Over ons

At TCC we believe value creation is everything. In a world where the drumbeat of more growth rings every quarter, retailers need better tools that add meaningful sales uplift, without stripping value out of their business. That’s why our tailor-made loyalty marketing campaigns are designed to create sustainable commercial value. By inspiring loyalty that wins the heads and hearts of shoppers, making loyalty a win-win for everyone. Visit www.tccglobal.com

501 - 1.000 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Profitable Sales Increase, Intelligence and Science, Marketing Solutions, Engagement Platforms, Retail Marketing Campaigns, Loyalty, Loyalty Marketing, Shopper Loyalty, Data Analytics, Retailer Marketing en Grocery Retail


Medewerkers van TCC Global


  • In today’s crowded retail landscape, price-based loyalty programs are everywhere – from member-only discounts to points collection. But are they really driving lasting customer loyalty? This ‘Sea of Sameness’ has categorized much of the UK retail sector. Join us at Retail Week in London to discover how retailers can create deeper, more meaningful loyalty that doesn't rely on slashing prices. Don’t miss our very own Nick Gyss’s session alongside Eduardo Martins of Sonae MC at 14:15 if you’re ready to break the mold in UK loyalty. #Retail #CustomerLoyalty #SonaeMC #RWGLIVE25

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    We are excited to announce the launch of a new and thrilling loyalty campaign, active in Carrefour Italia stores from January 16 to April 6, in collaboration with Chefclub! 🎉 During this campaign, Carrefour customers can collect stamps to receive the exclusive Chefclub cookware and bakeware, bringing the joy of cooking into their homes. This initiative celebrates family time in the kitchen, turning meal preparation into a fun and engaging activity for all ages. Loyalty as a means to bring families together creates lasting emotional engagement with shoppers, and offers value beyond the price of their weekly shops. To complement the stamp collection, Chefclub has created a series of activities designed to inspire and entertain, including: ✅ An e-book with healthy and fun recipes for families with children. ✅ Engaging video recipes, featuring Carrefour's private label products, ideal for adults and even more so for children. ✅ A program of live showcooking events in Carrefour stores across Italy. This comprehensive campaign is supported by a vibrant social media strategy, developed in collaboration with Chefclub, to keep our customers engaged at every stage of the project. We are extremely proud of this project, made possible by the strong collaboration between Carrefour, Chefclub, and TCC. A heartfelt thank you to all partners and TCC colleagues who contributed to bringing this extraordinary campaign to life. - Siamo lieti di annunciare il lancio di una nuova ed entusiasmante campagna loyalty, attiva nei negozi della rete Carrefour dal 16 gennaio al 6 aprile, in collaborazione con Chefclub! 🎉 Durante questa campagna, i clienti Carrefour potranno raccogliere bollini per ricevere in esclusiva la linea di pentole e pirofile Chefclub, portando il divertimento in cucina. L’iniziativa celebra il tempo trascorso in famiglia in cucina, trasformando la preparazione dei pasti in un’attività divertente e coinvolgente per tutte le età. La loyalty, utilizzata come strumento per unire le famiglie, crea un legame emotivo duraturo con i clienti, offrendo un valore che va oltre il semplice costo della spesa settimanale. A completamento della raccolta bollini, Carrefour e Chefclub hanno creato una serie di attività pensate per ispirare e divertire, tra cui: ✅ Un e-book con ricette sane e divertenti, pensate per le famiglie con bambini. videoricette coinvolgenti, con protagonisti i prodotti a marchio Carrefour, ideali per gli adulti e ancor di più per i bambini. ✅ Un programma di showcooking dal vivo nei punti vendita Carrefour. ✅ La campagna loyaty è supportata da una vivace strategia social, realizzata in collaborazione con Chefclub, per coinvolgere i clienti Carrefour in ogni fase del progetto. Siamo estremamente orgogliosi di questo progetto, reso possibile grazie alla solida collaborazione tra Carrefour, Chefclub e TCC. Un sincero ringraziamento a tutti i partner e ai colleghi di TCC che hanno contribuito a realizzare questa straordinaria campagna.

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    We're once again excited to be working with United Supermarkets, LLC as they embrace a holistic approach to customer wellbeing with the launch of their 28-Day Wellness Challenge for the second year running. This initiative is a perfect example of how retailers are evolving beyond traditional shopping experiences to actively support the health and wellness of their customers. By using rewards as a force for positive change for customers, United Supermarkets connects with customers in a way that fosters long-term loyalty.   The challenge focuses on rewarding healthy habits as shoppers gear up to meet their new year health goals, offering nutrition tips, fitness routines, and community engagement, all designed to inspire sustainable lifestyle changes.   💡 Learn more about this inspiring wellness challenge and its potential to drive customer loyalty and engagement by reading this article in Progressive Grocer: https://lnkd.in/eGbHxmZu Thank you for the amazing partnership and hard work, Robin Cash, PMP Jacob Ibe and Brenda Garcia!   #RetailInnovation #HealthyLiving #RetailTrends #UnitedSupermarkets #Loyalty

    United Supermarkets Launches New 28-Day Wellness Challenge

    United Supermarkets Launches New 28-Day Wellness Challenge


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    Ready to Level Up Your Loyalty? Catch TCC Global at NRF '25: Retail’s Big Show! 🛒✨ This year’s theme, Game Changer, perfectly reflects our mission to redefine loyalty and deliver measurable value for retailers through innovative solutions like LoyaltyQuest™. With tools like gamified challenges, missions, and instant-win games, we: ✅ Enhance customer engagement ✅ Gamify loyalty ✅ Deliver valuable customer insights At TCC, we believe loyalty should go beyond engagement—it’s about building deeper shopper connections, driving measurable sales growth, and creating lasting relationships. 💡 Let’s connect at NRF to explore solutions that make you a true game changer in loyalty. 📩 Message us to schedule a meeting. See you in NYC! Julie Lyle Claudia Pickholz Gavin O'Day LAURA RILEY #NRF2025 #GameChanger #CustomerLoyalty #RetailInnovation #TCCGlobal

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  • While some retailer prioritise in-store media, and others look to engage shoppers on websites and apps, those that create the strongest relationships with their customers will be able to interact with their customers across a range of channels. Our Global Omnichannel & Data Director, Damien Katris, explores how some retailers are shifting their loyalty strategies to achieve this. https://lnkd.in/eRMf48VY #LoyaltyQuest #Loyalty #Omnichannel 

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    A successful night in Brussels for the Konzum team, who won a bronze Effie Awards Europe Europe, for their Little Big Talents campaign which was created in conjunction with TCC.   Thanks to this campaign, and with the help of its customers, Konzum donated more than 14,000 pieces of much-needed school equipment to schools, helping many students and teachers across Croatia. The campaign won the award for its exceptional business outcomes. It produced excellent response and recognition results and engagement from communities. We are looking forward to seeing even better results in the second edition of the campaign which is currently concluding.   #effieEurope #Konzum #malivelikitalenti #Loyalty

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    Veliki europski uspjeh: osvojili smo Effie Awards Europe 🥳 Sinoć su u Bruxellesu, na prestižnom komunikacijskom festivalu Effie Europe, uručene nagrade najučinkovitijim marketinškim projektima u Europi, a broncu u kategoriji Maloprodaje osvojio je naš projekt Mali veliki talenti. 🎓 Kampanje se ocjenjuju na temelju postignutih poslovnih rezultata, inovativnih strategija i kreativnih rješenja koja uspješno dopiru do ciljne publike i ostvaruju zavidne rezultate. Kampanja Mali veliki talenti uspjela je mobilizirati velik broj kupaca koji su svojim kupnjama u Konzumu prikupili značajna sredstva za hrvatske škole. Zahvaljujući ovoj kampanji, uz pomoć naših kupaca školama smo donirali više od 14,000 komada prijeko potrebne školske opreme, pomažući brojnim učenicima i učiteljima diljem zemlje. Na domaćem tržištu ova kampanja već je ostvarila značajne festivalske uspjehe, osvojivši zlato na Effie Awards Croatia u kategoriji Pozitivne promjene i srebro u kategoriji Maloprodaja te srebrnu IdejuX. „U Konzumu smo izuzetno ponosni na uspjeh Malih velikih talenata, društveno odgovorne inicijative koja je zahvaljujući angažmanu čitave zajednice pomogla brojnim školama, a uvijek nas veseli kad kreativnost i rezultate prepozna i struka, i to još na europskoj razini. Zahvalni smo svim partnerima na tome što su, svatko iz svog ugla, doprinijeli ovom ostvarenju, kao i još boljim rezultatima koje je ostvarilo drugo izdanje inicijative koje upravo zaključujemo“, izjavila je Dunja Delic, direktorica Sektora marketinga u Konzumu. „Projekt Mali veliki talenti predstavlja sjajan primjer kako kvalitetna suradnja donosi vrhunske rezultate. Zajednički rad s Konzumom, uz doprinos ostalih partnera, rezultirali su kampanjom koja je ostvarila izniman odjek i prepoznatljivost. Posebno nas veseli što je ova kampanja u konačnici pomogla školama, što nam je svima bio poseban motivator tijekom cijelog procesa i radujemo se i još boljem uspjehu druge sezone Malih velikih talenata”, izjavio je Goran Marošević, Client Services Director ZOO agencije. Osvajanje ovog prestižnog priznanja svrstalo je Male velike talente među najbolje internacionalne marketinške kampanje u Europi u snažnoj konkurenciji internacionalnih brendova. O pobjednicima je ove godine odlučivao stručni žiri sastavljen od 160 globalno prepoznatih marketinških stručnjaka iz više od 20 europskih zemalja. Preponosni smo na naš marketinški tim i suradnike ZOO agencija, TCC Global, a ovim putem zahvaljujemo i zaštitnom licu kampanje Jošku Gvardiolu. Čestitamo i svim drugim dobitnicima!❤️ #effieEurope #Konzumekipa #malivelikitalenti

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