AquaGreen ApS

AquaGreen ApS

Produksjon av industrimaskiner

Roskilde, Denmark 3,090 følgere

AquaGreen. Turn your biomass into a resource.

Om oss

AquaGreen, a development company within Clean Tech, has developed new and innovative solutions for wastewater sludge treatment and for converting low-grade biomaterial resources into thermal energy and fertiliser. Our technology is based on Superheated Steam Drying and Pyrolysis, in an energy efficient process, where the calorific content is utilised for drying and converting wastewater sludge into biochar. Around 85% of the embedded thermal energy in the sludge is recoverable, and can be used for district- or process heating or cooling purposes. The biochar is rich in plant-available phosphorus, carbon and nutrients and is suitable as an agricultural fertiliser. The technology was originally developed for the fish farming industry in Norway, but the technology can be used for various sludge types and industries e.g. Sewage waste, Biogas waste, Food Waste, Oil waste, Pulp and Paper and many more. AquaGreens Value Proposition: We Re-think Innovation: The technology is scalable and compact. The operation is autonomous and computer controlled. A specially designed software ensures that the equipment is optimally adjusted according to the volume and the content of the input sludge. We Re-duce Volume and Pollutants: As a rule of thumb, the weight is reduced with 90 % and the volume with 70 %. We capture Mercury (Hg) and Arsenic (As), and we extract cadmium (Cd). Pathogens, xenobiotics, and environmental pollutants are removed. Fast Re-turn on your Investment RoI 2-6 years. Up to 85 % of thermal energy is re-gained, and can be used for district heating, process heating, or other purposes. The organic content in the sludge provides the thermal energy driving the whole process. Sludge is turned into a marketable biochar and disposal costs are eliminated. We Re-circulate Energy and Nutrients Phosphorous and carbon is re-circulated as nutrient-containing biochar The technology has been developed together with DTU (Danish Technical University).

Produksjon av industrimaskiner
11–50 ansatte
Roskilde, Denmark
Privateid selskap
sludge treatment, Re-circulate resources, Biochar, Thermal energy, Clean energi, Remove pollutants, Reduce heavy metals, Reduce GHG emission


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