🎬 Kenyan-produced documentary Matabeleland premieres at CPH:DOX 🎉 Directed by Nyasha Kadandara and produced by Sam Soko (LBx Africa), Matabeleland is a powerful story of love, identity, and resilience—set against the backdrop of Zimbabwe’s painful and silenced history. The film is nominated for the Human:Rights Award at CPH:DOX, one of the world’s leading documentary film festivals. 📽 What is CPH:DOX? Held annually in Copenhagen, CPH:DOX is one of the most prestigious documentary festivals, celebrating ground-breaking films that push artistic and political boundaries. The Human:Rights Award honours documentaries that shed light on pressing human rights issues, making Matabeleland’s nomination all the more significant. 💡 About the film Chris, a 60-year-old immigrant, struggles to support his family while feeling cursed by his father’s unburied spirit—a father killed in a genocide whose echoes still haunt him. As he finds love with Dumi, who demands greater commitment, Chris must confront his past, his faith, and the legacy he has built. At its core, Matabeleland is an intimate exploration of love, masculinity, and healing in the face of generational trauma. The film not only tells a deeply personal story but also challenges stereotypes and amplifies voices often left out of history. 📅 World Premiere: March 24th at Empire Bio, Copenhagen You can read more about the film here: https://lnkd.in/dZCeTQTe #MatabelelandFilm #CPHDOX #HumanRightsAward #KenyanFilm #AfricanStories #DocumentaryFilm #Storytelling
Denmark in Kenya
Government Relations Services
The Official Page for the Embassy of Denmark in Kenya #DenmarkinKenya
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The Official Page for the Embassy of Denmark in Kenya #DenmarkinKenya
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- Government Relations Services
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- 51-200 employees
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- Government Agency
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Runda, Nairobi, KE
Employees at Denmark in Kenya
Kamilla Heden Henningsen
Sector counsellor - Circular Economy and Environment
Rose Chege
Executive Assistant & Office Manager
Grace Mbogo
Programme Management, specialises on access to justice
Henrik Larsen
Head of Cooperation/Teamleader Governance & Health, Embassy of Denmark in Kenya
🏫 🔬 I denne uge har vi besøg af Danmarks Uddannelses- og Forskningsminister, Christina Egelund Uddannelse og forskning er afgørende for at skabe bæredygtige fremtidsmuligheder for Kenyas ungdom. I denne uge besøger Minister Christina Egelund Kenya for at styrke vores samarbejde og udforske nye muligheder inden for uddannelse, forskning og innovation 🎓 💡 Som en del af Danmarks Afrika-strategi arbejder vi for at styrke uddannelsessamarbejder og innovation for unge i afrikanske lande. Ved at investere i kompetencebygning og lokal vækst kan vi bidrage til jobskabelse og skabe bedre fremtidsmuligheder for Afrikas unge 💼 Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeren mødes med repræsentanter fra Kenyas undervisningsministerium for at styrke det bilaterale samarbejde mellem Kenya og Danmark inden for uddannelse, forskning og innovation. Et vigtigt skridt bliver underskrivelsen af en samarbejdsaftale, der vil sætte rammen for fremtidigt samarbejde. Ugens program: 🏥 Besøg på The Karen Hospital Medical Training College - en institution, doneret af Danmark i forbindelse med Kenyas uafhængighed og som er central i uddannelsen af sundhedspersonale i Kenya. 🏫 Møde på University of Nairobi, der har et strategisk partnerskab med DTU - Technical University of Denmark med fokus på uddannelse, forskning og innovation. 💡 Besøg hos Delta40 Venture Studio, der samler iværksættere om at skabe bæredygtige løsninger i Afrika. 🤝 Rundbordssamtale med DI East Africa for at drøfte, hvordan danske og kenyanske aktører sammen kan styrke opkvalificering og jobskabelse 📜 Undervisningsministeriet - Underskrivelse af en samarbejdsaftale for at fremtidssikre vores fælles engagement i uddannelse og kompetenceudvikling. I partnerskab med Kenya støtter vi uddannelse og kompetenceudvikling - for at skabe jobs, vækst og muligheder for fremtidens generationer. Ministry of Higher Education and Science
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Yes! Our latest newsletter focused on #partnerships... but what type of partnerships? Today we speak about: Strategic sector cooperation, a model rooted in knowledge sharing and cross-border teamwork. "The peer-to-peer collaboration and the capacity development aspect of the Strategic Sector Cooperation programme are what make it a sustainable partnership initiative," says Kamilla Heden Henningsen, sector counsellor, and Erick Ogallo, programme officer, at the Danish Embassy in Kenya. Denmark in Kenya Read more: https://lnkd.in/dh6mE8NM #SSC #learning
☕ Fra bønne til bryg - sådan samarbejder vi om at holde værdikæden i Kenya. Vidste du, at selvom Afrika producerer noget af verdens bedste kaffe, så eksporteres det meste som rå bønner og ristes i udlandet? 🤔 Det betyder, at arbejdspladser og værditilvækst forsvinder fra kontinentet 📉 Udenrigsudvalget besøgte African Coffee Roasters, en virksomhed, der beholder hele værdikæden i Kenya. Fra indkøb af bønner hos lokale landmænd til ristning, pakning og eksport af kvalitetskaffe - de sikrer, at flere jobs, flere færdigheder og større værdi forbliver i Afrika. Det er kernen i Danmarks Afrikastrategi: At understøtte lokal produktion, jobskabelse og industriudvikling. Gennem partnerskaber med Danish Industry, IFU og Coop bidrages der til at skabe en fremtid, hvor kenyanske - og afrikanske økonomier går fra råvareeksport til værditilvækst, innovation og bæredygtig vækst. 🎥 Se vores video, hvor African Coffee Roasters og delegationen fortæller, hvorfor dette er vigtigt for Kenya, Danmark og fremtidens retfærdige og bæredygtige handel. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Trade Council of Denmark in Sub-Saharan Africa Gunvor Wibroe Birgitte Bergman DI East Africa #DanmarkiKenya #AfrikaStrategi #Uddannelse #BæredygtigVækst #Jobskabelse
🎉 Congratulations to Novo Nordisk on their new office in Nairobi! 🎉 This week, we celebrated the opening of Novo Nordisk Middle Africa’s expanded office—a big milestone 🏆 in their commitment to improving healthcare 🏥 across the region. Since Novo Nordisk Middle Africa established their offices in Nairobi they have made a remarkable difference ✨ in expanding access to diabetes care, training healthcare professionals, and supporting patients. 💊 Through initiatives like iCARE (Increasing Care, Awareness, Responsibility, and Empowerment) and Changing Diabetes in Children, they have improved access to essential treatments and training across 49 countries 🌍. 💡With Denmark’s Africa Strategy focusing on trade, sustainability, and healthcare collaboration, we’re excited to see Novo Nordisk continue to drive real impact through public-private partnerships 🤝. Their presence in Nairobi opens new doors 🚪 for stronger collaboration with governments, healthcare stakeholders, and communities. 👏 Congratulations again to the Novo Nordisk team! We look forward to continued partnership and shared progress in healthcare. #DenmarkInAfrica #NovoNordisk 💙 #HealthcareInnovation 🏥 #PublicPrivatePartnerships 🤝 #DiabetesCare 💊 #SustainableDevelopment 🌍
✨ Happy International Women's Day ✨ At the current rate of progress, it will take until 2158 to reach full gender parity ⏳. On this International Women's Day, we unite under the theme #AccelerateAction 🚀—a call to speed up our efforts toward gender equality and empower women worldwide 🌍. Throughout the year, Denmark and Kenya partner on initiatives that Accelerate Action for gender equality. Through our support to Northern Rangelands Trust, Denmark helps women’s groups in community conservancies commercialise their traditional bead craft skills, learn finance and business management 💼, and access loans and savings schemes 💰. Today, we share with you the inspiring story of Josephin Nkasupat. Despite limited schooling 📚 and early marriage, she never stopped dreaming of a better future 🌟. Turning her childhood love for beading into a tool for change, Nkasupat joined BeadWORKS Kenya. Today, she supports her eight children’s education 👩👧👦 and inspires other women to step into leadership roles 👏. As BeadWORKS artisans, Nkasupat and other women beaders also play an active role in wildlife conservation 🐾, with at least 5% of all annual sales from their products going directly to conservancies, helping protect wildlife and preserve their natural habitats 🌿. #IWD2025 #InternationalWomensDay #NorthernRangelandsTrust
From Bornholm to Kenya 🇰🇪🇩🇰 Did you know that Denmark’s tradition for Folkemødet has inspired an annual People Dialogue Festival in Kenya? This week, Uhuru Park in #Nairobi is alive with discussions on sustainability, democracy, and youth engagement as the 7th edition of the People’s Dialogue Festival creates a dynamic space for citizens, experts, state and non-state actors to engage in meaningful dialogue and action. Organized by Centre for Multiparty Democracy Kenya and DIPD - Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy alongside key partners—including the Danish Embassy in Nairobi—the festival brings people together for critical conversations on the future. 🇰🇪🇩🇰 The Danish Embassy partners in key events on: 🎤 Youth engagement & democracy – including debates with our Youth Sounding Board 🗳️ 🥗 Sustainable food systems – A collaboration between Danish & Kenyan chef students, supported by Globus & 2030beyond 👩🍳👨🍳 🌍 SDG implementation – Panel discussions on how to turn global goals into local action♻️ Are you going to the People Dialogue Festival? 💬✨ #PeopleDialogueFestival #DemocracyInAction #YouthEngagement #Sustainability #DenmarkInKenya
♻️ Meet Peter - a waste picker in Dandora On March 1st, the world marked International Waste Pickers’ Day, recognizing the crucial role waste pickers play in recycling and waste management. Today, the Danish Foreign Affairs Committee visited Dandora landfill and met the Nairobi Recyclable Waste Association. Today, we hear directly from Peter, a waste picker in Dandora, about the realities of working in Kenya’s largest dumpsite. 🎥⬇️ Through the Strategic Sector Cooperation on Circular Economy, Denmark supports Kenya in developing policies like the Sustainable Waste Management Act and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)—ensuring that more waste is recycled rather than ending up in landfills like Dandora. However, the transition to a circular economy has social implications for the many waste pickers like Peter, who depend on collecting and selling materials like plastic and metal. That’s why the next phase of the cooperation (2025-2027) will focus on strengthening waste pickers' role in the waste value chain and in society more broadly. As Kenya moves towards a circular economy, waste pickers must be included in the transition. The Nairobi Recyclable Waste Association has issued a clear call for action to ensure fair and sustainable opportunities: 👷🏾♂️ Training & Skills Development – 📚 Capacity building to strengthen livelihoods. ⚖️ Dignity & Fair Compensation – 🤝 Recognition, respect for human rights, and access to healthcare 🏥 🗣️ Representation & Inclusion – 🏛️ A voice in policy and decision-making. A just transition means no one is left behind. Through our Strategic Sector Cooperation, Denmark is committed to doing our part in meeting this call for action. 📽️ Watch Peter’s story to understand why this matters. Miljøstyrelsen Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Gunvor Wibroe Astrid Krag Helle Bonnesen Charlotte Munch Birgitte Bergman Trine Pertou Mach Niklas Borker Bjerre Amalie Bentsdatter Andresen #DenmarkInKenya #CircularEconomy #SustainableDevelopment #WastePickersDay #JustTransition
🤝 Velkommen til Kenya til Udenrigsudvalget! Karibu! 🇰🇪 🇩🇰 Denmark og Kenya har en lang historie med diplomatisk samarbejde, der bygger på partnerskab, fælles værdier og samarbejde på tværs af sektorer. I denne uge besøger Danmarks Udenrigsudvalg Kenya for at tale med Danmarks samarbejdspartnere inden for politik, klima, virksomheder og udvikling. Gennem ugen vil udvalget: 🏛️ Mødes med Kenyas Parlament for at tale om demokratisk udvikling, stabilitet og sikkerhed i regionen og vores langvarige samarbejde. ☕ Besøge African Coffee Roasters, for at se hvordan danske investeringer bidrager til at skabe jobs, styrke værdikæder og støtte bæredygtig produktion in Afrika. ♻️ Opleve Dandora Landfill, hvor Danmark støtter initiativer for cirkulær økonomi gennem vores Strategiske Sektor Samarbejde. 🦒 Møde Northern Rangelands Trust, som Danmark har samarbejdet med i mange år om at sikre beskyttelse af natur, dyr og forebyggelse af konflikt. 🗳️ Deltage i the People’s Dialogue Festival, hvor udvalget mødes med kenyanske politiske ledere samt unge om demokrati, menneskerettigheder og inklusion. Her smager de også bæredygtig mad, der forberedes af danske og kenyanske kokkeelever. 📍 Tale om kultursamarbejde i Karen Blixens Coffee Gardens, med fokus på opgradering af museet under Danmarks strategi for Afrika: Afrikas Århundrede. Vi ser frem til en uge fyldt med gode samtaler, styrkede partnerskaber og vidensudveksling. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark The Danish Parliament - Folketinget Gunvor Wibroe Astrid Krag Helle Bonnesen Charlotte Munch Birgitte Bergman Trine Pertou Mach #DenmarkInKenya #CircularEconomy #UdenrigsUdvalget #Klima #Cirkulærøkonomi #EconomicDiplomacy
Good ideas can travel far—across industries, borders, and continents. 🌍♻️ What started in Denmark as LOOP Forum, a platform for driving the circular economy, has now found a home in Kenya. From Copenhagen to Nairobi, businesses, policymakers, and innovators are coming together to tackle waste reduction, resource efficiency, and green innovation 🌱🚀 Denmark’s LOOP Forum has shaped conversations on sustainability since 2022. Now, LOOP Forum Kenya, hosted by the Kenya Association of Manufacturers, adapts these ideas to local challenges—turning waste into wealth, driving policy change, and creating sustainable business solutions. These days the 3rd edition of LOOP Forum Kenya is taking place at Sarit Expo Centre in Nairobi. This is a must-attend event for anyone passionate about a greener, more circular future 🌍✨ Introducing LOOP forum to Kenya is one of the core achievements of the Strategic Sector Cooperation between Denmark and Kenya on circular economy and waste management 2016-2027. We are proud to support a platform where attendees can share practical insights, showcase tangible solutions, and collaborate across industries. #LoopForum #CircularEconomy #StrategicSectorCoorperation Miljø- og Ligestillingsministeriet DI East Africa