Yesterday, we had the unique opportunity to learn from Dennis de Munck and Michele S. during a fascinating lunch lecture on Formula 1 aerodynamics with Ferrari. They took us through the entire development process of an F1 car, including wind tunnel testing, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and on-track validation, demonstrating how these techniques work together to optimize performance. We also got a deeper look at how CFD has been applied to previous Ferrari models to refine aerodynamic efficiency. A big thank you to Ferrari and the speakers for sharing their expertise. A truly insightful session on the science behind speed!
VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'
Productie van onderdelen voor de lucht- en ruimtevaart
Delft, Zuid Holland 2.445 volgers
Over ons
De Vliegtuigbouwkundige Studievereniging ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ is de vereniging van studenten Luchtvaart- & Ruimtevaarttechniek aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. Met ruim 2300 leden is de VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci' de grootste vliegtuigbouwkundige studievereniging in de Benelux. De studievereniging heeft tot doel de belangen van haar studenten behartigen in de breedste zin des woords. Daartoe organiseren zo'n 18 commissies en disputen velerlei activiteiten zoals lezingen, excursies, een studiereis, borrels en feesten. Dit gebeurt allemaal onder leiding van zeven studenten die full-time in het bestuur zitten van de vereniging en hun studie een jaar lang opzij zetten om zich volledig in te zetten voor de vereniging. Binnen de faculteit zorgt de VSV dat studenten een stem hebben in het onderwijsprogramma en doet zij aan kwaliteitszorg, door middel van onderwijscommissies. Uiteraard verkoopt de VSV ook studieboeken tegen lage prijzen. Naast deze puur onderwijskundige activiteiten ziet de VSV het ook als haar taak om studenten kennis te laten maken met de luchtvaart- en ruimtevaartwereld buiten de faculteit en brengt zij studenten in contact met het bedrijfsleven. Zo worden workshops bij bedrijven georganiseerd, zorgen de disputen van de VSV voor lezingen, excursies naar bedrijven en meerdaagse buitenlandexcursies, terwijl de studiereiscommissie de jaarlijkse grote studiereis voor haar rekening neemt. Ook treedt de VSV regelmatig naar buiten door het organiseren van grote, internationale symposia, met bekende sprekers, zoals Buzz Aldrin, de tweede man op de maan en Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General van de ESA. Niet alleen organiseert de VSV, zij publiceert ook. De VSV brengt een glossy fullcolour kwartaalmagazine uit: De Leonardo Times. Hierin staan onder andere technische artikelen, bedrijfsprofielen en verslagen van workshops, lezingen en andere activiteiten.
- Website
Externe link voor VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'
- Branche
- Productie van onderdelen voor de lucht- en ruimtevaart
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 51 - 200 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Delft, Zuid Holland
- Type
- Non-profit
- Opgericht
- 1945
Kluyverweg 1
Delft, Zuid Holland 2629 HS, NL
Medewerkers van VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'
Timo van der Paardt
Commissioner of External Affairs at the VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'
AmirHossein Ghaemi
Master Aerodynamics student, TU Delft
Eslam Hamdan
Assistant Administrative at VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'
Jelle Kok
Student Propulsion and Power | Chairman of Sustainability Action Force at VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'
On March 4th, the annual VSV Symposium took place in the Aula of TU Delft. This year's theme, "From Vision to Flight: Shaping the Future of Aircraft Design," focused on translating the theories learned in our studies into real-world aircraft. Throughout the day, multiple speakers and two panel discussions guided us through this journey toward sustainable aviation. The symposium was structured into two key sections: Vision and Flight. The Vision segment explored how ideas and innovations take shape, while the Flight segment focused on transforming those ideas into reality. Additionally, the panel discussions delved into the role of AI in aircraft design and certification, as well as the impact of technology sharing on the industry. Beyond the presentations, attendees had the opportunity to further engage with cutting-edge advancements on the Innovation Floor. With a completely redesigned concept, it allowed current and future aerospace professionals to connect, exchange ideas and gain new insights together. Looking back, we can proudly say this was one of the most successful editions of the symposium yet—a truly inspiring and memorable day. A special thank you to our chair of the day Sybren Hahn, as well as all the speakers and panelists, for their invaluable contributions! Taco Stouten, MBA Bart Van Der Schueren Roman Seele Anna-Lisa Mautes Asteris Apostolidis, PhD Edwin van de Sluis Bartjan Rietdijk Nick Eleftheroglou Guido Schwartz Ron van Manen Finally, this day would not have been possible without the Aviation Department, who worked for more than a year to organize this symposium. Emre H. Vito Elsman Sie Leoi Lee Liam Saanen Asim Abbas Shourya Bhandari Willemijn van Luik
Last week we had the pleasure of meeting with Wilma van Dijk and Mark Visser of Rotterdam The Hague Airport. We had a great conversation about the crucial role of a smaller airport in a world dominated by larger hubs, the impact of internationalization, and opportunities for collaboration between RTHA and the VSV in the future. It was an open, engaging, and enjoyable meeting, followed by an airside tour and a visit to the airport’s harbor service. Thank you for the interesting meeting and cool behind the scenes tour!
Yesterday, we had the privilege of welcoming Member of Honor Fred Abbink to our faculty for an insightful lunch lecture on 'How to Achieve Net-Zero CO₂ Aviation by 2050'. Hearing from such an esteemed expert in the field gave us, as aspiring engineers, a valuable top-down perspective on the difficult puzzle of sustainable aviation. Ir. Abbink shed light on the critical role of stakeholders and industry players, offering a compelling vision of where the solutions may lie—and how we can contribute to shaping the future of flight. A heartfelt thank you to Fred Abbink for sharing his knowledge and inspiring us!
Get ready because the yearly VSV symposium is coming up again! The theme of the symposium will be "From Vision to Flight", so if you are interested in the design of aircraft and how new technologies and innovations play a role in this, you should definitely come check it out! Keep an eye on the VSV Instagram page (@vsv.leonardodavinci) for announcements about what exciting companies and guests to expect and we'll see you on the 4th of March! ✒✈
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VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci' heeft dit gerepost
The weeks surrounding the Christmas holiday were filled with exciting meetings for the board. We visited Marcel de Nooijer and Robert-Jan Korenromp at Transavia to discuss our collaboration and the renewal of their fleet from B737s to A321neos. Additionally, we explored potential ways to connect both our lustra in 2025, further strengthening our ties. The week after we had a meeting with Pieter van Oord and Sybren Hahn of Schiphol. We delved into the similarities and differences between the maritime and aviation industries and discussed opportunities to deepen the connection between Schiphol and the VSV. At the end of the meeting, we got gifted one of the big 'Basiskaarten' of Schiphol, which now has a nice spot at our floor in the faculty. We kicked-off the new year by having a meeting with André Steur from Koninklijke Luchtmacht. We talked about increasing the visibility of the Koninklijke Luchtmacht as a future employer for Aerospace Engineering Students, alongside the changes currently taking place within the Luchtmacht. To summarize, it were very interesting weeks and we look forward to seeing what opportunities and collaborations will arise from these meetings.
The weeks surrounding the Christmas holiday were filled with exciting meetings for the board. We visited Marcel de Nooijer and Robert-Jan Korenromp at Transavia to discuss our collaboration and the renewal of their fleet from B737s to A321neos. Additionally, we explored potential ways to connect both our lustra in 2025, further strengthening our ties. The week after we had a meeting with Pieter van Oord and Sybren Hahn of Schiphol. We delved into the similarities and differences between the maritime and aviation industries and discussed opportunities to deepen the connection between Schiphol and the VSV. At the end of the meeting, we got gifted one of the big 'Basiskaarten' of Schiphol, which now has a nice spot at our floor in the faculty. We kicked-off the new year by having a meeting with André Steur from Koninklijke Luchtmacht. We talked about increasing the visibility of the Koninklijke Luchtmacht as a future employer for Aerospace Engineering Students, alongside the changes currently taking place within the Luchtmacht. To summarize, it were very interesting weeks and we look forward to seeing what opportunities and collaborations will arise from these meetings.
Met trots delen wij dat tijdens onze Buitengewone Algemene Ledenvergadering op 29 november Arnaud de Jong en Arjan Meijer zijn benoemd tot ereleden van de VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'. De dag begon spectaculair met de aankomst van onze nieuwe ereleden in een crash tender, gevolgd door een bijzonder moment waarbij het verenigingslied op de klokken van de Nieuwe Kerk werd gespeeld. Tijdens de ceremonie, die plaatsvond in de historische Raadszaal van het oude stadhuis, spraken de meest recent benoemde ereleden voordat de officiële inhammering van onze nieuwe ereleden plaatsvond. We zijn vereerd om Arnaud de Jong en Arjan Meijer te verwelkomen als ereleden en kijken vol verwachting uit naar de toekomst samen! We are proud to share that during our Extraordinary General Members Assembly on November 29, Arnaud de Jong and Arjan Meijer were officially installed as members of honour of the VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci.' The day began spectacularly with the arrival of our new honorary members in a crash tender, followed by a special moment as the association’s song was played on the bells of the Nieuwe Kerk. During the ceremony, held in the historic Raadszaal of the old town hall, speeches were given by the most recently appointed honorary members before the official installation of our new honorary members took place. We are proud to welcome Arnaud de Jong and Arjan Meijer as members of honour and look forward to a bright future together!
This morning, the board had a very interesting meeting with Roland van Dijk, Masoud Sarwari and Nathalie van der Valk of Fokker Services Group. During the meeting, they shared valuable insights about their history and the innovative work they are doing at Fokker Services in terms of cockpit improvements, the remodeling of aircraft and their component services. In turn, we presented our own story and activities, laying the groundwork for an engaging discussion about our long history of collaboration as well as potential collaboration opportunities for the future, including the upcoming symposium and freshmen weekend. We look forward to shaping a successful future together through partnership!