Starred (now

Starred (now


Amsterdam, North Holland 5.600 volgers

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Please follow our current page on is the leading platform for candidate-centric recruitment, born from the merger of Starred and Talenthub. Leveraging extensive feedback and advanced analytics, offers a suite of products designed to enhance the Hiring Experience for both candidates and employers. With a focus on transparency, engagement, and continuous improvement, is committed to delivering the Hiring Experiences top-quality candidates have been asking for.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Feedback tool, Net Promoter Score, Real-time feedback, Insights, Customer Success, Candidate NPS, Candidate experience, candidate journey, Employer Branding, recruitment feedback, People Experience en Recruitment Tech



Medewerkers van Starred (now


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    This is the last Candidate Whisperer as you know it. Following our rebrand, we're moving over to our new page:! 🌟 You might have noticed we skipped a couple of a editions. This is intentional, as we're taking a short break to come back with an even stronger and more engaging format, all in our brand new shades of green. In the meantime, sign up for our upcoming webinar on the 12th June to learn How Marqeta Became the Leader in Hiring Manager Satisfaction! 🙌🏻 🔗 Save your spot here: And see you over at for our next edition of the Candidate Whisperer in a couple of weeks!

    ⭐ Candidate Whisperer #51: New Things Coming Your Way Soon!

    ⭐ Candidate Whisperer #51: New Things Coming Your Way Soon!

    Starred (now op LinkedIn

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    The Hiring Experience Platform is here. Say hello to the future of recruitment! 👋 👉 Yes, you’re not seeing double. Follow the star and head over to, where all the candidate-centric magic happens from now on. You wouldn’t want to miss it! Top quality candidates have been demanding high quality experiences for years. It’s finally time we give you both. Building on the legacy of our advanced Candidate Experience Analytics tool, with feedback collected from millions of candidates and hundreds of the world’s top employers, we’ve come full-circle to transform data into impact. is our all-in-one platform supporting talents and recruitment teams worldwide with exactly what they need to build best-in-class Hiring Experiences: transparency, efficiency and inclusivity. Don’t worry, we still provide you with invaluable insights to drive your hiring success. But our new candidate engagement toolbox includes everything you need to deliver everything top quality candidates have been waiting for: ⭐️ Advanced Analytics: leverage candidate insights to monitor performance. ⭐️ AI-Powered Interview Practice: what your candidates need to excel in interviews. ⭐️ Expert Learning Materials: top-notch resources to help candidates prepare effectively. ⭐️ Enhanced Transparency: a clear, detailed overview of the recruitment process and company values. ⭐️ Personalized Rejections: rejections become opportunities with personalized recommendations. ⭐️ Job Recommendations: connecting you with pre-screened, high-quality talent who have previously been in process for relevant roles elsewhere. And no, we’re not just another job board. We focus on quality: the quality of the hiring experience and the quality of hire. 👉 So head over to and be the first one to test our custom job recommendation algorithm in beta! #HiringExperience #Starredcom #Announcement

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    Last week we asked what’s more important to you–Quality or Quantity of candidates. 100% of you said Quality! And we couldn’t agree more 🤩 But how can you know if the new candidate is right for the role? By measuring Quality of Hire: 🤝Looking at the job fit and discovering if the role fits the new hire's expectations. 🗂️Identifying if the hire aligns with your company values and works well with the colleagues. 🎯Measuring performance and seeing if the new employee is meeting the set targets. If you don't know how to start measuring, check out our Quality of Hire module. We can help you find the perfect match 💫 Learn more by clicking the link in the comments! #QualityOfHire #JobFit #CandidateExperience

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    Have you wondered what candidates are really thinking during their job hunt? 🧐 Our Comment Analysis tool allows to see insights about the most often discussed topics in the feedback surveys. And it revealed the following. 👇 Candidates most often discuss: 🔛 Process (25.2%) 💬 Feedback (20%) 🧑🏻💼 the Recruitment Team (16.47%) 🗣️ Communication (16.44%) But it gets even more interesting for those who want to stop losing quality candidates along the way. 👀 Because withdrawn candidates show negative sentiments about Feedback (53.6%) and Speed (53.3%). Which could indicate that many of them are withdrawing because of poor responsiveness and feedback from the recruiting team. So improving in those areas is definitely a good start. 🏆 To see more interesting insights about Candidate Experience, find our 2023 Benchmark Report below! 🚀 #CandidateExperience #RecruitmentAnalytics #HiringExperience

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    Every Hiring Manager's dream is finding that perfect candidate who ticks all the boxes. 🤩 But let’s face it: Top quality candidates want high quality experiences. So if you don't prioritize great Hiring Experience, you might be limiting your talent pool and missing out on all the great candidates out there. What do we mean by "Hiring Experience"? For companies, prioritizing the Hiring Experience is all about: 🌟 understanding their candidates' needs and expectations 🌟 implementing a more sustainable approach to hiring 🌟 optimizing team processes for efficiency's sake 🌟 turning rejections into a revolving door 💚 hiring with the human at heart And great candidates notice and value these little things more than you think. If you get your Hiring Experience right from start to finish, your candidates will: 🌟 get closer to their dream job, no matter the result of their application with you 🌟 have a genuinely good experience during the recruitment process 🌟 maintain or increase their relationship with your services 🌟 be more likely to talk positively about you to their network 💚 feel empowered and respected P.S We have been thinking a lot about how to make great Hiring Experiences a non-negotiable. Soon, we'll be ready to share our brand new Platform so you have no excuses not to prioritize it. 🔗 Find the link in the comments to get notified when we go live! #HiringExperience #QualityOfHire #CandidateExperience

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    Losing great candidates due to a poor recruitment experience isn't just about missing out on talent. It could also mean losing potential customers 🫣 📉 Only 17% of rejected candidates would re-apply for a job at the same company if they're treated poorly in the recruitment process. But what if they have a great experience? 96% would re-apply. A way to make sure that's the case for your company is by nailing your candidate communication, especially with the rejected ones. With rejection being the most negative part of hiring having a personal touch goes a long way. 💫 When writing your rejection templates, take a closer look at the reasons why your candidates are not advancing further in the process and prepare a personalized, feedback-driven template for each scenario to make your applicants understand how they could improve their application for the future. If you don’t know where to start, we have prepared 9 templates for rejection emails that ensure an excellent Candidate Experience. Find the templates, alongside a best-practice checklist and tips on how *not* to reject in the comments 👇 #CandidateExperience #CandidateJourney #RejectionEmailTemplates

    • Talenthub x Starred logo

Title: 9 rejection templates.
Subtitle: Make sure every rejection email you send is candidate-centric.

Button: Download

Photo: Smiling woman sitting by a laptop, calling someone to tell them they're being rejected in a polite and informative way.
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    Say hello to the 50th edition of the Candidate Whisperer, the 2nd one on LinkedIn and definitely one for the books. 🤩 Curious about what we're up to? Subscribe to the newsletter and get a teaser of what's coming up. Hint: it's HUGE. 🤫 And for the regularly scheduled programming, it’s time to give your candidates the hiring experience of their lifetime. Whether that's by publishing your interview questions in advance like John Lewis Partnership, implementing company-wide SLAs to reduce the time-in-interview-process like Deliveroo or simply getting that first step in the process (the application itself) just right with our Application Process Checklist. Happy reading! 📖

    ⭐ Candidate Whisperer #50: Publishing All Your Interview Questions in Advance?

    ⭐ Candidate Whisperer #50: Publishing All Your Interview Questions in Advance?

    Starred (now op LinkedIn

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    3 reasons you're not reaching your recruitment goals: 1. You are not transparent enough in your candidate communication. 2. Your job ads focus on the wrong things and attract the wrong crowd. 3. Time in process is too long due to miscommunication between hiring managers and recruiters. If you're suspecting one or more of the above could be the culprit, the solution lies in the one-word-wonder we all know and love: ✨ Candidates ✨ Or more specifically: candidate feedback. Collecting your candidates' feedback directly and at every step of the recruitment process is the key to understanding where you're falling short. So if you're not meeting your recruitment KPIs and struggling to identify the reason, it's time to open up to candidate feedback. Let's chat about how you can easily engage with your candidates to make your recruitment more powerful. We're ready in the comments! 👇🏻 #CandidateExperience #CandidateFeedback #RecruitmentAnalytics #RecruitmentKPIs

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    Curious about the right time to gather candidate feedback? 🧐 You are probably thinking, "the sooner, the better." However our 2023 Candidate Experience Benchmark Report tells a different story. Our data revealed that assessing your Candidate Net Promoter Score (cNPS) too soon can lead to a biased picture. We examined the cNPS against the time passed, and it uncovered an interesting fact: candidates' responses are initially more positive, rapidly become more negative, and finally stabilize between the two. See the graph below 👇 Why does this happen? Turns out that candidates with extreme reactions- either positive or negative- are the ones to immediately fill out the survey, followed by the others. So, here’s our tip of the day: wait at least a day before collecting feedback to make sure the results are accurate. Your insights will thank you 📊✨ 📚Find our 2023 Candidate Experience Benchmark Report in the comments to learn more about cNPS! #CandidateExperience #CandidateNetPromoterScore #cNPS

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    Our bi-weekly newsletter, The Candidate Whisperer, is live on LinkedIn now! 📰 Subscribe now 👇 We spent 2 years building a community of like-minded Talent Acquisition professionals from various backgrounds and industries all across the globe. Now it was finally time to bring it to LinkedIn to expand it even further. Besides The Candidate Whisperer, our subscribers have one thing in common: they're passionate about great Candidate Experience. ⭐️ So if you also are, it's time you join the club and get: 🤫 A new edition of The Candidate Whisperer every other Thursday 🤫 Exclusive and early access to new Starred content 🤫 Interesting news from the TA industry 🤫 An insight into our life at Starred 🤫 Customer stories with real-life examples from their Candidate Experience journey 🤫 Tips and best practices to elevate your Candidate Experience efforts Go to the comments below to subscribe and read the first LinkedIn edition available 🔗 #CandidateExperience #Newsletter #TheCandidateWhisperer

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Title: Subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter!

Every two weeks
News and updates around Candidate Experience and Recruitment

Exclusive early access to Starred's research

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