N2 Applied

N2 Applied

Produksjon av mat og drikke

Asker, Akershus 2,523 følgere

Improving global food production by enabling farmers to produce their own fertiliser from manure, air and electricity.

Om oss

N2 Applied aims to fundamentally improve global food production by enabling livestock farmers to recycle nitrogen and produce their own fertilizer with lower greenhouse gas emissions, improved resource efficiency and reduced cost. Millions of tons of ammonia are lost from livestock farms every year. Lost ammonia means lost fertilizer which is essential for growing crops and subsequently feeding the planet. Losing ammonia to the air or to the ground is not sustainable. The farmer needs to replenish lost nutrients through the purchase of expensive, fossil fuel based nitrogen fertilizer. Today’s fertilizer value chain is costly and harmful to the environment. N2 Applied is developing a technology to produce nitrogen fertilizer on the farm, through fixing nitrogen from air and reaction with ammonia in manure. The reaction stops the ammonia losses, increases the nitrogen content and provides the farmer with essential nutrients for growing crops. The farmer will complement and may eventually substitute traditional fossil fuel based industrial fertilizer. N2 Applied ’s technology disrupts the fertilizer value chain, changing it from a linear to a circular model.

Produksjon av mat og drikke
11–50 ansatte
Asker, Akershus
Privateid selskap


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