From the 4th to the 6th of March the #CentralMountains partnership had the pleasure to meet in person again in Noszvaj, Hungary! We used the chance to work together on the current work packages and look ahead to the to the next working steps 👣 On several site visits, we learned about the challenges of the Hungarian Roma Civic Association and historic cave dwellings. At a trip to the beautiful town Eger insights and learnings were shared by the local Eger Community Foundation 💡 Thank you to our partners from the Carpathian Foundation for the fantastic organisation and showing us their area!
CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps, is a non-governmental umbrella organisation with national representatives and one regional representative in the seven Alpine countries. It represents more than 100 associations and organisations. CIPRA works towards achieving sustainable development in the Alps; it also strives to preserve the natural and cultural heritage, maintain regional diversity, and bring about solutions to cross-border problems in the Alpine region.
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Externer Link zu CIPRA
- Branche
- Gemeinnützige Organisationen
- Größe
- 11–50 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Schaan
- Art
- Nonprofit
- Gegründet
- 1952
- Spezialgebiete
- Living in the Alps, Disseminating knowledge, Networking people, Research and practice, Sustainable development, Alpine Convention und Protection of the Alps
CIPRA International
Kirchstrasse 5
Schaan, 9494, LI
Beschäftigte von CIPRA
Stephan Tischler
Transport Scientist // President CIPRA Austria
Kaspar Schuler
Director CIPRA International, the umbrella organization for alpine protection and sustainable development; located in Schaan, Liechtenstein
Hanna Ollos
Biodiversity Conservation Expert | Storyteller
Christine Busch
Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
If you are between 18 and 30 years old, join the young people of our YOALIN project in Cuneo, for the Mountain Festival! 🏔 An opportunity for encounters, a place for exchange of ideas and visions, where young people can bring together their experience of the mountains and learn from each other ✨ More info here #CuneoMontagnaFestival #YOALIN #Alps #YouthParticipation
CIPRA hat dies direkt geteilt
Our project partner meeting from 4 to 6 March in Hungary in the #CentralMountains project was another wonderful meeting, this time organised by the Carpathian Foundation. 🤝 We spent the two mornings behind the desks - presented and exchanged information about the progress in the work packages as well as a workshop led by the mentors Eurac Research, ISIG - Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia and CIPRA International Lab, which focussed on solutions for challenges of the pilot structures. As the #EGTC as an interesting organisational form is a central governance topic in the project, we are striving for further development and pilot activities for improvement. There was also a very well organised framework programme, particularly on NGO activities and civil society initiatives in the Noszvaj and Eger region, e.g. in the town of Szomolya the Hungarian Roma Civic Association, in Eger the Community Foundation and in Noszvaj, we saw stunning residential caves managed by the Farkaskő Association, which the last inhabitants left only in the 1960s 😲. #Projects #Governance #Meeting #CooperationIsCentral #Intrerreg Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme | Brasov County Council | Powiat Rzeszowski | Foundation for Landscape Protection
What makes a place worth living in? How can Alpine communities maintain a high quality of life for all generations? These questions are the focus of the third webinar of the Alliance in the Alps and Alpine Town of the Year networks on 17 March 2025, 9-12 am. Get to know committed people and projects for a better quality of life in towns and municipalities. Check out the detailed programme on the website and register for free!
Last week, on February 27th 2025, experts and stakeholders from across the Alpine region gathered in Salzburg to envision the future of alpine spatial planning. 🏔️🌍 Through insightful keynotes and interactive sessions, participants developed key ideas around the topics Green Infrastructure, Participation, and Cross-sectoral Cooperation. Together, they examined expert theses and engaged in dynamic discussions to develop forward-thinking and sustainable solutions. The goal? An international, cross-sectoral exchange - leveraging spatial planning to balance the energy transition with biodiversity conservation. ⚡🌿 (c) Marie Schrentewein #CIPRA2025 #SpatialPlanning #Sustainability #GreenInfrastructure #LandUse #AlpineInnovation #Alps
CIPRA hat dies direkt geteilt
🙌 Last Friday, we had the pleasure to host a meeting between the EUSALP Youth Council and CIPRA Youth Council. The two Youth Councils exchanged views on current and future issues that define their work. 🌄 We had the opportunity to present the Interreg Alpine Space programme and host a moment of workshop co-creation for our 25th Anniversary in May. 🤝 We are looking forward to the cooperation and networking opportunities that this meeting will create to enhance youth engagement in the Alpine region. #MadeWithInterreg #MadeWithAlpineSpace #Interreg #InterregAlpineSpace #EUSALP #CIPRA
💻 The Copernicus Climate Change Service (#C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (#ECMWF) on behalf of the European Commission, is inviting you to an online user workshop with a geographical focus on the Alpine region. The half-day workshop, which is organised in cooperation with the Alpine Convention, is targeted at current and potential future C3S users from the Alpine region. Date and time: 11 March 2025, 14:00-17:00 Location: Online via Zoom More information here 👉
Our partner ARL is organising a Summer Course about the transformation of rural mountain areas in Entlebuch/CH 🌲⛰️🌳Apply now!🏃♀️➡️👨💻
🚀 Call for Applications: AlpPlan Summer Course 2025 🌿🏔️ Are you a young researcher or professional interested in the transformation of rural mountain areas in the Alps? Join us for the AlpPlan Summer Course 2025, taking place from 25–29 June 2025 in the stunning UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch (Switzerland)! 🔎 What to expect? 📌 Expert insights into rural development in the Alps 📌 Exchange with researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds 📌 Field trips, discussions, and hands-on learning experiences 📌 A welcoming environment to share knowledge and develop innovative solutions 📅 Apply now! Applications are open until 28 March 2025. 🔗 Application form & details: For further questions, contact us at Join us and explore how Alpine regions are evolving—let’s shape the future of rural mountain areas together! 🏞️🔬 #AlpPlan #RuralDevelopment #AlpineResearch #SustainableDevelopment #SpatialPlanning #Networking #YoungResearchers
Balancing tourism and conservation through effective visitor management: insights from Aree Protette dell'Ossola 🏞️ The partnership of the #LiveAlpsNature project funded by Interreg Alpine Space recently met within the first pilot site visit to Aree Protette dell'Ossola in Italy. The focus of our visit? Tackling the challenge of managing outdoor activities to safeguard biodiversity. We delved into how the park monitors wildlife and visitor impact to inform practical conservation measures, particularly for sensitive species like the black grouse and rock ptarmigan. During the visit, we also explored the implementation of designated quiet zones and regulations designed to minimize the pressure of nature-based activities on biodiversity. We learned how the park aims to educate visitors and encourages responsible behavior through route suggestions and clear information about protected areas and their regulations. After intense discussions indoors, park rangers guided the partnership on an excursion across the snowy wonderland of Alpe Devero to Crampiolo, while explaining the park’s activities within both its borders and the nearby Natura 2000 site. A key takeaway: balancing tourism with nature protection in Alpine protected areas requires proactive engagement, clever communication, and a collaborative approach. The exchange of experiences and expertise among project partners will be instrumental in shaping the next steps of LiveAlpsNature! #LiveAlpsNature #InterregAlpineSpace #BiodiversityConservation #SustainableTourism
CIPRA hat dies direkt geteilt
#CoBenefits von #Klimaschutz/-anpassung & #Gesundheit auf die Straße bringen! Das ist die Vision unseres #Interreg-Projektes KLuGE Straßen (--> KLimafit und GEsund). Diesen Auftrag haben wir in den letzten zwei Wochen in Workshops vertieft und konkretisiert. Wie kann es gelingen, dass KLuGE Kriterien bei jeder Straßensanierung mitgedacht werden, sodass die Baukosten einem Mehrfachnutzen zukommen und Straßenräume zukunftstauglich sind? Wie kann ein praktikables Tool für Gemeinden aussehen? Wie muss es gestaltet sein, dass es in der Praxis als Hilfe und nicht als lästiger Mehraufwand gesehen wird? Was muss es können? Wer sind die Stakeholder - nicht nur in der Planung, sondern auch in der Erhaltung (z.B. Bauhof-Arbeiter:innen). In der Literatur werden #CoBenefits umfassend beschrieben (bspw oder oder oder ). Aktive #Mobilität, Vermeidung von #Hitzeinseln, #Schwammstadt-Prinzipien, mehr grün + blau, konsumfreie Räume für Begegnung, #chancengerechte Räume für alle, barrierefreie Zugänge zu gesunder Ernährung, die Verbannung von Werbung ungesunder Lebensmitteln wären nur eine kleine Auswahl dieser sogenannter Co-Benefits. .. Der Spagat die Theorie in die alltägliche Praxis voller Einschränkungen (finanzielle, zeitliche, personelle Ressourcen) zu bringen, ist nicht trivial. Aber wir haben uns gesagt: #ChallengeAccepted Danke an das gesamte KLuGE Team ;-) und die Köpfe-rauchenden Diskussionen und Gruppen-Arbeiten! Insbesondere an Andrea Weninger David Moosbrugger und Jonas Bubenhofer DANKE für die intensive Arbeit zwischen den beiden Workshop-Tagen! René Kaufmann Johanna Gassner David Madlener Gudula Pawelak Johannes Herburger David Moosbrugger Jonas Bubenhofer Jakob Dietachmair Andrea Weninger Elio Pescatore Eva Lingg-Grabher Eve Studer @Markus Zimmermann Catarina Proidl Romy Gaug Marion Ebster-Kreuzer Gabriele Schärmer, BSc, MPH aks gesundheit GmbH CIPRA Energieinstitut Vorarlberg Liechtensteinische Landesverwaltung Kanton St.Gallen raumlink Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH Metron Verkehrsplanung AG Agglomeration Rheintal Agglomeration Werdenberg Liechtenstein gefördert von Interreg ABH, Fonds Gesundes Österreich, Landesgesundheitsförderungsfonds Vorarlberg (Land Vorarlberg)