Yesterday, we were pleased to welcome Ville Tavio, Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, accompanied by Teemu Tanner, Finland's Ambassador to Norway; Anna Merrifield, Director of the Unit for Climate and Environmental Diplomacy and Tuomas Tähti, Special Advisor, to #Nordic Center in Oslo. The delegation was first introduced to Nordic Innovation's new programs followed by discussions on AI, quantum technology and critical technologies/Dual Use. Thanks a lot to Ville Tavio and the Finnish delegation for visiting us - you are always welcome at #Nordic Center. We are launching our three new programs on April 3. In the meantime, you can read about the focus areas that form the basis for the new programs here: Sindre Stemshaug Bornstein Olivia Rekman Ville Mäkinen Nils Arne Haagensen
Nordic Innovation
Offentlig politikk
We connect people, businesses and organizations for a sustainable future.
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As part of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Innovation is a key actor in implementing the Nordic co-operation programme for innovation and business policy. Nordic Innovation contributes to making the Nordic region a pioneering region for sustainable growth by increasing entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness. Read more about us, our partners and projects at
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- Promoting Innovation - Removing Barriers - Building Relations
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Oslo, 0170, NO
Ansatte i Nordic Innovation
”Erhvervslivet spiller en afgørende rolle for vores beredskab og krisehåndtering! Alene i Norge er 80% af al kritisk infrastruktur ejet af private aktører. Samarbejde mellem myndigheder og erhvervslivet er derfor essentielt, når vi skal opbygge forsvar og ruste os mod kriser.” Anniken Hauglie fra NHO bidrog med interessante perspektiver om erhvervslivets rolle og tilgang til beredskab i en diskussion på Stortinget tidligere i dag. I dag markerede vi ’Nordens Dag’ i Oslo med et arrangement om beredskab og samfundssikkerhed. Det store spørgsmål er: er vi beredt i #Norden, og hvordan ruster vi os til at møde trusler og kriser? Har vi det nødvendige beredskab? Den 23. marts 1962 blev Helsingforsaftalen indgået – også kaldet det nordiske samarbejdes grundlov. ’Nordens Dag’ er en fejring af Helsingforsaftalen og markeres med arrangementer på tværs af #Norden i den her uge. Tusind tak til The Nordic Council of Ministers, NordForsk, Stortinget og UiO:Demokrati for et spændende arrangement og for at inddrage perspektiver fra erhvervslivet i diskussionen. Sindre Stemshaug Bornstein Klaus Skytte Mari Bangstad Mikael Eriksson Louise Bang Jespersen Teemu Tanner
- "Especially in the light of Mario Draghi's report on #EU competitiveness, which highlights that Europe must significantly improve its innovation capacity, speed and competitiveness. As the entire EU moves from words to action, the #Nordic voice will be crucial." - Jessica Rosencrantz, Minister of EU Affairs and Nordic Cooperation, Sweden. She talks among others about the role of #Nordic cooperation as an accelerator for innovation, how we can collaborate to promote #Nordic green solutions and our way towards 2030. She also highlights the #Nordic participation at the World Expo 2025 as an example of a succesful joint #Nordic promotion initiative. Read the full interview in our annual report 2024 (page 14-15): The Nordic Council of Ministers
The #Nordic mineral industry is important for Europe’s competitiveness! The message from Jessika Roswall, EU Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and Competitive Circular Economy, was clear when she spoke at the #Nordic Forum on Raw Materials Summit in Oslo this week. 🎤 “The world around us is changing rapidly. Old certainties are replaced with new realities. Your industries have a clear role to play for our competitiveness and for our security. You are important in making Europe competitive again.” She also underscored the importance of collaboration: 🎤 “It is also extremely important that we stick together. It has never been so important as it is now.” Collaboration and the #Nordic mineral industry are the two main components of the #Nordic Forum on Raw Materials. 👉 Through knowledge, networking and news, the forum brings together professionals in the mining and minerals sector, in business, academia, politics and finance, and this week, the second Summit took place. The Summit discussed topics such as #Nordic mineral export opportunities, how #AI can develop the mineral industry and how to attract #capital to mineral projects. By the end, Bo Lidegaard gave insight into the geopolitical landscape around critical minerals and highlighted the importance of de-risking supply chains with a focus on the Greenlandic-European perspective. Thanks a lot for a successful summit: Norsk Bergindustri, Svemin, FinnMin - Kaivosteollisuus ry - we are looking forward to Helsinki next year! 🙏 If you want to be a part of the forum, sign up here: Nordic Forum on Raw Materials (open page) Peter Munch-Madsen Håkan Lind Sindre Stemshaug Bornstein Anita Helene Hall Maria Sunér Pekka Suomela
"In mineral-richness, the #Nordic bedrock can be compared with the most mineral-rich areas of the world and could supply almost all the critical raw materials (CRMs) defined by the EU," said Sindre Stemshaug Bornstein, Managing Director at Nordic Innovation, in his opening remarks of the #Nordic Forum on Raw Materials today. He also announced that the report on the #Nordic supply potential of minerals and metals will be updated this year. Where the first report, published in 2021, focused on the availability and demand of raw materials for the green energy transition, the new report will place a greater emphasis on security aspects, including defense technology needs, to match the EU's revised CRM priorities. Read more: The Nordic Forum on Raw Materials will continue tomorrow with discussions such as 'Investment in mining industry', 'Minerals in Greenland' and 'Industry meets Sami culture' - see you there! Peter Munch-Madsen Håkan Lind Anita Helene Hall Norsk Bergindustri Svemin FinnMin - Kaivosteollisuus ry Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK) SGU The Geological Survey of Norway (Photo: Espen Solli) Nordic Forum on Raw Materials (open page)
Behind every success..... .....there is a group of dedicated people! At Nordic Innovation, we are fortunate to be surrounded by many of them. 🙏 Tomorrow, on March 8, we celebrate International Women’s Day. We want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank some of the people behind our achievements – the women. 🎉 🎈 A big thank you to all our female colleagues, partners, board members, and other stakeholders for contributing to our results and for driving Nordic Innovation and #Nordic collaboration forward - only a few is included in this image, but the tribute is to everyone - THANK YOU! 🙏 Karen Ellemann Elin Bergman Lin April Løstegård Hanna Törmänen Cathrine Barth Maria Fiskerud Olivia Rekman Maria Sunér Virginia E. Vegas Lena Henriksson Kristina Háfoss Gry Hasselbalch Marthe Haugland Nina Egeli Jessica Rosencrantz Berglind Hallgrímsdóttir Mari Bangstad Sarah Hitz Hege Louise Guttormsen Jenny Simonsen (She/Her) Helga M. Brogger, MD Kristine Janjak Høydahl Cecilia Sjöberg Maja Stevanovski Eva Camerer Niina Aagaard
Why should companies invest in critical raw materials in the #Nordic countries? Yesterday, our advisors Peter Munch-Madsen and Håkan Lind participated at the #Nordic Mining Day as a part of the PDAC Convention in Toronto, Canada. #Nordic Mining Day is an annual event focusing on exploring and exploiting the vast mineral potential in the #Nordic Region. The event discussed the current investment climate and exploration trends in the #Nordic countries, how the Nordics can raise capital for mineral projects, current #Nordic mineral activities, and #Nordic allignment with #EU, Canada and other allied nations. Nordic Innovation has supported activities towards a more sustainable #Nordic mineral production since 2021. One of the activities is the Nordic Forum on Raw Materials (open page) - a network aiming to strenghen the cooperation across the Nordic mining and minerals sector. Read more about that here: Nordic Mining Day is co-hosted by Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK), The Geological Survey of Norway, SGU and the Trade Offices.
The #EU consumes about 25% of the world’s raw materials but only produces 3%, making it heavily dependent on imports of raw materials from other regions. - “The #Nordics lead the way in Europe in active mines and sustainable mining practices. I am convinced that the region has a crucial role to play on the European stage – not only in supplying essential resources, but also in driving technological innovation and supporting other countries in developing their mining industries,” says Maria Sunér, CEO at Svemin. Next week, the second Nordic Forum on Raw Materials Summit takes place in Oslo. The program includes high level speakers focusing on topics such as #finance, #energy, and other critical topics influencing the #Nordic raw materials landscape. Meanwhile, you can read the full interview with Maria Sunér in Nordic Innovation's Annual Report 2024, and learn more about the importance of establishing a network for the #Nordic mining and minerals sector. 👉 Go to interview: (page 46-47) We look forward to seeing you in Oslo next week! Svemin, Norsk Bergindustri and FinnMin - Kaivosteollisuus ry. Peter Munch-Madsen Håkan Lind Nordic Forum on Raw Materials (open page)
Are you looking for a concrete tool or inspiration to help your organization move forward with the circular transition? We have collected a range of circular economy resources and tools available, offering a library of materials that can support your organization on the circular journey. The library consists of resources such guidelines, toolkits, a podcast and events. We hope this can give you an overview of some of the resources that are available. Check them out here: Photo: from the Nordic Circular Design Programme workshop Hanna Törmänen Marthe Haugland Peter Munch-Madsen Hege Louise Guttormsen #circularnordic #nordicsolutions
“The combination of politics and business drives innovation forward.” - Meet Nina Egeli, Head of Program at Nordic Innovation. Nina Egeli thrives on working with complex projects that create societal change and where innovation plays a major role. At Nordic Innovation she specializes in #mobility and #transport with strategy, internationalization and scaling adding to the thematic mix. “Over the course of my more than seven exciting years at Nordic Innovation, I’ve been responsible for building and developing the #mobility field, in terms of strategy, content, networks, and project portfolio. #Mobility is about far more than just vehicles and infrastructure.” Read the full interview with Nina here: The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council