Forsidebilde av NATO Joint Warfare Centres
NATO Joint Warfare Centre

NATO Joint Warfare Centre

Væpnede styrker

Training NATO. Advancing Doctrine. Integrating Concepts.

Om oss

Background: NATO Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) was established on October 23, 2003, in Jåttå, Stavanger, Norway, subordinate to Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT), in Norfolk, Virginia, the United States. The JWC achieved its Full Operational Capability in 2006. Organization: The JWC is a multi-national and multi-service NATO organization with nearly 270 military and civilian personnel from seventeen nations, including Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Mission: The JWC provides NATO's training focal point for full spectrum joint operational-level warfare. As such, the JWC is a full-spectrum, cross-functional warfare centre that delivers the highest-quality, joint operational-level computer-assisted command post exercises (CAX/CPX) in order to prepare the Headquarters of the NATO Command and NATO Force Structures to be at their very best to tackle whatever operational challenges they may face. As part of its "warfare development" enterprise, the JWC supports NATO’s evolving Warfare Development through analysis and doctrine development processes, integration of new concepts and doctrine, experimentation as well as collecting, analyzing and sharing lessons processes. Vision: The Joint Warfare Centre drives the delivery of collective training and warfare development at the operational and strategic levels of warfare. We are NATO’s trusted advisor bridging Operations and Transformation, underpinning NATO readiness and future capability development. The Joint Warfare Centre attracts and develops the most capable staff, both permanent and augmentees, based on a reputation for excellence built on a culture of professionalism, curiosity, innovation and cooperation.

Væpnede styrker
201–500 ansatte
Offentlig virksomhet
Operational Level Joint Warfare, Training & Exercises, Warfare Development, Wargaming, Computer Assisted Simulation, Scenario Development, Media Simulation


Ansatte i NATO Joint Warfare Centre


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