The Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI)

The Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI)

Organisations à but non lucratif

Port Louis, Port Louis 13 980 abonnés

Driving the country's economic engine is business.... Ever Onwards... MCCI

À propos

The MCCI, established in 1850, is the oldest non-profit making institution representing the private sector in Mauritius. With the increase in the island's volume of trade during the first decades of British administration, the Mauritian business community felt the need for a formal representational and arbitration framework to foster the interests of the trading community and to settle disputes and conflicts arising in trade-related activities. The present-day Chamber originally came into being as the 'Chamber of Commerce'. It took on its present name of 'MCCI' in 1965, when the country was moving towards independence and was contemplating the diversification of its economy through appropriate forms of industrial activities. Since its launching, the MCCI has evolved from a purely representative and consultative body to a dynamic actor in the socio-economic development of the country. Throughout its years of existence, it has constantly striven to carry out its fundamental mission of defending and promoting the vital interests of its Members. It has also set up and developed the organisational structures capable of providing a wide range of highly professional services. Furthermore, as the main voice of the Mauritian business community, it has always maintained close links with Government and increasingly contributed to the development process of the country. And just as importantly, it has set up links and affiliations at international level with inter-governmental and private organisations aimed at widening its scope of activities and better promoting Mauritius on the world scene.As for discussion relating to the development of commercial and industrial activities, the MCCI is regularly solicited and makes submissions directly to representatives of the Government ministries and departments concerned.

Site web
Organisations à but non lucratif
Taille de l’entreprise
51-200 employés
Siège social
Port Louis, Port Louis
Non lucratif
Fondée en
business, private sector, lobbying, advocacy, information&advice, Business support, Networking, Cooperation, Regional&International Cooperation, Business Opportunities, B2B, Networking events, GS1 Barcoding, MARC, Tax Free Shopping, Trade Tools, Import Export, Trade, Business Information, Investment, Business Growth, Arbitration, Mediation, Tax Refund et Certificate of Origin


Employés chez The Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI)


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