアテーマに焦点を当てています。スイス独自の政治システム、官民ならびに研究機関どうしの緊密な連携、国際機関の存在は、イノベーションを促進する環境を育んでいます💡。これらの取り組みによって、スイスは世界的な持続可能性目標への貢献と気候変動という課題への対応を積極的に行っています。  👉 Vitality.Swissウェブサイトで、厳選されたスイスのクリーンテクノロジー関連プロジェクトやスタートアップを探ってみてください。  制作・発行:スイス連邦外務省(FDFA)プレゼンス・スイス、クリーンテックアルプスとの共同制作 © FDFA プレゼンス・スイス、2024年。禁無断転載 swisstech CleantechAlps #Cleantech #SustainableInnovation #VitalitySwiss #SwissCleantech #Biodiversity #CircularEconomy #ClimateAction

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  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    🌍 Biodiversity in crisis: How can we drive the transformation towards regenerative economies? ⏳ The time for bold action to halt and reverse alarming biodiversity loss is now, and it is for companies to drive this critical transformation to a regenerative economy, said speakers at the Forum, which was held in Tokyo on October 9, 2024. 👥 In front of around 160 participants, entrepreneurs, researchers, and innovators demonstrated the business case for action, showcased innovative tools, and provided practical insights into how industries can proactively play their part in the transition to economic systems that restore and sustain ecosystems. 💡 The speakers showed that tackling biodiversity loss also makes sense from a purely economic and business perspective. Shifting to a nature-based economy could generate USD $10 trillion 🌱 and create 395 million jobs by 2030. However, there are still too few market incentives for businesses and a lack of data to enable the necessary changes. This is why science and innovation play a crucial role in combating biodiversity loss. 🔬🌿 👉Please find a summary report and video of the Switzerland-Japan Economic Forum here: https://lnkd.in/gPCZCvh This event was organized by the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan 🇨🇭 and the Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (SCCIJ), supported by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and WIRED JAPAN. 🎯 Supported by The Adecco Group, the world’s leading talent advisory and solutions company. We believe in making the future work for everyone, and every day enable more than 3.5 million careers. We develop and hire talent in 60 countries, enabling organizations to embrace the future of work. 🌟 🌍生物多様性の危機:再生型経済への転換を推進するには? ⏳2024年10月9日に東京で開催されたスイス・日本経済フォーラムのスピーカーたちは、警戒すべき生物多様性の損失を食い止めて逆転させるための大胆な行動を今すぐ取るべきであり、再生型経済に向けて企業がこの重要な変革を主導する必要があると述べました。 👥約160名の参加者を前に、起業家、研究者、革新者たちは行動計画を示し、革新的なツールを紹介するとともに、エコシステムを回復し維持する経済システムへの移行に産業がどう積極的に関与できるかについて実践的な洞察も提供しました。 💡スピーカーたちは、生物多様性の損失に取り組むことが経済的・ビジネス的観点からも理にかなっていることを示しました。自然を基盤とした経済への転換は、2030年までに10兆米ドルの価値を生み出し、3億9500万の雇用を創出する可能性があります。しかし、企業に対する市場インセンティブがまだ不足しており、必要な変革を可能にするデータも不足しています。だからこそ、生物多様性の損失に立ち向かう上で科学とイノベーションが重要な役割を果たします。🔬🌿 👉スイス・日本経済フォーラムの要約レポートとビデオはこちらからご覧ください:https://lnkd.in/gajkJFUk このイベントは在日スイス大使館と在日スイス商工会議所が主催し、経団連自然保護協議会とWIRED JAPANの協力を得て開催されました。🎯また、人材コンサルティングとソリューションの分野で世界をリードする企業、The Adecco Groupの支援を受けています。🌟 Photo credit: ©   Sakurako Kuroda Michael Schaepman Universität Zürich | University of Zurich Hirotaka Hideshima Norinchukin Bank Koichi Kuriyama Kyoto University Jun Hashimoto Shimizu Corporation Marcus Maeder Roger Dubach Gregor Muischneek Thomas Brodbeck Anja Rundquist Shogoro Fujiki Nicole Schwab Martin Vetterli Michiaki Matsushima Peter Bakker Hiroshi Suetsugu #スイス #Japan #Switzerland #Biodiversity #Sustainability #RegenerativeEconomies #NaturePositive #EconomicForum #Innovation #Collaboration #ClimateAction #SustainableDevelopment

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  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    🌍 Today, on October 24, we celebrate United Nations Day, a global symbol of unity and cooperation. This year is especially significant for Switzerland, as the UN Day takes place during Switzerland’s presidency of the UN Security Council.  🌐UN Day marks the anniversary of the UN Charter’s entry into force in 1945, through which all members commit themselves to peace, security, and human rights. Switzerland calls upon all states to uphold the principles of the UN Charter. 🕊️ Today also marks the UN Security Council's annual debate on “Women, Peace, and Security” (WPS), with 🇨🇭 President Viola Amherd chairing the discussion on “#WomenBuildingPeace in a Changing Environment”.  🇨🇭🤝🇯🇵 Switzerland and Japan tend to adopt similar positions in multilateral forums, particularly on issues relating to international cooperation, peace policy and nuclear disarmament. Both countries serve as non-permanent members of the UN Security Council in 2023 and 2024, standing together for international peace and stability.  In a time of increasing global challenges, Switzerland remains dedicated to fostering a world order based on international law and mutual trust. Through scientific diplomacy, we anticipate risks and opportunities for peace, shaping a safer and more stable world for future generations. 🌏✨   🌍 今日10月24日は国連デーです。国連デーは世界の団結と協力の象徴です。今年はスイスが国連安全保障理事会の議長国を務める期間に重なるため、特に重要な意義を持っています。 🌐 国連デーは1945年に発効した国連憲章の記念日です。この憲章を通じて、すべての加盟国が平和、安全、そして人権の擁護を約束しています。スイスはすべての国に対して国連憲章の原則を遵守するよう呼びかけています。 🕊️ また、本日は「女性、平和、安全保障」(WPS)に関する国連安全保障理事会の年次討論会が開催されます。スイスのヴィオラ・アムヘルト大統領が議長を務め、「変化する環境における #WomenBuildingPeace (女性が築く平和)」について話し合われます。 🇨🇭🤝🇯🇵 スイスと日本は多国間のフォーラムにおいて、特に国際協力、平和政策、核軍縮に関する議題について、似た立場をとる傾向にあります。両国は2023年および2024年の国連安全保障理事会の非常任理事国として、国際平和と安定のために共に歩んでいます。 ますます多くの世界的課題に直面する中、スイスは国際法と相互信頼に基づく世界秩序の発展に引き続き尽力しています。科学外交を通じて平和のためのリスクと機会を予見し、将来の世代のためにより安全で安定した世界を築くことを目指しています。🌏✨ #APlusForPeace #SwitzerlandUNSC #UN #UNSC#UnitedNationsDay #SwitzerlandJapan #GlobalUnity #ForPeace #Diplomacy #UNCharter #国連 #国連安全保障理事会 #国際連合デー #スイス日本 #世界の団結 #平和のために #外交 #国連憲章 

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  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    📈 Record-Breaking Growth in Swiss Start-Ups! Switzerland is seeing a surge in entrepreneurship! This year over 39,000 new businesses were launched—an impressive +2.2% increase compared to last year's record-breaking figures. This growth highlights the nation's vibrant business environment and innovation potential. ✨ Did you know that 14% of Switzerland's workforce is now self-employed? This includes many part-time entrepreneurs taking the leap while maintaining their day jobs. Whether you're in Switzerland or Japan, there's inspiration in these entrepreneurial success stories. Could Switzerland’s booming start-up culture spark your next venture? 👉 Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/g_fCWQgY. #Switzerland #Startups #Entrepreneurship #Innovation #SwissEconomy 📈 スイスのスタートアップが記録的な成長を達成! スイスでは起業家精神が急速に高まっています!今年は39,000社以上の新企業が設立され、昨年の記録的な数字からさらに2.2%の増加を達成しました。この成長はスイスの活気に満ちたビジネス環境とイノベーションの可能性を如実に示しています。 ✨ スイスの労働人口の14%が自営業者であることをご存知でしたか?その中には、副業として企業を立ち上げ、本業と両立させているパートタイムの起業家も多く含まれています。 スイスでも日本でも、これらの成功事例から刺激を受ける起業家がいるかもしれません。スイスの急成長するスタートアップ文化が、あなたの次の挑戦のきっかけになるかも? 👉 記事の全文はこちらから(英語): https://lnkd.in/g_fCWQgY. #スイス #スタートアップ #起業家精神 #イノベーション #スイス経済 

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  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    🌍🤖 Do you remember our recent post about the groundbreaking "Alps" supercomputer? We’re excited to share that Switzerland is taking another significant step forward in artificial intelligence (AI) with the launch of the Swiss National AI Institute (SNAI). 🎉 This new institute, led by ETH Zürich and EPFL, will accelerate the momentum of the Swiss AI Initiative and spearhead research on large-scale AI enabled by the "Alps" supercomputer, featuring over 10,000 of the latest-generation AI superchips (GPUs). By harnessing this cutting-edge technology, the SNAI aims to tackle pressing challenges in AI while fostering innovation and collaboration across sectors. The focus on developing trustworthy and transparent AI solutions that align with Swiss values is crucial. Through national AI foundation models, the institute seeks to empower sectors like healthcare, sustainability, and education, contributing to Switzerland's overall digital transformation. 🌐💡 Additionally, this initiative presents exciting opportunities for collaboration with Japan, a leader in research and innovation, for example in global health. By sharing knowledge and expertise, we can explore AI applications that address common challenges, from enhancing healthcare systems to promoting sustainable practices. 🇨🇭🇯🇵 👉 Discover more about this groundbreaking initiative in the full article: https://lnkd.in/gfr_Rimj Photo credit: © ETH Zurich 

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  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    🌍 Celebrating Swiss Innovation in Life Sciences! 🇨🇭✨  We are delighted to share the success of the Swiss Pavilion at BioJapan 2024, organized by Swiss Business Hub Japan and Switzerland Global Enterprise. This event was part of the #SwissVitalityDays, commemorating 160 years of Swiss-Japanese relations. Supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan and Switzerland Innovation, the pavilion attracted a remarkable turnout, showcasing our innovative companies to a diverse and engaged audience from across Asia.  With an impressive 115% increase in visitors and partnering meetings compared to last year, the atmosphere was vibrant, underscoring the growing significance of platforms like BioJapan in fostering international collaborations. 🌿🧬  A heartfelt thank you to all who visited the Swiss Pavilion and engaged with our exhibitors. We look forward to building on the connections made at BioJapan 2024!  🚀 Pitch Night Highlights:  In addition, we hosted an exclusive Pitch Night at the residence of the Swiss Ambassador, organized by Consulate of Switzerland, Swissnex in Japan in Japan. This event welcomed VCs, CVCs, and potential business partners to connect with five pioneering Swiss startups. The pitches featured transformative ideas in the life sciences sector, ranging from AI-powered diagnostics to innovative pharmaceuticals and telerobotic procedures. 💡  After inspiring remarks from Ambassador-designate Roger Dubach and Consul & CEO Dr. Felix Moesner, startup founders from Adoram Therapeuticsillumicell AI (Techstars'23)Nutrix AGNanoflex Robotics , and Risklick presented their visionary concepts, celebrating Swiss-Japanese collaboration and innovation. Switzerland Innovation was also pitched by Luca SaporitaSwiss Business Hub Japan. This was an excellent occasion for exchanging ideas and fostering open innovation, further solidifying our commitment to addressing life sciences challenges sustainably and technologically.  We invite you to continue this journey with us. Together, let’s drive innovation in life sciences!  #BioJapan2024 #SwissInnovation #LifeSciences #SwissBusinessHub #Swissnex #Collaboration #Sustainability #OpenInnovation #SwissVitalityDays 

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  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    🇨🇭🇯🇵 SNSF and JSPS sign a new Memorandum of Cooperation at the STS Forum in Kyoto 🤝 On Monday, October 7, Dr. Angelika Kalt, Director of the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF, and Mr. Tsuyoshi Sugino, President of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), met at the prestigious Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum. They signed a new Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC), setting the stage for an upcoming call for proposals for Joint Research Projects.    Exciting prospects await as Swiss and Japanese researchers continue to innovate and collaborate across borders. Stay tuned for the announcement on the next call!   👉 https://lnkd.in/gWm5ZNse Science & Technology Office Tokyo #SNSF #JSPS #MoC #JointResearchProject #Research #Innovation #Science #Technology #ScienceCollaboration #GlobalPartnership #Switzerland #Japan #STSForum2024

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  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    The #SwissPavilion is getting ready to welcome you at Expo 2025 Osaka ! 🚀 With just 6 months to go, we’re excited to unveil our logo designed by BELLPRAT PARTNER—alongside our brand-new website! 🌐 Dive in and discover how we’re paving the way to Expo 2025, showcasing Swiss collaborative innovation. 🌏🇨🇭 We're currently developing an exciting exhibition program around our three focus themes: #AugmentedHuman, #Life, and #Planet. We can’t wait to share more with you soon. Stay tuned and visit the link below! 👉 https://lnkd.in/e9dUwM9W 🫧スイスパビリオンは、2025年大阪・関西万博で皆様をお迎えする準備を進めています!🚀万博まであと半年、ベルプラット・パートナーがデザインしたスイスパビリオンのロゴと、新しくなったウェブサイトをお披露目します!🌐スイスの共同イノベーションを紹介する場である万博開幕までの道のりをウェブサイトでご覧ください。🌏🇨🇭 現在、3つのテーマ「人間拡張」「生命」「地球」を中心にエキサイティングな展示プログラムを準備中です。まもなく詳細についてお知らせするのが待ちきれません。是非、ご期待ください!  👉https://lnkd.in/diNqk7np #Expo25 #6MonthsToGo #Expo2025IsComing #SwissPavilion #Switzerland #SwissInnovation Manuel Salchli Alexandre Edelmann Michaela Malenchini Béatrice Bleuler Celia Arribas Presence Switzerland NUSSLI Group Andy Böckli Boban Atanasovski Shelah シェ Vollmer ボルマー BELLPRAT PARTNER Tekken Corporation Swissnex Roman Kern Tatiana Benavides Damm Lampros Ntoumas Consulate of Switzerland, Swissnex in Japan Dr. Felix Moesner Embassy of Switzerland in Japan Roger Dubach Science & Technology Office Tokyo Kyoko Suzuki Marumo Swiss Business Hub Japan Fabian Stiefvater Luca Saporita

  • Embassy of Switzerland in Japanの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    ✨ Discover the "Super Natural!" Exhibition in Lausanne! 🇨🇭🇯🇵 We are pleased to announce that the "Super Natural!" exhibition is currently ongoing in Lausanne, following its successful run in Tokyo at YAU (Yurakucho Art Urbanism). This exhibition marks the 160th anniversary of bilateral relations between Switzerland and Japan, showcasing the unique connections between our two cultures through the perspectives of six talented photographers. 📸 📅 Dates: until Nov. 15, 2024   🏛 Venue: UBS Hall, Place St-François 16, Lausanne, Switzerland     The exhibition delves into the cultural seeds, myths, and narratives that shape idealized images of both nations. It invites us to reconsider these narratives to better address contemporary challenges. By observing each other, both countries are likely to understand each other better, and are able to question the image they convey. 🤝 Join us in celebrating the rich dialogue between nature and technology, and reflect on how these themes resonate in our societies today. 🌍✨ For more information about the exhibition, please visit: https://lnkd.in/gYCtvduY   📸 Photo credit: © PHOTO ELYSEE / Audrey Zimmerli An initiative of Photo Elysée and the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan, in collaboration with TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC RESEARCH.⁠ ⁠ ✨ 「SUPER NATURAL!」展、ローザンヌで開催! 🇨🇭🇯🇵 東京のYAU CENTERで盛況のうちに閉幕した『Super Natural!』展。今度はローザンヌに巡回、現在、開催中です。6人の才能ある写真家の視点を通じて、二つの文化のユニークなつながりを紹介するスイスと日本の国交樹立160周年を記念した展覧会です。 📸 📅 期間:2024年11月15日まで  🏛 会場:UBSホール(Place St-François 16, Lausanne) この展覧会は両国の理想化されたイメージを形作る文化的種子、神話、物語について掘り下げています。また、これらの物語を再考し、現代の課題により良く対処することを促します。お互いを観察することで、両国はより深くお互いを理解し、自分たちが伝えるイメージを問い直すことができるでしょう。 🤝 自然と技術の豊かな対話を楽しむとともに、これらのテーマが私たちの社会にどのように響いているかを共に考えましょう。 🌍✨ 詳しくはこちら:https://lnkd.in/ggHVtxXh   📸 写真提供 1-3:© PHOTO ELYSEE / Audrey Zimmerli 4-6: ©TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC RESEARCH #SuperNaturalExhibition #160Years #Art #Technology #スイス #日本 #アート #テクノロジー #Photography #CulturalExchange  

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