🎉EcoShape Building with Nature (BwN) III Consortium Agreement Signed🎉 ✍️On July 13, the EcoShape partners signed the five-year consortium agreement for the Building with Nature (BwN) III program 2023-2027. This was done at a celebrational event hosted at Atelier300C in Amersfoort. 🌱The BwN-III program will focus on knowledge development to improve the implementation and upscaling of Nature-Based Solutions, third-party advise in the pre-feasibility phase of project developments and dissemination of guidelines and best practices. The program will cover a broad range of environments, in The Netherlands as well as abroad, including novel topics like biodiversity, the carbon cycle and climate resilient landscapes in its new scope. The recently funded Nationaal Groeifonds Program #NL2120 will become one of the flagship projects in the new program highlighting the importance of upscaling #NatureBasedSolutions. ⭐As a well-established partnership, we look forward to continue successful EcoShape collaborations in the field of #BuildingwithNature, and turn the new program into a success. https://lnkd.in/e6jpXtAB Adaelta Boskalis One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE) Deltares Witteveen+Bos Sweco Arcadis Wageningen University & Research Van Oord Royal HaskoningDHV HKV lijn in water Wetlands International Stefan Aarninkhof Erik van Eekelen Petra Dankers Wouter van der Star Amrit Cado Carolien Wegman Lotte de Jong Bob Smits Trang Vu Jelmer Cleveringa Alex Hekman Autumn Dukich
Civiele techniek
Hendrik Ido Ambacht, Zuid Holland 5.455 volgers
EcoShape develops and shares knowledge about Building with Nature.
Over ons
- Website
Externe link voor EcoShape
- Branche
- Civiele techniek
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 2-10 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Hendrik Ido Ambacht, Zuid Holland
- Type
- Non-profit
- Opgericht
- 2008
- Specialismen
- Building with Nature, Working with Nature, Eco Engineering, Nature Based Engineering, Nature Based Solutions, Engineering with Nature, Ecosystem Restoration, Flood protection en Coastal Safety
Noordeinde 109b
Hendrik Ido Ambacht, Zuid Holland 3341 LW, NL
Medewerkers van EcoShape
Wouter van der Star
(Bio)chemistry in mud and soil | Kleirijperij | Thermal Treatment of Soil | Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Arjan van der Weck
International projects now, from dikes and polder to tunnel...
Thomas Vijverberg
Deputy Manager at Boskalis (Hydronamic)
Lotte de Jong
Teammanager Gebiedsontwikkeling bij Sweco
🌍 Continuing our commitment to collaboration, we were thrilled to host the Brazilian delegation at the EcoShape and NL2120 office in Amersfoort on February 26. They visited the Netherlands to deepen their understanding of #Resilience, #FloodManagement & #NaturebasedSolutions and see first hand how Dutch experts are implementing these innovative approaches, especially in the context of flood recovery. 🤝We welcomed our guests with a full and engaging program. The morning began with welcoming words from Erik van Eekelen, director of the EcoShape Building with Nature III program, followed by insightful introductions from Eduardo Leite, Governor of Rio Grande do Sul, and Sebastião Melo, Mayor of Porto Alegre. 🌱Participants were provided a thorough overview of EcoShape’s initiatives, showcasing our commitment to #Buildingwithnature. This includes our focus on using Nature-based Solutions that restore natural landscapes to enhance flood resilience and recovery efforts. Alex Hekman then introduced the NL2120 program, and focused on integrating Nature-based Solutions into city planning. 💡Representatives from our partners, including Danilo Cançado from Royal HaskoningDHV, Fredrik Huthoff from HKV lijn in water/IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, and Joana Vlaanderen from Witteveen+Bos, shared their valuable project insights related to Nature-based Solutions, demonstrating how resilience can be achieved in urban settings. 💬The discussions were rich and thought-provoking, fostering a collaborative spirit and deepening our international ties. 🌟A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved in making this event a success and to our Brazilian delegation for their enthusiasm and commitment to learning, in particular NBSO Porto Alegre! We look forward to continued collaboration and exchanging innovative solutions for a sustainable future. ⏩ The Official Mission in Testimonials: Watch the video featuring Caspar van Rijnbach, Chief Representative of the Netherlands Business Support Office - NBSO Porto Alegre, Eduardo Leite, Governor of Rio Grande do Sul, and Sebastião Melo, Mayor of Porto Alegre, as they discuss the conclusion of this initiative and the potential of its legacy for a more resilient future in southern Brazil. - https://lnkd.in/gffEnYJC
📢 Resilient Futures Webinar: Connecting Dutch Expertise with Rio Grande do Sul's Flood Recovery 🌊The recent webinar, “Resilient Futures: Connecting Solutions for Flood Recovery in Rio Grande do Sul,” co-hosted by Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development) and NBSO Porto Alegre, highlighted the critical role of Dutch expertise in supporting Rio Grande do Sul's recovery from the devastating floods. During the webinar, EcoShape management team member, Petra Dankers (Royal HaskoningDHV), had the opportunity to pitch the work the EcoShape consortium does through the Building with Nature approach. 🌎From the Government of Rio Grande do Sul, the webinar featured representatives from the Secretariat for Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul (Serg); the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production, and Irrigation (Seapi); the Secretariat of Urban and Metropolitan Development (Sedur); the Secretariat of Innovation, Science, and Technology (Sict); the Secretariat of Public Works (Sop); and the Secretariat of Environment and Infrastructure (Sema). 🤝The participating Dutch companies were: Acacia Water; ANTEA Brasil; Arcadis; Carboneers; Dutch Water Prevention; EcoShape; FABRICations.; Fugro; H+N+S Landscape Architects; HydroLogic; Self Closing Flood Barrier ( HYFLO BV); INDYMO; IrriWatch (Hydrosat B.V.); Royal HaskoningDHV; Slamdam - Omar Saleh; Van Oord and Witteveen+Bos. ⭐Yesterday, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Brazilian delegation to the EcoShape and NL2120 office in Amersfoort. During their visit, we shared insights on Dutch expertise in Nature-based Solutions for flood recovery and explored more opportunities for further collaboration. Stay tuned for our upcoming post, which will offer additional details about this important visit! #Climateadaptation #buildingwithnature #naturebasedsolutions #floodrecovery
⭐Wrapping up last weeks WACA- West Africa Coastal Areas Management program visit, participants had the opportunity to visit organizations Invest International and Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development. 🌱Thursday morning consisted of introductions to Invest International and the Commission MER. Engaging with their teams provided everyone valuable insights into how financing can support Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), especially in the context of West African coastal countries. Discussions included the critical role that financial institutions and governments play in promoting sustainable practices and how investments and policies can be aligned with environmental goals. 🌊During the visit participants were presented with an insightful overview of the six EcoShape enablers for implementing NBS, which provides a comprehensive framework for effectively integrating these approaches into projects. NL2120 joined us for this session and discussion on which enablers for NBS West African participants recognized for their own countries. 🤝Thursday afternoon we continued with country presentations on the issues that the West African experts are facing and current projects. After, we had expert-to-expert sessions in which EcoShape and NL2120-experts joined us and discussed with the West African experts on possible NBS. We ended Thursday with a network event for the whole water sector. 💬To end the week on Friday, participants visited Netherlands Enterprise Agency . We discussed how to move forward and continue collaboration between the West African and Dutch NBS sector. There is already a MoA between EcoShape and the University of Cape Coast (African Centre of Excellence on Coastal Resilience), and we discussed how we could sustain that and strengthen each other. We concluded that this was a very fruitful and inspiring week in which many enabling contacts have been established. We hope to see each other soon! #BuildingwithNature #NatureBasedSolutions #WACA
⭐🌊This afternoon was an exciting session for the program on Nature Regeneration in the North Sea. The program is a public-private partnership with the aim to create a more resilient and richer North Sea, with enough space for sustainable use. 👉Learn more about the program: https://lnkd.in/gnCrbX8s
OEEC Presentation: Introducing the program Nature Regeneration North Sea 🌊💡 📅 Join us on Tuesday, November 26th, as Jeroen Vis from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Nature (LVVN) presents the new program Nature Regeneration North Sea. This innovative Public-Private Partnership aims to create a more resilient and biodiverse North Sea while ensuring space for sustainable use. Through a learning-by-doing approach, the program gathers valuable knowledge to enhance the overall ecosystem and applies these insights to enable large-scale nature restoration efforts in the North Sea. 🌍🐋 Don't miss this inspiring session! #OEEC2024 #NorthSea #NatureRegeneration #Sustainability #MarineConservation #NatureRegenerationNorthSea
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Tijdens een feestelijke ceremonie in het Rotterdamse Stadhuis reikte burgemeester Carola Schouten vrijdagavond 23 november de Grote Maaskantprijs uit aan NL2120. "Zo'n unieke samenwerking tussen wetenschappers, bedrijven en natuurorganisaties is niet vanzelfsprekend. Het consortium heeft een pragmatische blik op de toekomst en stroopt de mouwen op om te werken aan dat wat ons land nodig heeft. Dit werkt aanstekelijk en inspirerend." 🏆 De Grote Maaskantprijs wordt tweejaarlijks uitgereikt aan personen en initiatieven die zich in bijzondere mate onderscheiden op het gebied van architectuur, stedenbouw of landschapsarchitectuur. Sanne van den Breemer, Onno Dwars, Meta Knol, Ekim Tan en Deltacommissaris Co Verdaas vormden dit jaar de jury. Alex Hekman, directeur van NL2120, reageert opgetogen op de prijs: “We zien deze toekenning vooral als een aanmoediging om onze ambitie kracht bij te zetten. Het laat zien dat er in Nederland ruimte en behoefte is aan hoopvolle en toekomstbestendige oplossingen. Deze prijs bevestigt dat onze aanpak – het benutten van het natuurlijke systeem in plaats van het tegen te werken – de juiste is. We vinden het ook bijzonder dat onze beweging voor natuur en klimaat een architectuurprijs wint. Dat laat zien dat natuur een krachtige stem heeft bij architectuur, bouw en de inrichting van het landschap.” Lees het juryrapport van Stichting Rotterdam Maaskant op https://lnkd.in/ejf4Cmap Wageningen Environmental Research Deltares IUCN Wereld Natuur Fonds (WWF-NL) Stichting De Noordzee Staatsbosbeheer ARK Rewilding Nederland EcoShape IVN Natuureducatie De Vlinderstichting (Dutch Butterfly Conservation) De Natuur en Milieufederaties Natuurmonumenten Dutch Research Institute for Transitions Provincie Fryslân Gemeente Rotterdam TU Delft SoortenNL Vogelbescherming Nederland Gemeente Dordrecht Hogeschool Inholland Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein – VHL University of Applied Sciences HZ University of Applied Sciences HAS green academy Yuverta University of Twente Aeres Hogeschool Wageningen Universiteit Utrecht Delta Platform
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🤝 A week full of knowledge sharing on Natures-Based Solutions (NBS) for coastal protection. In cooperation with The World Bank - the West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development - Partners for Water we organised a study tour on NBS. 🌊 West African and Dutch experts from NL2120 and EcoShape toured through the country and discussed a dynamic coastal landscape with notches and blow-outs. Want to know what notches are? Check out our video below. 🌍 Besides that we studied urban NBS, visited the Water Management Centre at Rijkswaterstaat, discussed the barriers to implement NBS in West African countries, we presented the Impact study on NBS for West African countries, learned about financial investments and the importance of strong business cases for NBS and the best part of it, we made connections and new friends. Because only together, we can solve global challenges! Sajid Anwar Liliane Geerling Job Udo Carolien Wegman Tom Wilms Nina Pouls Paula Lambregts Eleanor Treadwell Willem Mak
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🏖️ Un motor de arena que ayuda a ampliar la zona costera, creando una zona natural dinámica. ⛲️Un parque creado en el medio de un río para evitar las inundaciones en época de lluvias. 🐚Un arrecife de ostras que evita la erosión mediante estructuras arrecifales tridimensionales eficaces para disipar la energía de las olas. Son algunas de las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza compartidas por EcoShape en el taller sobre la materia que se tuvo ayer en la Embajada de Países Bajos en Perú. Erik van Eekelen y Petra Dankers, los expertos de la misión técnica, compartieron sus conocimientos y experiencias con representantes de empresas, gobierno, cooperación, sociedad civil y especialistas interesados en la aplicación de estas soluciones en los desafíos costeros del Perú. Conoce más sobre los proyectos impulsados por Ecoshape en distintas partes del mundo en: https://lnkd.in/enxWawF Erik van Eekelen Petra Dankers Enrique Uribarri Jan-Willem le Grand Erik Plaisier José Alberto Del Corral Henrik Laseur Alexander Kofman
💧Yesterday was the third day of the WACA- West Africa Coastal Areas Management program, Nature-Based Solutions tour in The Netherlands! On Wednesday participants visited the Noordwaard and the city of Dordrecht. Berry Gersonius showed tidal park projects. Everyone visited Plan Tij and walked trough the area where the project Vlijweide will be realised. The last visit was Wervenpark. The group concluded the visit in het Wantijpaviljoen where participants had a discussion about the similarities and differences between the Dutch situation and the challenges the participants face in their home countries. 🎞️Watch a video about the Wervenpark (in Dutch): https://lnkd.in/grBVdV_x Friso Klapwijk, One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE) and João Cortesão, PhD Sweco #NatureBasedSolutions #BuildingwithNature #WACA
🌊On the second day of the WACA- West Africa Coastal Areas Management program tour in the Netherlands, the West African and Dutch experts met at the dunes near Castricum, North Holland. They discussed a dynamic coastal landscape with notches and blow-outs compared to the fixation of dunes by planting marram grass or other vegetation both from the flood safety and the ecological side. Participants even visited an almost closed notch near Castricum! 🌱Back inside Paula Lambregts (on behalf of HKV, Witteveen+Bos + Centre for Coastal Management [Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience] ACECoR) presented the Inventory and Impact Analysis of Coastal Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in West Africa that HKV, Witteveen+Bos and ACECoR did for WACA and Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development. We discussed with the participants the lessons learned that followed from the implemented projects along the West African Coast and if they recognized them. Great need was felt to establish a strong business case as without this NBS will not be selected for implementation. Afterwards, the participants reflected on how they incorporate nature in their solutions. The discussion will be continued during the week as the participants will showcase the issues and (possible) NBS in their coastal systems. 💧The day ended with a tour of the Water Management Centre at Rijkswaterstaat in Lelystad. HKV lijn in water Witteveen+Bos B-WARE Research Centre #NatureBasedSolutions #BuildingwithNature #WACA