Coverfoto van Bayer


Chemische productie

Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia 5.800.822 volgers

Over ons

Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of healthcare and nutrition. We design our products and services to serve the most essential human needs of health and nutrition. At the same time, we strive to address some of the world’s biggest challenges presented by a growing and aging global population. At Bayer, we’re committed to driving sustainable development and generate a positive impact with our businesses. Through the power of science, we’re pioneering new possibilities that advance life for all of us. That means reimagining how we care for ourselves and one another by empowering everyday health, improving approaches to patient care, and finding better ways to nourish our communities around the world. Data Privacy Statement & Imprint:

Chemische productie
Meer dan 10.000 werknemers
Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Naamloze vennootschap
Pharmaceuticals , Consumer Health, Crop Science, Life Sciences, Research, Innovation, Sustainability, Health Care, Digital Farming, Food Security, Science For Better en Innovation


Medewerkers van Bayer


  • Bayer heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Bill Anderson
    Bill Anderson Bill Anderson is een influencer

    CEO of #TeamBayer. Lifelong student of biotechnology. Serving society as a partner in the life sciences. Empowering people to make a meaningful impact with their work.

    Ending hunger is central to our mission at Bayer. Today, I had the opportunity to open our new maize seed facility in Zambia, aiming to make a meaningful contribution to this crucial goal. This facility will support food security for about 30 million people every year, empower smallholder farmers, and support communities in numerous countries on the African continent. It’s also a great business opportunity, and #TeamBayer can’t wait to ramp up production. #HealthForAll #HungerForNone For more details, check out our press release:

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    5.800.822 volgers

    I met my younger self over a Cortado this morning – my go-to coffee. She arrived early and I was five minutes late. She longed to belong, unsure of her place. I told her that self-doubt fades and the right people will always find her. She feared failure. I reassured her that failing forward is just another step toward growth. She thought silence meant loneliness. I told her it’s where confidence takes root. We talked about my 10-year journey in Strategic Corporate Communication. About the love I receive from my family and the little mini-me who fills my days with joy. We hugged. It was comforting for us both. I hope we meet for coffee again soon. – Monalisa Mncube, Corporate Communications Professional

    • Monalisa sitting in a coffe shop with a coffee infront of her.
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    5.800.822 volgers

    Populations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are particularly vulnerable to the health effects of climate change due to their geographical location, low socioeconomic status and weak healthcare infrastructure. In this context, climate change disproportionately affects women and girls, exacerbating existing gender inequalities and posing distinct health risks. As a leader in women’s health and agriculture, we at Bayer are supporting women to give them access to the tools and knowledge to improve their health, rights and economic status. In doing so, we can also lay the foundation for and support future generations of women. Learn more about how the effects of climate change impact women's health and what could be done about it in the Economist Impact article:

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    5.800.822 volgers

    Στη Bayer Ελλάς, η ανακύκλωση είναι δέσμευση για τον πλανήτη μας. Με το πρόγραμμα re:contrast, δίνουμε νέα αξία στα υπολείμματα ιωδίου από τα Μέσα Σκιαγραφικής Αντίθεσης, εξασφαλίζοντας ότι δεν καταλήγουν στο περιβάλλον, αλλά αξιοποιούνται για εναλλακτικές εφαρμογές. Μέσα από τρία βασικά βήματα, Συλλογή, Ανακύκλωση και Επαναχρησιμοποίηση, συμβάλλουμε σε ένα βιώσιμο μέλλον. Vision Beyond Imaging. re:contrast Φροντίζοντας τον πλανήτη, φροντίζουμε τη ζωή μας. Μάθετε περισσότερα: #Sustainability #ResponsibleRecycling #recontrast #BayerHellas #PlanetCare #BetterFuture #seethepossiblecreatethefuture

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    5.800.822 volgers

    Discover how it feels to work in the inspiring diversity of our teams! United by our shared mission “Health for all, Hunger for none”, our employees around the world are dedicated to improving lives through health and nutrition. From greenhouses and laboratories to farms, factories, fields and offices, we bring our best selves to everything we do. Our workplaces and culture are defined by groundbreaking research and cutting-edge technology, enriched by the diverse perspectives of our employees. Together, we make a real difference, always putting the people we serve at the heart of everything we do. Experience the passion, creativity, inspiration and commitment that drive us to innovate and push the boundaries for humanity every day. Join us on this exciting journey! Visit our career page: #BayerCareer #BeBayer #TeamBayer #HealthForAll #HungerForNone

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    5.800.822 volgers

    🔛 Como foi participar no Prémio Dr. Pedro Marques da Silva? 🗣️ Ouça na primeira pessoa o testemunho da Professora Mariana Alves vencedora de edições passadas, que explica como é a experiência de concorrer a este prémio e qual a sua importância para o desenvolvimento da investigação. 👉 As candidaturas para o Prémio de Risco Cardiovascular Dr. Pedro Marques da Silva estão a decorrer até ao próximo dia 31 de março! SPMI - Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna 🗒️ Saiba mais aqui: #BayerPortugal #PrémioDrPedroMarquesDaSilva #PrémioRiscoCardiovascular #SMPI

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    5.800.822 volgers

    Como é viver com Doença Renal Crónica? Paulo Urbano presidente da APIR - Associação Portuguesa de Insuficientes Renais e doente renal conta-nos, na primeira pessoa, como é viver com esta doença, de que forma encarou o diagnóstico e qual o impacto que a doença tem no seu dia a dia. Veja o testemunho no video abaixo 👇 #BayerPortugal #DoençaRenal #SemanaDoRim

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    5.800.822 volgers

    🔛 Terminamos a Semana do Dia Mundial do Rim com um recap das principais atividades que promovemos em parceria com a Sociedade Portuguesa de Nefrologia, a APIR - Associação Portuguesa de Insuficientes Renais e com o WTC Lisboa. 🗣️ Daniel Gaio Simões, Country Head da Bayer Portugal, e Jordi Sanchez, CEO Bayer Iberia & Country Division Head PH Spain & Portugal, deixam também uma mensagem sobre a importância da celebração deste dia. 🗒️ Lembre-se: se Doença Renal for diagnosticada precocemente e adotar um estilo de vida saudável, esta pode ser evitada ou a sua progressão controlada. Se tem algum fator de risco para Doença Renal, fale com o seu médico. #BayerPortugal #SemanaDoRim #DiaMundialDoRim

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    5.800.822 volgers

    O que é a Albuminúria e qual a sua relação com a saúde dos nossos rins?   Como explicam as especialistas, a Albuminúria é o marcador mais precoce de lesão renal - muitas vezes o rim ainda está a desempenhar a sua função, mas está a fazê-lo em esforço e isso é observado através da presença de Albumina em excesso na urina.    A Doença Renal é uma doença que se for diagnosticada precocemente e adotarmos um estilo de vida saudável pode ser evitada ou a sua progressão controlada. Se tem algum fator de risco para Doença Renal, fale com o seu médico.    Cuide da saúde dos seus rins! #DiaMundialDoRim #SemanaDoRim #BayerPortugal #WorldKidneyDay #AreYourKidneysOk

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