Here to Support

Here to Support


Amsterdam, North Holland 458 volgers

Non-profit organisation working together with undocumented migrants. Creating platforms for Co-Creation and CoAction.

Over ons

Here to Support collaborates with refugees in limbo and various organizations in the fields of education and knowledge, artistic projects and lobby and advocacy. The projects are founded by a group of artists, cultural producers, and theoretics in collaboration with refugees that want their voices to be heard and want to change something about the reality they find themselves in. Here to Support strives to form collaborations founded in equity in a society that is characterized by structural inequality. We work from the core belief that an open and inclusive society will only exist if everyone in the society is acknowledged, has equal rights and if all voices are heard.

2-10 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland


Medewerkers van Here to Support


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    Profiel weergeven voor Pourya Omidi, afbeelding

    Programme Developer at Waag Futurelab

    [For English scroll down] Afgelopen weekend hebben we samen met Malou Lintmeijer en Savannah Koolen van Here to Support deelgenomen aan de Interledger Foundation Summit in Kaapstad, waar we spraken over ons onderzoeksproject “Trust Based Banking.” Ongedocumenteerde burgers zonder burgerservicenummer (BSN) hebben vaak geen toegang tot essentiële overheidsdiensten, zoals rechtsbijstand, mentale gezondheidszorg, en gemeentelijke voorzieningen. Daarnaast kunnen zij zonder BSN geen bankrekening openen. Tijdens deze Summit hebben we geleerd over initiatieven rond financiële inclusie in Afrika en Zuid-Amerika, en hoe open-source technologie hierin een rol kan spelen. We willen onderzoeken hoe alternatieve vormen van identificatie, zoals community vouching, toegang tot bank- en betaalverkeer voor deze groep in Nederland kunnen mogelijk maken. Wil je meer weten over ons initiatief of wil je betrokken raken met ons onderzoeksvoorstel, lees ons projectvoorstel op onze Waag Futurelab website hier: English: Last weekend, together with Malou Lintmeijer and Savannah Koolen from Here to Support, we attended the Interledger Foundation Summit in Cape Town, where we presented our research project, “Trust Based Banking.” Undocumented citizens without a social security number (or in Dutch: BSN) often lack access to essential government services such as legal aid, mental health support, and municipal resources. Additionally, without a BSN, they are unable to open a bank account. At the Interledger Summit, we gained valuable insights into initiatives focused on financial inclusion in Africa and South America and the role open-source technology can play in this area. We aim to explore how alternative forms of identification, such as community vouching, can help provide this group with access to banking and payment services. If you want to learn more about our initiative or get involved with our research proposal, read about our project on Waag Futurelab website here:

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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor DeGoedeZaak, afbeelding

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    Wij waarschuwen het kabinet: als Faber haar plannen om een noodwet over asiel uit te schrijven doorzet, krijgt ze onmiddellijk met de rechter te maken. Op vrijdag 11 oktober stuurden Here to Support, DeGoedeZaak, MiGreat NL, STIL Utrecht, Stichting Gast, SAWA Collective en New Women Connectors een sommatiebrief naar minister Faber: wanneer de noodwet wordt uitgeroepen, willen wij juridische stappen zetten. Steun je deze zaak? Hoe meer mensen zich uitspreken, hoe sterker we staan! Je kan de 'Stop de Noodwet!' petitie nog ondertekenen. Met deze coalitie van aanklagers laten wij een sterk geluid horen naar het kabinet, en naar de samenleving dat een hele grote groep mensen voor humaan migratiebeleid is en zich verenigt tegen het huidige kabinet. Want de noodweet... ... is ondemocratisch en ondermijnt onze rechtsstaat. ...versobert de asielopvang verder, terwijl de omstandigheden al slecht zijn en kinderen zwaar ondervoed. ...leidt tot gedwongen uitzettingen van mensen zonder verblijfsvergunning, zond individuele beoordeling. Wij laten ons horen als belanghebbenden. Wij laten mensenlevens niet afhangen van alle politieke spelletjes: vanuit de samenleving zullen wij elke millimeter van de rechtsstaat en humaan beleid richting mensen op de vlucht beschermen en bevechten. Steun ons en teken de 'Stop de noodwet!" petitie op Illustratie gemaakt door Rossel Chaslie Vormgeving door Celesta Kuling en Rachèl Ben Ahmed #stopdenoodwet #beschermmensenrechten #refugeeswelcome

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    458 volgers

    Samen met Stichting Gelukszoekers geven we een tegengeluid tegen het kabinet. Zo hard nodig. Alle plannen rond asiel en ongedocumenteerde mensen zijn verschrikkelijk. Met lede ogen moeten wij kijken naar hoe de media het narratief overneemt. Vandaag zijn we allemaal gelukszoekers. Een campagne waar zoveel mensen aan mee willen doen, dat we er een beetje stil van zijn. Alle credits naar dream team: Savannah Koolen Malou Lintmeijer Celesta Kuling Rachèl Ben Ahmed Lisa Elsenburg Hui-Hui Pan Boris Peters Kim Tawjoeram

    Soms gaat geluk over hele kleine dingen: een koffietje, appeltaart, babbeltje, klaar. En soms gaat het over hele grote dingen. Over het zoeken van een nieuwe plek waar je mag bestaan. Waar je met je geliefde en je familie mag bestaan. Dat zijn hele fundamentele dingen. En daarom vind ik geluk zo belangrijk.” - Chris Keulenmans In tijden van harde zondebokpolitiek vergeten we één simpel feit: we zijn allemaal op zoek naar geluk. Waarom zouden alleen sommigen recht hebben op geluk? Waarom zou de plek waar je geboren bent bepalen welke kansen je krijgt? Wij dagen jou uit om verder te kijken, je mening te baseren op feiten en samen een krachtig tegengeluid te laten horen. Gelukszoeker zijn we toch eigenlijk allemaal? Doe je mee? Een film van Here to Support & Stichting Gelukszoekers Creative direction & concept: Rachèl Ben Ahmed & Celesta Kuling Regie en cinematografie: Boris Peters Geluid: Eran Brinkman Set Design: Isa Soares Interview: Hui-Hui Pan #ikbeneengelukszoeker #gelukszoeker #18miljoengelukszoekers

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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Display Europe, afbeelding

    1.005 volgers

    In the forests of Poland, near Europe’s northeastern borders, migrants struggle to survive while Ukrainian refugees receive a warm welcome. Why? Find out in the latest episode of Migration Chronicles, the podcast on surviving border by our grantees Here to Support politics.https:// Since the Belarusian crisis in 2021 and the war in Ukraine in 2022, Poland has become a key destination for refugees. We spoke with Farida and Nasser, who shared their harrowing stories of crossing the borders. Their experiences reveal a Europe of double standards, where safety is often reserved for some over others. Join us as we piece together the events of the past three years with insights from human rights advocates, researchers, and civil society members. When will the EU take responsibility for the humanitarian crises at its borders? Migration Chronicles is an immersive audio report exploring the human impact of border politics across the EU. Hosted by Mohamed Bah, we’ve traveled to the Mediterranean, the Balkans, Northern, and Western Europe. Check out our previous episodes on the EU's migration policies, Malta, and Trieste on Spotify and YouTube. Listen to the voices of those affected by these policies. Directed by Mohammed S. Bah and Riccardo Biggi. Written and produced by Riccardo Biggi, with editorial supervision by Osama al Sayad. Edited by Mohamed S. Bah. Brought to you by Here to Support and supported by Display Europe.

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    458 volgers

    Check out the new episodes of the Migration Chronicles series on Spotify and YouTube. These episodes focus on Trieste, Italy, where the Balkan route ends.

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Display Europe, afbeelding

    1.005 volgers

    Today City Rights Radio publishes two new episodes of the podcast season Migration Chronicles: Surviving Border Politics! We will go to Trieste, a city in North-East Italy, at the end of the Balkan Route. What is the situation for refugees and migrants here? Episode 4, From the Balkans to Italy: The Balkan Route is a pathway in South-Eastern Europe, through which people walk to reach a place of safety. What is the story of the Balkan Route, and what safety can you find in Italy? Episode 5, The artificial emergency in Trieste: In Trieste, asylum seekers are sleeping in an abandoned building and have no access to proper shelter. Who is responsible for this situation? Migration Chronicles is an immersive audio-reportage across the EU to investigate the human impact on border politics. With your host Mohamed Bah, we will travel to the Mediterranean, the Balkans, Northern and Western Europe. Sit back and listen to the voices of illegalized people. To know more about migration policies in the EU and in Malta, check episodes 1, 2 and 3. Following episodes will come in the summer months! This podcast is directed by Mohammed Bah and Riccardo Biggi. Written and produced by Riccardo Biggi, with editorial supervision by Osama al Sayad. Brought to you by Here to Support. Supported by Display Europe. Check out:

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    Profiel weergeven voor Julian Sarmiento, afbeelding

    Cultural Mediator/Bass player /Photographer/

    Hello everyone! Tomorrow Saturday June 15th 14.00 at Dam Square (Amsterdam), a big demonstration will take place! The event is supported by several organizations and stands for free movement and equal rights for every human being, everywhere. This message takes on more importance in the current political context of the Netherlands. The migration ministry is now in the hands of the PVV party, a far-right anti-migration party. It affects us all. See you there! Check the link for more info MiGreat Here to Support

    MOVE DEMO - MiGreat

    MOVE DEMO - MiGreat

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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Display Europe, afbeelding

    1.005 volgers

    Why do migrant boats disappear in the Mediterranean? And what awaits those who reach Malta? Tune in to listen to the truth behind Malta's migration policies in our new audio-reportage series from City Rights Radio and Here to Support The first two episodes of this podcast are dedicated to Malta. This small island in the Central Mediterranean is the only country in North Africa and the only formerly colonized nation that is part of the EU. Scratch the surface of this paradise island, and you’ll find a trap for migrants, where they can’t leave and where they can’t integrate. This podcast is directed by Mohamed S Bah and Riccardo Biggi. Written and produced by Riccardo Biggi, with editorial supervision by Osama al Sayad. Brought to you by Here to Support. Supported by Display Europe . Tune in: #MigrationChronicles #EU #BorderPolitics #Malta #Podcast #DisplayEurope #HereToSupport #Migration #Media

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    458 volgers

    This week we are voting for the European Elections. Although taking part in democratic election is a human right, this right is not valued. Last time, only 40% of Dutch people voted in the EU elections. This means many votes went unused. There are many people in the Netherlands who want to vote but can’t. . Use your vote for those who can’t. Use your vote for a humane migration policy. Go vote and share this message! #myvoiceyourvote #Europeanelections2024 #govote credits: Leandra Arjona-Jacobi Studio HER Savannah Koolen Malou Lintmeijer Mahmoud Elenani Eunice de Asis Hannah Bollmann

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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Display Europe, afbeelding

    1.005 volgers

    🌍 Europe, we need to talk… 🌍 Tomorrow, May 31st, at 19:00, our grantees from City Rights Radio will launch their new podcast season: Migration Chronicles: Surviving Border Politics! 🎙️ Join your host Mohamed Bah as we embark on an immersive audio journey across the EU to investigate the human impact of border politics. From the Mediterranean to the Balkans, Northern to Western Europe, sit back and listen to the voices of those affected by these policies. In the first three episodes, available on Spotify and Display Europe, we explore the evolution of border politics in the EU, with a special focus on Malta. This small island in the Central Mediterranean is unique as the only country in North Africa and the only formerly colonized nation that is part of the EU. Scratch the surface of this paradise island and you’ll find a trap for migrants, caught between a rock and a wave—Malta is a rock surrounded by many waves. 🎧 Don't miss this powerful series directed by Mohammed Bah and Riccardo Biggi. Written and produced by Riccardo Biggi, with editorial supervision by Osama al Sayad. Brought to you by Here to Support and supported by Display Europe #MigrationChronicles #CityRightsRadio #BorderPolitics #PodcastLaunch #HumanRights #Immigration #Europe #Mediterranean #Balkans #Spotify #DisplayEurope

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