

항공 및 항공 우주 부품 제조

Beyond the Line! Empower Your Possibility!


Established in January of 2015, CONTEC is a spin-off company from KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) and is offering Space Ground Station Services and Satellite Image Processing & Application Services as well as a whole ground integration solution. At CONTEC, we strive for excellence and we think that it is only with talented people that this goal can be achieved. Currently, divided in two different offices in Korea and Luxembourg as its subsidiary, CONTEC has multiple teams of engineers where more than half of them have at least a Master's degree, and where the heads of these different teams have at least 10 years of experience in the space industry. With these services and powerful manpower, we are trying to provide a meaningful value for prospective customers in the New Space Age. Learn more at http://contec.kr/

항공 및 항공 우주 부품 제조
회사 규모
직원 51-200명
전문 분야
Satellite Image Processing, Satellite Image Application 및 Space Ground Station


  • 기본

    169-84, Gwahak-ro, Eoeun-dong

    KR Daejeon 34133

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(주)컨텍 직원


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    🚀 (주)컨텍 is attending IAC2024 in Milan! 📢 We're delighted to announce our participation in the upcoming  International Astronautical Congress(IAC) in Milan from October 14th~18th. 👨🚀 👨🚀 (주)컨텍 Team Members attending IAC2024: ✅ Dr. Sunghee Lee, CEO of (주)컨텍Ustina (Yeseul) Choi, Strategy & Business Development Manager ✅ Jinwoo Oh, Assistant Research Engineer / Space Studio Team ✅ Jihyung Shin, International Cooperation Manager If you're attending come stop by our booth(MN-E06b) and connect with us! 🙌 #CONTEC #IAC2024 #SpaceTechnology #Innovation #NewSpace

    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
  • (주)컨텍님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

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    CONTEC x KADEX 2024 😎 At KADEX 2024, CONTEC showcased its comprehensive downstream solutions, including our Ground Station Engineering and Satellite Imaging All-in-One solutions. 🌝 In particular, we drew enthusiastic responses from attendees by exhibiting the satellite communications systems of AP Satellite, which joined CONTEC Group in June, along with the performance verification satellite (PVSAT) of the Nuri rocket. 💕 We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who visited our booth at KADEX 2024. CONTEC Group will continue to bring together our capabilities to offer you a full vertical chain solution bridging together our upstream and downstream services in the space industry! 😎 컨텍은 이번 KADEX 2024를 통해 보유한 지상국 엔지니어링 솔루션, 위성영상 All in One솔루션 등 다운스트림 전 영역을 아우르는 컨텍 그룹의 보유 역량을 선보였습니다. 🌝 특히, 지난 6월 컨텍 그룹에 새롭게 합류한 AP위성의 위성통신 및 누리호 성능검증위성(PVSAT)을 함께 전시하며 참관객들의 뜨거운 호응을 이끌어낼 수 있었습니다. 💕 KADEX 2024에서 컨텍을 찾아주신 모든 분들께 감사인사를 전하며, 컨텍그룹은 우주산업분야 업·다운스트림 토털 서비스를 여러분께 더 멋진 모습으로 선보일 수 있도록 역량을 결집시켜 나가겠습니다!

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    [EN] 🎉 October 1st marks the 76th anniversary of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces, celebrating 'Armed Forces Day'! ✨ To commemorate this special day, CONTEC's mascots, Debra, Korong, and Mete, have proudly donned military uniforms. 🚀 In particular, following the live viewing of the 'OreumSAT' launch at the U.S. Vandenberg Space Force Base in March with 10 children of uniformed heroes selected through our 'CONTEC Creative Contest,' CONTEC will fully sponsor selected cadets from the Korea Air Force Academy and aspiring space students for the space education program at Singapore’s 'ISC 2024' this November. This reflects the ESG management and national service philosophy of our CEO, Dr. Sunghee Lee. 🌍 On this 76th Armed Forces Day, all of us at CONTEC honor and remember the dedication and hard work of the Republic of Korea's soldiers. [KR] 🎉 10월 1일은 대한민국 국군의 건군 76주년을 맞이하는 '국군의 날'입니다! ✨ 국군의 날을 기념하기 위해 컨텍의 마스코트인 데브라, 코롱이, 메테는 군복을 멋지게 소화해냈답니다. 🚀 특히 컨텍은, 지난 3월 '컨텍 크리에이티브 공모전'을 통해 선발한 10명의 제복 영웅 자녀와 함께 미 반덴버그 우주군기지에서 발사된 '오름SAT' 현장 직관에 이어, 다가오는 11월에는 싱가폴 'ISC 2024'에 우주인재를 꿈꾸는 학생들과 함께 미래 대한민국 우주군을 이끌어 갈 공군사관생도 일부를 선발하여 싱가폴 'ISC 2024' 우주교육과정 입과를 전액 지원함으로써, 창업자 이성희 대표의 경영철학인 ESG경영과 사업보국을 실천할 예정입니다. 🌍 건군 76주년을 맞이한 국군의 날! 컨텍 임직원 일동은 대한민국의 모든 국군 장병 여러분의 헌신과 노고를 잊지않겠습니다.

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  • (주)컨텍님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

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    [EN] 🚀 (주)컨텍 is heading to Gyeryongdae to attend KADEX 2024!   📢 We're delighted to announce our participation as an exhibitor in the upcoming KADEX 2024 in Gyeryongdae from Oct 2nd~6th.   📡 Are you seeking ground station solutions, satellite imagery data, and applications for satellite image analytics? Let's discuss collaboration and the development of innovative solutions for New Space.   Meet with (주)컨텍 Team Members attending KADEX 2024:   ✅ Dr. Sunghee Lee, CEO of CONTEC(Oct 4th, only) ✅ Dr. Jaebong An(안재봉) , VP of CONTEC(Oct 2nd - 4th) ✅ Joohyung Kang, Executive Director of CONTEC(Oct 2nd - 4th) ✅ Kihwan Choi, Space Tech Development Team / Manager(Oct 2nd - 4th) ✅ Heein YANG, Space Studio Team / Manager(Oct 2nd - 4th) ※ Public Day - Jihyung Shin / International Cooperation Manager(Oct 2nd - 6th) 🛰️ Especially, #APSI, which was acquired by Contec Co., Ltd. last June, will also participate in this exhibition. In addition to the physical display, relevant executives and staff will be present to greet customers.  If you're attending KADEX 2024, come visit our booth B-367 and connect with us, or send an email to Jihyung Shin at jhshin@contec.kr to set up a meeting! 🙌 🌌✨ [KR] 🚀 (주)컨텍, KADEX 2024에 참가합니다!   📢 컨텍은 오는 10월 2일부터 6일까지 대한민국 국방의 심장 계룡대에서 펼쳐지는 KADEX 2024에 참여해 전시 부스를 운영합니다.   📡 지상국 엔지니어링 솔루션, 위성 영상 수신에서 분석까지 적용 가능한 솔루션을 찾고 계신가요? 컨텍이 보유한 New Space 시대 우주분야 Full Vertical Chain Total Solution과 함께 협력 방안을 모색할 수 있습니다!   Meet with (주)컨텍 Team Members attending KADEX 2024:   ✅ 이성희 대표이사 (10월 4일, 오후) ✅ 안재봉 부대표이사, 우주국방사업대표 (행사 전 기간) ✅ 강주형 위성영상사업본부장, 상무이사 (행사 전 기간) ✅ 최기환 우주기술개발실장 (행사 전 기간) ✅ 양희인 스페이스스튜디오팀장 (행사 전 기간) 🛰️ 특히, 이번 전시회는 (주)컨텍이 지난 6월 인수한 #AP위성(주)도 함께 참여하며, 실물전시와 함께 관련 임직원이 고객을 맞이할 예정입니다! 이 모든 걸 KADEX 2024, B-367에 위치한 컨텍 부스를 통해 논의할 수 있습니다! 협력방안에 대해 이야기를 나누고싶다면 부스 담당자 이영수 홍보/기획 담당(yslee@contec.kr)에게 언제든지 편하게 연락해주세요! 🙌 🌌✨ #CONTEC #KADEX2024 #KADEX #NewSpace

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  • (주)컨텍님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

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    [EN] As Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving Day, approaches, we sincerely thank you for your interest and support for CONTEC! Your encouragement has provided us with the opportunity to take a step forward in our growth. We wish you a happy and healthy Chuseok, filled with abundance and joy, much like the spirit of the harvest. Have a wonderful holiday! [KR] 다가오는 추석을 맞이해 컨텍에 보내주신 관심과 응원에 진심으로 감사 인사를 전합니다! 많은 분들께서 보내주신 성원은 컨텍이 한 걸음 더 성장할수 있는 계기가 되었습니다. 이번 한가위, 풍성한 보름달처럼 행복과 건강이 가득한 행복한 명절 되시기를 기원합니다!

    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
  • (주)컨텍님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

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    🚀(주)컨텍 is bound for Paris to attend #WorldSatelliteBusinessWeek 2024! 📢 😃 We're delighted to announce our participation at the event. 🎤 🌎 At #WSBW 2024, (주)컨텍 CEO, Dr. Sunghee Lee, will take the stage as a panelist on Sep. 19th at 12:05 in the panel session "Reinventing GSaaS: The Disruptors" along with panelists Leaf Space's Giovanni Pandolfi Bortoletto, European Space Agency - ESA's Nicolaus Hanowski, Skynopy's Pierre BERTRAND and RBC Signals' Ron Faith. 👨🚀 Meet the CONTEC Team Members attending #WSBW2024 : ✅Dr. Sunghee Lee, CEO of CONTEC ✅Dr. Jaebong An (안재봉), VP of CONTEC ✅Ustina (Yeseul) Choi, Strategy & Business Development Manager ✅Myunggeun Yang, Ground System Integration Team Assistant Research Engineer If you're attending #WSBW2024, connect with us or reach out to one of our team members to set up a meeting! 🙌 #CONTEC #WorldSatelliteBusinessWeek #WSBW #WSBW24 #WSBW2024 #NewSpace

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    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
  • (주)컨텍님 단체 페이지 보기, 그래픽

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    [EN] Dr. Jaebong An(안재봉), Vice President of (주)컨텍(CONTEC), participated in the 1st Policy Forum of the Korean Academy of Space Security (KASS) held today at the SC Convention. He shared his insights on "Public-Private Cooperation Policy Measures for the Development of Space Assets from a Corporate Perspective." In particular, the discussion began with remarks on the importance of space security and SSA, followed by a brief introduction of CONTEC, fostering a consensus on challenges and opportunities for public-private cooperation. We extend our sincere thanks to KASS for providing this valuable opportunity. CONTEC is deeply committed to the importance of public-private cooperation in space security and will continue to sharpen its capabilities to contribute to national space security. [KR] 주식회사 컨텍의 안재봉 부사장은 오늘 SC 컨벤션에서 개최된 한국우주안보학회 제1회 정책토론회에 참가하여 '기업 관점에서의 우주자산 개발을 위한 민관협력 정책 방안'에 대해 의견을 나누었습니다. 특히, 우주안보와 우주상황 인식에 대한 중요성에 대한 언급을 시작으로 이어진 논의에서는 컨텍에 대한 간단한 소개와 민관 협력 방안 및 애로사항의 공감대를 피워냈습니다. 소중한 기회를 제공해준 한국우주안보학회에 다시한번 감사드리며, 컨텍은 우주안보에 있어 민관협력의 중요성에 깊이 공감함과 더불어 국가 우주 안보에도 도움이 될 수 있도록 끊임없이 역량을 갈고 닦아나가겠습니다.

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    • 이 이미지의 대체 텍스트 설명이 없음
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    🚀 📰 The September 2024 Edition of (주)컨텍 Newsletter is out!🌟 👨🚀 Take a look at the highlights from CONTEC for the past month as well as access to global trends of New Space. Moreover, We’ve just launched a new feature in our newsletter called 'Journey to the Space'! Check it out and let us know what you think. 😊 Don't miss out on the current news and trends of the space Industry! 📬✨ 😎 Highlights ✅ Participation in the Startup Ecosystem Summit 2024 as a Speaker ✅ Support for the Luxembourg Korean School ✅ Journey to the Space #02. How do we Observe Our Earth? And that's not all – there's so much more to discover in the September edition! 👀 Don't miss out on staying connected with the latest updates from New Space with CONTEC. Subscribe to our newsletter now and be ready to stay informed and inspired! Don't forget to download CONTEC's special limited edition wallpaper for your phone and PC. 🚀✉ 해시태그 #CONTEC #CONTECCAMPUS #September2024 #Newspace #spaceindustry #trends

    🚀🛰️CONTEC Campus - September Newsletter

    🚀🛰️CONTEC Campus - September Newsletter


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