One Point Four Degrees

One Point Four Degrees


Empowering professionals to make an impact on a sustainable future.

Over ons

One Point Four Degrees is an online platform that brings together Leaders from diverse Industry and Academic backgrounds to inform, challenge and inspire thinking on Corporate Sustainability and Renewable Energy Technology. We all have a critical role to play in creating a sustainable future our organizations and society as a whole. Whether it's reducing your organization's carbon footprint, investing in renewable energy, or advocating for policy change, we believe that every action counts. Through an ongoing series of publications, podcasts and online events, our vision is to create a community that drives innovation in the development and adoption of sustainable energy solutions, contributing towards the global energy transition and journey to net zero

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    The world just spent its first year above 1.5°C warming. Does that sentence spark a feeling of helplessness? What can one person do? 🤷♀️ You have the power to make a change! Here are 3 practical and less considered ways to do just that: 1. Every day conversation. It’s easy to dismiss off-hand remarks that minimise or trivialise the effects of #globalwarming. However, especially if these remarks are comping from business leaders, it’s important to call it out. Let’s normalise taking #climatechange seriously 🗣 2. Identify and utilise your #strengths. Do you find it easy to make conversation with people? The converse about how you can make a difference. Are you an avid cyclist? Then convince your coworkers to pedal into work with you. Are you well read? Then start a newsletter at your company where you discuss all things sustainability in your industry! 💪 3. #Lead by example. Actions speak louder than words. If your colleagues, friends and family members see you consistently following through with actions that match your values, they’re likely to get inspired too 💡 ---------- We’re a group of sustainability enthusiasts who want to spark discussions around corporate sustainability with our network of business leaders. Maximise renewable resources 🌳 Minimise waste ♻ Shine a light on the reality of climate change 👀 Inspire you to act 💪 Follow us for more challenging sustainability content ➡

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    🌱 Going green can boost margins by 20% or more. But only a handful of companies will reap the rewards. Most leaders struggle to maintain the vision and commitment needed to operationalise #sustainability ⚙ If you aspire to make a real difference this year, check out these 5 European companies showing the way in 2024: 1. Vestas Leading global provider of wind energy solutions consistently innovating renewable energy technology, reducing #carbonfootprints and promoting wind power as a reliable and eco-friendly energy source. 2. Nordex Group Manufacturing and supplying wind turbines with a strong focus on product lifecycle sustainability, and transparent and responsible sourcing practices. 3. Schneider Electric Specialising in energy management and automation solutions, Schneider have played a pivotal role in the advancement of smart grid technologies and actively involve their employees in sustainability initiatives. 4. SMA Solar Technology AG Innovative solar solutions manufacturer that is a key player in the development of solar inverter technology. Constantly enhancing the the efficiency and performance of their products, while engaging in educational initiatives to raise awareness about the benefits of #renewableenergy adoption. 5. Ørsted Primarily focused on offshore wind farms, bioenergy and other renewable solutions, this organisation has undergone a remarkable transformation from a fossil-fuel based energy company to a global renewable energy leader. ---------- We’re a group of sustainability enthusiasts who want to spark discussions around corporate sustainability with our network of business leaders. Maximise renewable resources 🌳 Minimise waste ♻ Shine a light on the reality of climate change 👀 Inspire you to act 💪 Follow us for more challenging sustainability content ➡

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    Will you be scrambling to adapt to the new European right to repair law? Fines and project delays loom if #repairs and #recycling aren't built in from the start 🔧 Unsure how to begin? Dutch company Solarge are leading the way by improving a major solar panel design weakness! 🚀 Read more below ⬇ ------ We’re a group of sustainability enthusiasts who want to spark discussions around corporate sustainability with our network of business leaders. Maximise renewable resources 🌳 Minimise waste ♻ Shine a light on the reality of climate change 👀 Inspire you to act 💪 Follow us for more challenging sustainability content ➡ #rightorepair #circularity

    Dutch Solarge bets on sustainability to take on Chinese solar panels

    Dutch Solarge bets on sustainability to take on Chinese solar panels

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    Becoming a circular business sounds expensive and risky. But linear models are running on borrowed time ⏳ It’s important to acknowledge the goal is not merely about building products; it's about engineering them to endure, adapt, and contribute to a #circulareconomy ♻ Design complexity, consumer education, and supply chain adaptation are just a few of the variables in this equation We’re curious… How intricately are circular economy principles woven into your product development and placement strategies? 🧐 ---------- We’re a group of sustainability enthusiasts who want to spark discussions around corporate sustainability with our network of business leaders. Maximise renewable resources 🌳 Minimise waste ♻ Shine a light on the reality of climate change 👀 Inspire you to act 💪 Follow us for more challenging sustainability content ➡ #recycling #corporatesustainability

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    What triggered you to care about the corporate sustainability? For founder, Jon Stanley it was reading an article about the vast amounts of money that global banks were quietly investing into fossil fuels 🏦 All while they were publicly expressing their support of the Paris Agreement and commitment to achieving the max. 1.5 degree warming goal. This situation is not unique, unfortunately. Every day greenwashing is covering up questionable environmental practices carried out by corporations both large and small. What is your story? ---------- We’re a group of sustainability enthusiasts who want to spark discussions around corporate sustainability with our network of business leaders. Maximise renewable resources 🌳 Minimise waste ♻ Shine a light on the reality of climate change 👀 Inspire you to act 💪 Follow us for more challenging sustainability content ➡

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    Manufacturers always point fingers about who should cut emissions first 👉 But the climate doesn't care about blame - only cumulative CO2 cuts. Frustrated with the finger-pointing? Then it’s time to lead by example on climate action in your company 🌱 ------------ We’re a group of sustainability enthusiasts who want to spark discussions around corporate sustainability with our network of business leaders. Maximise renewable resources 🌳 Minimise waste ♻ Shine a light on the reality of climate change 👀 Inspire you to act 💪 Follow us for more challenging sustainability content ➡

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    Fact: 93% of Fortune 1000 companies publish annual sustainability reports 📊 Yet only 23% of manufacturing companies tie exec compensation to these goals. Who is accountable for progress if not leadership? 🧐 Here are 4 ways to align sustainability with financial growth starting from the top down (the last point may be controversial…) ⬇ 1. Performance-Based Bonuses: If the company meets or exceeds its predetermined sustainability targets, executives receive a bonus proportional to the level of success. 2. Long-Term Incentive Plans (LTIPs): Executives may receive additional shares or options if the company achieves sustained improvements in sustainability over a multi-year period. 3. ESG Score-Linked Compensation: Executives receive a higher bonus if the company achieves a top-tier ESG rating compared to peers. 4. Clawback Provisions: If the company experiences a significant environmental incident or fails to achieve agreed-upon sustainability goals, executives may be subject to a reduction in previously granted bonuses. Of course, the specific approach may vary based on the company's industry, goals, and the nature of its sustainability initiatives. Did we miss anything from the list? P.S. If you’re a corporate sustainability enthusiast interested in receiving free insights from industry experts - drop us a follow! 🌱

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    Europe aims to cut #emissions 55% by 2030 ⬇ A herculean task for manufacturers dependent on fossil fuels. Struggling with the #sustainability mandate? ⬇ Here are 5 key strategies high performers are using to get on track: 1. Conducting regular audits to identify areas for improvement in resource usage and waste management 📝 2. Establishing take-back programs to collect and recycle end-of-life products ♻ 3. Implementing strict criteria for supplier selection, giving preference to those with strong environmental and social responsibility commitments 🚛 4. Conducting life cycle assessments to evaluate the environmental impact of products from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal 🔍 These strategies not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also often lead to cost savings, increased efficiency, and enhanced brand reputation Follow One Point Four Degrees to receive free corporate sustainability insights directly to your newsfeed! 🌱

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    In the heart of a sprawling industrial complex, where the rhythmic hum of machinery echoes through towering structures, sits David. David is the Head of Operations. He joined the company 30 years ago. In that time he had weathered countless market shifts, balanced perpetual production demands and supply chain intricacies is basically part of the furniture. Undoubtedly the company wouldn’t be where they are today without him. Yet the winds of change blow steadily through the industry, bringing with them whispers of sustainability, eco-efficiency and corporate responsibility. But David is steadfast. Resistent. To him, the current methods are proven. Why fix something that is not broken? But in a way, the methods are broken, aren’t they? Many processes were not built with circularity or waste reduction or recycling in mind. Do you find yourself up against a David when you push for change in your company? Or do you identify as a David? Follow us to learn how to bring David on to the green side, and go from experiencing resistance at every step, to working together towards common goals! P.S. Share your own experiences with David below! ⬇

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor One Point Four Degrees, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    “Here’s how to heat your home with two flower pots and a candle” “Insulate your windows with blankets like this to prevent damp spots forming when you’re heating is not on” “Look how I can see my breath in the air in my sitting room” As the #energycrisis hit Europe and parts of Asia last year, the internet was full of tips and advice about how to survive the cold winter months without losing your life savings on heating bills. Such a nice example of people coming together… right? More like a dystopian nightmare. In the same year the world’s 5 biggest #oil companies made record payouts to their shareholders. What are the emotions you feel when you read that information? If only we could power the world on the anger we are all feeling about this situation. However, it can power change. Let this be the final wake up call that forces the world to confront the urgent need for #equitable and #sustainable solutions… fast!

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