


Utrecht, Utrecht 8.412 volgers

Market leader in using remote sensing technology for sustainable commodity supply chain risk management.

Over ons

We empower businesses to transition to a sustainable sourcing model, reduce scope 3 emissions, and simplify compliance with the EUDR, and other deforestation-free commitments. With our extensive knowledge and science-based, EY-certified methods, we ensure companies can stay compliant, meet their commitments and report on their progress with confidence.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Utrecht, Utrecht
Particuliere onderneming
earth observation, environmental engineering, remote sensing, satellite, supply chain, sustainability, supply chain risk analysis, sustainable supply chain, sustainable production, Agri-tech, scope 3 emissions, carbon, carbon stock, scope 3 en eudr


Medewerkers van Satelligence


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    Get to know our Satelligence Team! 🌟 Meet Chad Davies, our Financial Controller at Satelligence. 💸 Chad was drawn to Satelligence by its impactful mission of sustainability and the opportunity to oversee the full spectrum of accounting and reporting. Crunching numbers daily, Chad manages essential tasks such as balance sheet reconciliations, AP and AR management, budget analysis, and cash flow oversight with precision. He thrives on innovation, recently leading transitions to new accounting and AP workflow tools. His on-the-ball approach ensures we remain agile in our decision-making processes, helping us stay ahead in our dynamic industry. Originally from the sunny south coast of South Africa, Chad now calls Utrecht home, where he occasionally brings his Dachshund, Poppy, to visit us in the HQ. #MeetTheTeam  #FinancialController #Accounting  #Satelligence 

    • Picture of Chad Davies - the Financial Controller at Satillegence
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    The Satelligence team is expanding, and we're thrilled to introduce Liana Khanaghyan as our new Copywriter! With a rich background in Communications in international development and the energy sector, Liana brings a wealth of content marketing experience to our team, along with her passion for sustainable development. We're excited to showcase her storytelling skills to engage climate stakeholders, amplify our mission, and inspire action to protect our planet. Welcome aboard, Liana! 🎉 #MeetTheTeam #Copywriter

    • Profile picture of our new joiner
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    Join us at Climate Week NYC! 🗽 From September 22 to 29, Nanne Tolsma and Alan Kroeger will be attending #ClimateWeekNYC hosted by Climate Group, diving into a week of dynamic discussions and events centred on climate action. We will be speaking at the Nature4Climate Hub during a session hosted by Wildlife Conservation Society on September 23 at 12 p.m. about incentivizing private sector investment in sustainable commodities and biodiversity conservation. For us at Satelligence, it’s a perfect opportunity to connect with industry leaders and gain insights that align with our commitment to advancing sustainable supply chains. We are co-hosting events with South Pole and Sourcemap: the Supply Chain Mapping Company about strategy, technology, and solutions for Scope 3 reductions and EUDR - please reach out for details. And as Google Cloud Sustainability Partners, you can also find us at the Google Cloud Sustainability Leaders Forum. We’ll be sharing updates on the key events and discussions they attend—so stay tuned for insights and highlights from this thrilling week! #ClimateWeekNYC #ClimateEvents #ClimateGroup #EUDR #Scope3

    • A banner highlighting Satelligence's participation at Climate Week NYC from September 22-29
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    As the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) deadline nears, smallholder cocoa and coffee farmers face a pivotal moment. 🚨

 Fairtrade International is calling for clearer guidance and stronger support from the European Commission, highlighting that these farmers risk being sidelined due to complex compliance requirements—despite their commitment to sustainable practices. Our platform is designed to address this challenge by helping cooperatives effortlessly organise and verify geolocation data, monitor deforestation within farm boundaries, and produce detailed compliance reports. How else can the European Commission better support smallholder farmers in navigating these new regulations? Share your thoughts. 👇💭 Read more on Fairtrade statement on the EU Deforestation Regulation:  

    Fairtrade Statement on the EU Deforestation Regulation

    Fairtrade Statement on the EU Deforestation Regulation

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Satelligence, afbeelding

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    Banks ramp up cooperation to boost sustainability reporting! 👏 We're excited to see the recent developments in the Dutch banking sector, where banks are collaborating to standardise their sustainability reports. With guidance from the The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), this collaboration is set to empower investors to make more informed, sustainable decisions. By aligning on data requirements and reliable calculation methods, banks can ensure greater transparency on key issues including CO2 emissions. As the world increasingly demands accountability on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, partnerships like this pave the way for a more sustainable economy. Robeco, Cardano and other financial institutions already work with Satelligence to understand and address deforestation risk in their investments. Enhancing transparency and driving meaningful progress in sustainability reporting with primary data. Read more about it here: ACM: banken mogen samenwerken bij duurzaamheidsrapportages | #Sustainability #ESG #Collaboration #DutchBanking #Transparency #Satelligence #duurzaamheidsrapportage

    Autoriteit Consument & Markt

    Autoriteit Consument & Markt

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Satelligence, afbeelding

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    Get to know our Satelligence Team! 🌟 Meet Viola, our talented Service and UX Designer dedicated to enhancing our Sustainable Sourcing Platform. Her design expertise improves user experience and functionality, driving our mission to combat deforestation. “To me, working at Satelligence means contributing to a SaaS that helps companies act against deforestation. We provide the tools to make it happen.” Since joining, Viola De Marzi role has evolved as she continually seeks better tools and solutions. She works closely with the product team during the discovery phase to capture user requests and collaborates with Customer Success and New Business teams to gather valuable feedback from clients and prospects. This user-centric approach shapes our product roadmap. Through usability testing with top users, Viola ensures our app evolves to meet their needs, co-creating with those who use it daily for optimal improvements. Outside of work, Viola channels her creativity into art, bringing a unique perspective to her design work. 🎨  We’re thrilled to have her as a vital part of our team. #MeetTheTeam #UXDesigner #SaaS #Satelligence

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    The European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) might seem daunting, but it’s also a catalyst for positive change through multiple industries. 💡 This regulation is more than just a compliance hurdle; it’s an opportunity to advance sustainability, boost market positioning, and build deeper consumer trust. Swipe through our carousel to learn how. 👉 #Sustainability #EUDR #EthicalProduction #MarketGrowth #ConsumerTrust

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    Get to know our Satelligence Team! 🌟 Meet Niklas, our Junior Software Developer. Niklas Pfeffer joined us as an intern, eager to apply his theoretical knowledge and embrace new experiences. Drawn to our mission, he chose to stay after completing his studies, making Utrecht his new home. Each day, Niklas starts with a scenic bike ride through Utrecht. His days are filled with focused work, collaboration, and the occasional game of table tennis. 🏓 As a key member of our Data team, Niklas ensures we deliver top-tier data. His work includes writing and reviewing code, incorporating feedback, and brainstorming innovative ideas, all requiring constant collaboration. His commitment to excellence helps us consistently exceed client expectations. Niklas's journey from intern to integral team member showcases his passion and dedication. We’re happy to have him on our team! #MeetTheTeam #DataSpecialist #Satelligence

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    With over 25 years of on the ground experience, we understand the distinct differences of managing forests in regions like Brazil vs. Indonesia. Our global support team is equipped with deep expertise in remote sensing, forest conservation, and sustainable supply chains, ready to address your unique needs. Why does this matter? Because understanding the specifics of each ecosystem allows us to provide targeted support, easing the complexities for you. We’re here to ensure you have the guidance and expertise needed to navigate these diverse landscapes successfully. 🙌 Connect with our experts to get started with your sustainable sourcing journey. #ExperienceMatters #SustainableSourcing #SustainableSupplyChain

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    The Satelligence Team is Growing! 🚀 We are thrilled to welcome two incredible talents to our team: Ellie Roy and Albina van Langen! 🌟 Ellie Roy joins us as a Data Visualisation Analyst. With a strong background in earth sciences and geomatics, Ellie excels in developing geospatial web applications and automating data analysis. Her data-driven insights will help us create high-quality visuals, enhancing our ability to communicate our goals and impact effectively. Ellie’s expertise will deliver even clearer, actionable insights to our clients. Welcome, Ellie! 🎉 🌟 Albina van Langen joins us as our new Office Manager. With an exciting career in hospitality, Albina is set to transform our office environment. She will oversee office operations, create the best onsite experiences for employees and visitors, and nurture our company culture. Her expertise ensures our team delivers top-notch service and support, directly benefiting our clients. Plus, she’ll keep us well-fed and will be in charge of the teams events! Welcome, Albina! 🎉 Integrating Ellie’s technical expertise and Albina’s operational skills strengthens our team. We’re excited to have these talented women on board! #TeamGrowth #WelcomeNewMembers #Satelligence #GeospatialData #OfficeManagement

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