An exciting announcement and a huge congratulations to Hidetaka Kojima 🥳 Make sure to follow us, and keep up to date of our exciting new journeys ahead!
No.1 M&A track records in Japan | Head of Corp Dev at SHIFT | Representative Director at SHIFT Growth Capital | Director/CEO at SHIFT USA | Start-up Advisor | Angel Investor | Public Speaker | Harvard Business School
★Announcement – Establishment of SHIFT USA Inc. and my appointment as Director/CEO were approved / SHIFT USA設立と取締役CEO就任のお知らせ★ I am pleased to inform you that the establishment of SHIFT USA Inc. (Headquartered in California, U.S.A.) and my appointment as Director/CEO were approved at the SHIFT board of directors meeting held yesterday. Click here to read the press release. Starting with the conclusion of business alliance agreements with two US companies (EAi Technologies and SYSCOM GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC.) announced on January 14th and the establishment of SHIFT USA Inc. yesterday, we will break into the US market seriously. Although there are still few examples of Japanese startups succeeding in overseas expansion, we will leverage our expertise in M&A/PMI strategies and business development in order to promote Japan's presence to the world. And I would like to prove that Japanese startups can also be world-class. We will continue to work toward the “SHIFT 3000” (JPY300 billion/US$2 billion in net sales) set forth in our medium-term growth strategy. I always follow through on my commitments, I will absolutely get it done and make a difference in the world from Japan and USA! 昨日、SHIFT USA(本社:米国カリフォルニア州)設立と私の取締役CEO就任のプレスリリースを出させて頂きました。 プレスリリースはこちらです。 1月14日に発表した「米国企業2社*との業務提携」と今回発表した「SHIFT USA設立」を起点とし、本格的に米国における事業展開を開始します。 * EAI Technologies, LL (本社:米国バージニア州)、SYSCOM GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC. (本社:米国ニューヨーク州) 日本のスタートアップが海外展開で成功している事例はまだまだ少ないですが、これまで株式会社SHIFTが培ってきたM&A/PMI戦略や事業開発のノウハウを活かして、日本のプレゼンスを世界にアピールしていきたいと思っています。そして、日本のスタートアップが世界に通用することを証明していきます。 今後はM&A/PMI戦略に加えて海外戦略にも取り組みながら、中期成長戦略で掲げた「SHIFT3000」(売上高3,000億円)を目指していきますので、引き続き皆様のサポートを宜しくお願いします。 #global #usa #startups #businessdevelopment #mergersandacquisitions #mergers #acquisitions #hbsalumni #hbs #harvardbusinessschool #exedhbs #hbspld #pld #pld27 #pldeverywhere #lifelonglearning