We know how heartbreaking this must have been for James, as his intention has always been to help those in need. However, we want to emphasize that James has been a champion of integrity, and his support for us here in Moldova has always been genuine. Here in Moldova, we stand for transparency in everything we do. Our mission is clear: to help those struggling with poverty, and we are committed to doing so with honesty, accountability, and transparency. Anyone is welcome to visit and see our work firsthand. Whether you join us for a week or just a few days, we welcome visitors to experience our efforts, witness our impact, and see for themselves the difference we're making together. Thank you, James, for your dedication and support. We continue to work side by side with you to fight poverty in Moldova, and we are always here for anyone who wants to help or learn more about our mission.
Founder of Beekeeping for Hope || Combating poverty through the art of beekeeping || 🐝 Grounds and Maintenance for Inspired Villages 🏡
I’ve been scammed… It was revealed to me that these photos aren’t real! Let me explain. So these images are nothing more than a deep deception. These photos are showing everyone an orphanage in Uganda, but the truth is this orphanage called ‘The Green Light Foundation’ doesn’t exist! It just a man using village children to stand outside an abandoned house and pose for a picture. Now this man Ssenoga Roberts also helps run an Animal Shelter with his sister Erina Nakku, which again is completely fake. It dosen’t exist! It’s not just these two characters. This is a scam running wild throughout Uganda 🇺🇬. Why do they do this? Simple - to get donations from trusting, gullible people across the world. But there is a darker side to all this, apart from scamming thousands of pounds and dollars from people they also hurt these dogs to a horrific degree and then post these injured dogs/cats onto social media, making up a short story, showing a small clip and begging for help. The orphanages too have a darker side, where children are forced to perform to help make the orphanage a reality. LinkedIn and Instagram have become a haven for these scammers, trying their hardest to play on the good intentions of people. The only way to stop this is to educate people on the deceptive trickery Ugandans use to better their individual lives. These people normally boast about their rich lives on TikTok, living off the donations sent to them from ‘fools’ (their words, not mine) in the west. For years I’ve been supporting Ssenoga Roberts and his sister @Erina Nakku (I’ve only recently found out they’re related). But no longer. I’ve stopped all funds to these people and will no longer support their lies which leads to continued cruelty. Beekeeping For Hope will only support charities we are able to visit and speak with face to face. So our honey profit will now only go directly to Hope4❤️ as Chris ❤️ Lomas like me, takes no profit. Every penny goes to where it’s intended. My advise is don’t blindly send money as I did. These people are masters of deception. You MUST vet them first. I have a video up on YouTube explaining my story and how important it is to not ignore the red flags 🚩 when engaging with these people. (Link in the comments) #scammed #uganda #orphanage #dogs #cruelty #beekeeping #charity