Bounce & Steer

Bounce & Steer

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services

Move Strategy to Results

Over ons

Leaders in most cases know where they want their organisation to go strategically. What often is missing, however, is the part that ensures the strategy is translated into clear choices and targeted actions to achieve the strategic goals. The actual "getting things done". Bounce & Steer is an approach I developed and used myself over the years. With Bounce & Steer, I create an environment in which clear, honest and sometimes confrontational questions are asked. I strongly be-lieve in clear communication and uncovering hidden challenges. By 'bouncing' together and asking the right questions, we gain deep insights about what is needed to achieve the goals and, moreover, it becomes clear what choices and decisions need to be made to reach a successful solution. In short, Bounce & Steer is a combination of my practical approach, straightforward dialogue, tactical think-ing and action, customer demand, actual implementation and measurable results. An economical and ef-fective solution. Together striving for clarity, growth and tangible progress.

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services
1 medewerker
Advice, Interim Management , Strategy, Reorganization, Change en Strategy to Results


Medewerkers van Bounce & Steer


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    51 volgers

    "Doel, Stoel, Smoel" – kern van resultaatgericht organiseren (English translation see below) In het afgelopen jaar heb ik middels Bounce & Steer veel eigenaren, partners en DGA’s gesproken. Vaak kwam dezelfde vraag terug: waarom lukt het niet om onze visie en strategie (sneller) om te zetten in concrete resultaten? Dat kan vanzelfsprekend verschillende oorzaken hebben, maar als in dit kader de organisatie zelf wordt geanalyseerd, maak ik vaak gebruik van het concept "Doel, Stoel, Smoel." Geleerd (dank!) van Monika R. Milz, die dit als gastdocent deelde tijdens de opleiding voor Commissarissen en Toezichthouders (Erasmus Governance Institute) : Doel: Eerst moet je duidelijk hebben wat je wilt bereiken. Stoel: Daarna bepaal je welke rol daarvoor nodig is. Smoel: Pas dan kijk je naar wie die rol kan invullen. Ergens weten wij dat natuurlijk wel maar wat ik toch vaak zie, is dat leiders als eerste reactie in moeilijke situaties naar de mensen in hun (management)team kijken. Dat werkt alleen als die (kunnen) handelen vanuit een helder doel en duidelijke rol. Als dat ontbreekt, wordt aansturen een enorme uitdaging en blijft de visie vaak hangen in plannen, in plaats van resultaten. Dus: doel, stoel, smoel. In die volgorde. Toen ik Monika vroeg of ik mooie en effectieve concept mocht delen, zei ze: “Doen! Delen is vermenigvuldigen.” Dus bij deze: veel succes met het omzetten van visie naar actie! Jan Hein Jan Hein Bax van Bounce & Steer #vision #implementation ============ "Goal, Role, Soul" – core of organising for real results Over the past year, I’ve had (through my company Bounce & Steer) many conversations with business owners, partners, and company directors. A common question that keeps coming up is: why aren’t we able to translate our vision and strategy (faster) into tangible results? This can certainly have various causes, but when analysing the organization itself, I often use the concept "Goal, Role, Soul." I first learned it from Monika R. Milz, who shared it as a guest lecturer during the Supervisory Board program at Erasmus University (Erasmus Governance Institute). The idea is simple but effective: Goal: First, you need to be clear about what you're aiming to achieve. Role: Then, you define the role required to meet that goal. Soul: Only after that do you look at the right person to fill the role. Deep down we know that but what I often see is that leaders first focus in challenging situations on the people/managers. This can work, but only if those people (can) operate from a well-defined goal and clear role. Without this foundation, management becomes a major challenge, and the vision often remains just a plan instead of becoming actual results. So: goal, role, soul. In that order! When I asked Monika if I could share this simple but effective concept, she said: "Go ahead! Sharing is multiplying." So here it is – wishing you success in turning vision into action! Jan Hein Bax at Bounce & Steer #vision #implementation

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    51 volgers

    A Management team can sometimes act like a group of very capable managers with their own interests rather than a real coalition pursuing a common goal. And especially in crucial times, the latter is so essential for transitions and making the best decisions. Scroll down for the English version of the article. #changemanagement #teamculture #strategicleadership

    Management Team: een groep of coalitie?

    Management Team: een groep of coalitie?

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