

Technologie, informatie en internet

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 11.518 volgers

Empowering professionals to train for adaptability and success: Language courses, skills development, and team building

Over ons

Welcome to mYngle – your ultimate destination for personalized live online language courses, soft skills training, and team-building activities to empower your employees. Language Courses: Empower your talents with the ability to communicate confidently in multiple languages. Our expert native language teachers deliver personalized courses tailored to individual learning styles. Dive into an immersive language journey with interactive classrooms, enriched by multimedia content and friendly, well-versed instructors. Soft Skills Development: Enhance personal and professional growth with vital soft skills. Our programs focus on interpersonal, communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills. Experienced coaches guide your team through practical scenarios and real-life simulations, fostering confidence in dynamic environments. Team Building: Strengthen team bonds and productivity with innovative team-building experiences. Engaging and tailored sessions cultivate essential teamwork and leadership skills, creating a harmonious and motivated work environment. Why Choose mYngle? Expert Instructors: Our qualified instructors ensure top-quality language courses, soft skills training, and team-building activities. Personalized Approach: Tailored programs cater to your company's unique goals and preferences. Interactive Learning: Dynamic virtual classrooms driven by real human instructors for immersive experiences. Flexible Options: Convenient scheduling to accommodate your employees' needs. Measurable Results: Comprehensive assessment and feedback mechanisms for progress tracking. Unleash your team's potential with mYngle's exceptional offerings. Join us on this transformative journey towards workforce success, and discover the synergistic power of language, soft skills, and team building at

Technologie, informatie en internet
201 - 500 medewerkers
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Particuliere onderneming
the new way to learn languages, language training, career development, team building, soft skills training en leadership skills


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    11.518 volgers

    An alarming 51% of remote workers do not feel their company offers enough support to help them. (Source: Zippia) With the number of remote employees on the rise, the demand for effective, sustainable solutions to enhance productivity grows. Here are the top strategies for leading remote teams. For concise training sessions tailored to your remote team, visit and book your free demo session. #mYngle #HRStrategies #HRs #TrainingManagers #RemoteTeam

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor mYngle, afbeelding

    11.518 volgers

    Leadership isn't just about having a title—it's about embodying essential qualities (as shown below) that inspire and guide others towards shared goals. 🔗 Unlock the full potential of your employees and enhance their success in the workplace through cutting-edge leadership training. Schedule a free demo session with mYngle today: #mYngle #LeadershipDevelopment #HRStrategies #LeadershipSkills

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    Profiel weergeven voor Jana Thomanek, afbeelding

    Teamleiterin Produktentwicklung & Regulatory Affairs bei Orthomol pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbH

    Let’s talk English 🗣️ Auch ich habe die Möglichkeit, meine sprachlichen Kenntnisse zu verbessern, und bin sehr dankbar für diese Möglichkeit! Mein Team hat sich seit einiger Zeit für die Lernplattform mYngle entschieden. Myngle ist hat sich als wirklich großartiges Tool herausgestellt. Die Flexibilität bei der Buchung von Unterrichtsstunden, die Auswahl an Lehrer:innen und die Anpassung an verschiedene Zeitfenster ermöglichen eine nahtlose Integration in den Arbeitsalltag. Der individuelle Unterricht ist unglaublich lehrreich für mich 🤗 In regelmäßigen Gesprächen mit On-Sem Park, meiner Ansprechpartnerin für Orthomol, bespreche ich die Fortschritte von meinem Team. Dadurch können wir quartalsweise Anpassungen für jeden Einzelnen vornehmen. An dieser Stelle ein großes Dankeschön an Dich und deine Kolleg:innen - Ihr macht einen tollen Job 👏

    Profiel weergeven voor Julia Juber, afbeelding

    Mitarbeiterin Produktentwicklung & Regulatory Affairs bei Orthomol pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbH

    #Englisch - die Sprache der Wissenschaft! 🙌🏼 Für mein Team und mich ist Englisch unumgänglich. Es ist die Sprache von wissenschaftlichen Artikeln, zahlreicher Dokumentationen, die Basis zur Kommunikation mit Geschäftspartner:innen und vieles mehr… Umso mehr freue ich mich, dass ich bei Orthomol pharmazeutische Vertriebs GmbH die Möglichkeit habe, verschiedene Sprachen zu erlernen und meine Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern. Denn die Vertiefung dieser Fähigkeiten, besonders in Hinblick auf relevante Business- und Culture-Skills, sind für unseren Aufgabenbereich wichtig und sollten kontinuierlich gestärkt werden. Für meine Sprachentwicklung habe ich mich für den Einzelunterricht entschieden und schätze den direkten Austausch mit meinem Teacher sehr, da der Unterricht so individuell und auf mein Niveau abgestimmt ist. Wird bei Euch im Unternehmen die Sprachentwicklung gefördert?

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor mYngle, afbeelding

    11.518 volgers

    An embedded culture of overwork and unpaid overtime is taking a severe toll on businesses and workers across the UK, according to new research released today by Protime UK. The research, conducted among 2,000 UK employees, found excessive workloads and unrealistic expectations from managers are driving a work environment that undermines employee, motivation, productivity, retention and overall business performance. The study found that half (54%) of UK employees put in between half a day and four days per month of unpaid overtime each month equating to 19 million days of uncompensated work. Poor management and inadequate leadership skills are clearly contributing to these poor working conditions. You can help your team by ensuring they are managed by individuals with strong leadership abilities. Explore mYngle's leadership training programs at #mYngle #HRStrategies #TrainingManagers

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor mYngle, afbeelding

    11.518 volgers

    As an HR professional managing expatriates, one of the most costly issues your business may face is expatriate failure. Research indicates that failure rates can range from 10% to 50%, with the destination playing a significant role. (Source: Allianz) Therefore, HR support should not end once the expatriate is in place. A lack of local support can contribute to overall expatriate failure, making it essential to build a comprehensive support plan for when they arrive at their new destination. We have compiled the most effective strategies HR can employ to help mitigate expatriate failures. 👉 Swipe to read. #ExpatriateManagement #HRStrategies #GlobalMobility #ExpatSuccess

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor mYngle, afbeelding

    11.518 volgers

    Researchers have found that adopting an online education paradigm leads to carbon profiles that are roughly 90% lower compared to those of face-to-face instruction (Source: National Library of Medicine). This #WorldEnvironmentDay, we’re proud to reaffirm our commitment to fostering a greener, more sustainable future through our comprehensive online training programs for business professionals. 🌱 As a global leader in online education, we are dedicated to reducing our environmental footprint by providing high-quality, accessible training without the need for physical materials or travel. Our online platform helps minimize carbon emissions, contributing to a more sustainable world. Start your learning journey and be part of the change. Take a peek at our learning programs here: #SustainableLearning #OnlineLearning #EdTech

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    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Storm6, afbeelding

    173.261 volgers

    📢 We are excited to share the 2024 EdTech Industry Growth Report. This report, authored by The Edtech Growth Newsletter by Tiago Mateus, dives into GTM strategies and growth initiatives of the Top 250 EdTech companies (shortlisted by TIME and Statistics). You will find interviews with: Emeritus Memrise Learnosity Pickatale - read, listen and learn! 3DBear Mindstone Kuepa Zensai Labster Kognity Funzi Docsity mYngle Explorance eAdvance Group A must-read for all EdTech professionals! 📚📝 To access the full report here comment and we will send over, or check it out in the newsletter below!

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor mYngle, afbeelding

    11.518 volgers

    We're thrilled to announce that mYngle has been recognized as one of the World's Top EdTech Companies of 2024 by TIME and Statista! This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team, as well as the trust and support of our valued learners and partners. We are proud to be at the forefront of the EdTech revolution, transforming education and making high-quality learning accessible to everyone, everywhere. Thank you for being part of our journey. Together, we are shaping the future of education! #TopEdTech2024 #mYngle #OnlineLearning #EdTechInnovation #Time #Statista

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor mYngle, afbeelding

    11.518 volgers

    Managing leadership change involves careful planning, effective communication, and strategic execution. Smooth leadership transitions are the cornerstone of organizational resilience and growth. From maintaining strategic momentum to boosting morale, ensuring a successful handover is key to navigating change with confidence at the workplace. Here's how HR can navigate this process 👉 swipe to read more #leadership #hrstrategies #hrs #trainingmanagers

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