Forsidebilde av Morrow Batteries’
Morrow Batteries

Morrow Batteries

Produksjon av elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr

Oslo, Oslo 34 044 følgere

Speeding up the energy transition with cost-effective and sustainable batteries

Om oss

The climate crisis is at a tipping point as our planet is fast approaching an irreversible climate breakdown. If we do not act now, the world as it stands is heading towards a 3 degree increase rather than the critical 1,5 degree goal. There are solutions to our climate crisis. Decarbonisation, electrification and sustainable energy systems. But these pathways need to be enabled now - at industrial scale and with unprecedented speed. At Morrow, scientific problem solvers are coming together – delivering the batteries we need today and developing the batteries of tomorrow. We are experts from all walks of life. What unites us is the future we are building. A future powered by cost-effective and sustainable batteries. Becoming Morrow is a journey. As a startup, we are shaped by the world class people who join us to build us. At Morrow, you don't have to fit in to belong and be valued. Your unique perspective coupled with your urge to succeed is our competitive advantage. Imagine tomorrow powered by us.

Produksjon av elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr
201–500 ansatte
Oslo, Oslo
Privateid selskap


Ansatte i Morrow Batteries


  • How do you define data-driven? Besides data as the foundation for decision-making, it’s all about driving innovation through collaboration and exploration. Through our partnership with the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), we support advancing the open-source CellPy library as part of the SPEED project, partially funded by the Norwegian Research Council. This initiative focuses on adapting CellPy to handle larger datasets, new technologies, and automated pipelines for battery cell analysis. "By leveraging CellPy's robust toolset and expanding its capabilities, we improve our ability to process and interpret battery data efficiently," says Benoit Watremetz, our R&D Director of Simulation & Data Engineering. The enhanced CellPy library provides faster and more comprehensive test data analysis, helping us streamline battery testing and accelerate our energy storage solutions. Ronny Ager-Wick Gene Christhopher Romuga Rasmus Vester Thøgersen Maxime Leclerc #betterbatteries #batteries #data #cleantech

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  • FACTORY FRIDAY🔋 These are busy days for our Cell Assembly team, with 30+ engineers from our equipment suppliers on site for commissioning processes, preparing for the Site Acceptance Test (SAT), and producing initial test battery cells. 📸Check out some of the first cells produced through the Cell Assembly process. 📸See our suppliers setting up the Electrolyte Filling machine—a critical piece of equipment designed for precise electrolyte injection under vacuum conditions—to ensure readiness for SAT. This machine is essential to achieve uniform electrolyte distribution, enhancing cell performance, and preventing defects. 📸There is also a snap of Christian Lie, one of our operators, monitoring the Can Insert process. This step ensures accurate placement of the main cell components inside the casing, a key factor in maintaining structural integrity and optimising battery assembly efficiency. Thanks to the entire team at the Morrow Cell Factory for another hectic week. We wish you a good weekend ahead🙏😅👏 #betterbatteries #mission2morrow #batteries

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  • 'Tis the season... As the 2025 reporting season unfolds, we're preparing our first integrated report, combining financial data with social and environmental metrics. This builds on our standalone impact reports from fiscal years 2022 and 2023. The integrated report will incorporate select quantitative and qualitative datapoints aligned with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which operationalise the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements now incorporated into Norwegian law. "We welcome the new reporting regime," says Dr. Stina Torjesen, VP of Sustainability at Morrow. "The ESRS provides a uniform way to disclose data on our sustainability measures—such as using 100% clean hydropower in our battery production and recycling production scrap. This standardisation allows investors, customers, and stakeholders to track our progress and compare our performance to others." Although recent legislative proposals indicate an exemption for companies with fewer than 1,000 employees from mandatory ESRS reporting, Morrow remains committed to gradually adopting these templates, recognising their importance as a key framework for sustainability reporting in Europe. "The 2024 integrated report reflects our broader sustainability strategy, which includes powering battery production with 100% renewable energy and advancing circular practices. As a scale-up, we also see the flexible timelines in the Omnibus simplification package as practical for enabling cost-effective compliance while maintaining transparency and strong sustainability performance," states Torjesen. Kathrine Aalerud Benedikte Wrålsen Ellen Bjorvatn Photo by: Vita Maksiuchenko #Omnibus #betterbatteries #batteries #EU #madeinEU

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  • FACTORY FRIDAY🔋 Battery cell production is a highly technical process in three parts: electrode production, cell assembly, and formation. Each stage is critical to make high-performing batteries that meets industry standards. Learn more about formation, where cells are activated, stabilised, and tested: 1️⃣Charging, Discharging, and Aging Battery cells undergo repeated cycles of charging and discharging to stabilise their internal chemical structures. This process enhances the cells' performance and prepares them for real-world applications. An aging period follows, allowing further stabilisation of the cells to ensure consistent performance over time. 2️⃣End-of-Line (EoL) Testing After formation, cells are subjected to End-of-Line testing to verify that they meet all required quality standards. This testing identifies defective cells, which are subsequently removed from the production line to maintain product integrity. 3️⃣Packing and Shipping Battery cells that pass all quality checks are carefully packed, palletised, and prepared for shipment to customers or downstream manufacturing processes📦 *** The formation stage relies on skilled personnel, advanced systems and rigorous testing protocols🧑🏾🔬👷🏼♂️👩🏻🔧 In these photos, you see Roek Heerschap (machine operator) overseeing the logistics of the formation conveyor using the Formation Management System (FMS). This system ensures precise control and monitoring throughout the process. You also see Kyungho Kim, a Senior Process Engineer, performing a thickness inspection using an offline motorised measuring device. These inspections are essential for maintaining dimensional accuracy and ensuring product quality. #betterbatteries #batteries

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  • Morrow investerer 20% av sine totale kostnader i forskning og utvikling (FoU) – en andel som langt overgår gjennomsnittet i norsk industri🧑🏾🔬👨🏻🔬🔬 Dette var hovedbudskapet da administrerende direktør Lars Christian Bacher, FoU-direktør Jon Fold von Bülow og forskningsleder Ronny Gløckner presenterte selskapets ambisiøse FoU-satsing for forsknings- og høyere utdanningsminister Sigrun Aasland under hennes besøk ved University of Agder (UiA) i går. “Morrow har investert 700 millioner kroner i FoU, med rundt 60 årsverk dedikert til forskning. Dette utgjør omtrent 20% av våre samlede kostnader og reflekterer vårt mål om å lede an i utviklingen av fremtidens batteriteknologi,” uttalte Bacher. Omtrent 90% av investeringene er finansiert av privat kapital. “Gjennom et tett samarbeid med Universitetet i Agder (UiA) har vi etablert en rammeavtale som muliggjør deling av ressurser, anvendt forskning og utdanning. Dette inkluderer PhD- og MSc-prosjekter, turnuskandidater og kurs som ENE245 – Battery Industry Insight. Samarbeidet styrker kompetansen innen industrirelevante temaer og bidrar til å utvikle fremtidige eksperter,” forklarte Ronny Gløckner. Det høyteknologiske forskningssenteret på Campus Grimstad spiller en sentral rolle i Morrows strategi. «Vi deler laboratorieressurser og utstyr med UiA for å optimalisere bruken og fremme kunnskapsdeling. Dette samarbeidet bygger kompetanse som styrker både forskning og utdanning, samtidig som vi sikrer en bærekraftig verdikjede for batteriproduksjon,” la Gløckner til. Under sitt første besøk på UiAs campuser møtte statsråd Sigrun Aasland både studenter, forskere og representanter fra Morrow, noe som ytterligere understreket viktigheten av samarbeid mellom akademia og industri. #mission2morrow #betterbatteries #batteries #science #cleanenergy #researchanddevelopment

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  • Want to know what we think about diversity? We think it’s good. Good for business. Good for people & culture. Good for innovation & growth. Good for batteries. We at Morrow are far for perfect. Especially as a scale-up, we have lots of growing to do😅🌱 But we have at least one advantage. And that’s the fact that our identity is not defined by history and outdated societal structures. We are defined by the people who join us - and they come from all walks of life. Our philosophy is that “Different is good”. But it also demands more of us. We might have to step out of fixed mindsets and jump over some hurdles along the way. We have to keep working at it to get it right. If you want to learn more about how we’re trying to live our philosophy, sign up for this exciting webinar with our Chief Commercial Officer, Christin-Marie Boudgoust hosted by Take Charge. 📆The date is 6th of March, so perfectly placed between the recent International Day of Women and Girls in Science (Feb 11th) and the upcoming International Women’s Day coming up March 8th. Sign up to learn more! #February11 #STEM #DEI #IDWGS

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    Take action to improve gender diversity in the battery industry. Women make up 16% of the battery industry… with even fewer in leadership roles. This isn’t something we're particularly proud of. So, to address this and showcase that the battery space is a viable and incredible option for women… Our community lead, Lauren Allanson, is hosting a webinar for #InternationalWomensDay: During the interactive session, you'll discover: 👉 Key barriers preventing gender diversity and how to overcome them. 👉 Successful case studies from companies taking the lead. 👉 Practical actions and frameworks that can accelerate progress in your organization. These insights will be shared by an incredible panel of leaders: Christin-Marie Boudgoust, Chief Commercial Officer | Morrow Batteries Ashley Zumwalt-Forbes, Former US Deputy Director for Batteries and Critical Materials. Denise Gray, Corporate Board Director. Whether you're an executive, manager, or advocate; this webinar will provide you with the tools, inspiration, and network to make a meaningful impact. Sign up today to secure your spot 👇

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  • Hello, Europe! These days, our team is hard at work in the Morrow Cell Factory, preparing for a significant milestone: the launch of commercial manufacturing. 2025 will be a pivotal one for us as we transition from scale-up mode to full-scale production. We step into the next 11 months with determination and excitement, though we admit there’s a touch of nervousness too…😅 The road ahead will be challenging—battery cell production is a highly intricate and demanding process🔋 Yet, we’ve been striving toward this moment for the past five years. Reaching commercial production is more than just a milestone; it’s the beginning of a new chapter for Morrow. In the below pics you see our colleagues in action: Nerjon Sadikllari taking an electrode sample, while Sufi Mahmad is performing quality checks to ensure they meet the required specifications👍 Stay tuned!

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  • Ukraine urgently needs batteries to stabilise its energy system in the coming years. Yesterday, our Co-Founder and EVP of Corporate Affairs, Pål Brun, joined a Roundtable Discussion on Ukraine’s energy situation hosted by Norwegian – Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC) during the Oslo Energy Forum. The session featured key insights from: ✅Ms. Anna Zamazeeva, Head of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE), outlined Ukraine’s energy challenges, the Decarbonization Fund, and energy-saving priorities. ✅Mr. Serhii Nahorniak, MP and Head of the Subcommittee on Energy Conservation, discussed government policies and the integration of energy storage systems. In August 2024, Morrow Batteries signed a MoU with SAEE to explore supplying LFP battery cells for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to strengthen Ukraine’s grid. “As Europe’s first independent manufacturer of LFP battery cells, we aim to deliver from our Arendal factory by Q3 2025. We are working with partners to establish a consortium to provide BESS solutions for Ukraine,” said Pål Brun. We are proud to contribute to Ukraine’s energy resilience and look forward to supporting its transition to a stable and sustainable energy future. Thanks to the Norwegian – Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC) for organising this insightful exchange!🔋 Great to meet you again Kyoto Group ASRystad EnergyIteraPixii ASNHODiffer Community PowerInnovation NorwayEksfin - Export Finance NorwayNorad - Norwegian Agency for Development CooperationNorwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP) #EnergyTransition #Ukraine #Batteries #MorrowBatteries #EnergyStorage #NUCC

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  • This week, female executives from the power and renewables industry gathered to celebrate "Årets Kraftkvinne 2024," or "The Power Woman of the Year 2024." Naja Boone of Morrow Batteries delivered a "state of the business" update alongside key players like Eviny, Aker Solutions, the Solar Energy Cluster, Norsk Fjernvarme, and Norsk Hydrogenforum. While challenges were acknowledged, presenters also highlighted promising advancements. “The story of batteries becomes even more powerful when combined with solar, wind, and hydropower—showcasing the interconnected nature of the green energy transition. This transformation is a numbers game: every energy source must contribute, and a strong pipeline of projects is critical for progress. Morrow has faced some setbacks, but we are now on track to begin production in Q2. This is the year we show Europe what we’re capable of: delivering large-scale, high-quality LFP batteries with low scrap rates,” said Boone, EVP Communications. Congratulations to Anne-Marte Mehammer, "The Power Woman of the Year 2024." The 26-year-old energy technician from BKK is one of just 10 women among 175 technicians at her company. She inspires women to pursue technical careers through her Instagram account (@energiannemarte). The jury praised her "fearless approach," creativity, and dedication as a safety representative. Thank you, Kraftkvinnene, for hosting such an inspiring event! It showcased the sector's resilience and determination to drive a sustainable energy future. Are you curious about this network organisation? With over 1,200 members from 250 companies, their next meeting is in May—check the link below for details! #energy #batteries #power #hydrogen #solar #wind #hydropower #energystorage #cleanenergy Photo credit: Ingar Sørensen 

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      + 6
  • To be, or not to be… That is the question many are asking when they look at the European battery industry these days. Well, while the speculation continues, our people are hard at work preparing to start up production in second quarter, our sales team and customers are looking forward to see product deliveries by third quarter, and finally, our R&D team are seeing promising test results with our LNMOx cells in the labs. Our proof will be in the pudding. The first pudding being market-ready LFP cells made in the town of Arendal. Thanks for having us this week at the annual conference, Pareto Securities! Lars Christian Bacher loves to talk about our industrial ramp-up plans, and this week gave ample opportunity for it at your great event. Making Morrow has been far from a smooth sailing… By now we’ve gotten used to headwinds, snowstorms, steep uphills and what not. But with the unwavering support of our owners, our outstanding team, the government, the administration and politicians locally and beyond - we’re closer than ever to making it. Let’s speed up that energy transition with sustainable batteries🔋💪 #betterbatteries #batteries #greenenergy #mission2morrow

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