Orkla Health

Orkla Health


Healthy living made easier

Om oss

Orkla Health is one of Europe’s leading branded consumer health companies. With a diverse portfolio of products ranging from supplements to wound care, oral care and healthcare solutions, our 1,850 employees serve our customers through a multi-channel set-up in more than 60 markets. In the course of the past 150 years we have established ourselves as a trusted provider of high-quality, science-backed consumer health solutions. Our Orkla Health Export team has a determined sales force with strong product knowledge, close trade relations, category insights and a great focus on salesmanship. We are a team consisting of area managers, marketing specialists, in-house graphic designer and quality & regulatory knowledge. At Orkla Health we have a team of nutritionists and product developers in Norway and Denmark. We also do cooperation with external experts and researchers e.g. on projects related to omega-3, energy and sports nutrition. In regards of quality and regulatory affairs, we follow Orkla’s Food Safety Standard that ensures a high, uniform standard at all our factories.

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Ansatte i Orkla Health


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    170 years! Wow! 🏆 The golden drops of Möller's Cod Liver Oil is being celebrated globally as our Norwegian brand and product marks its 170th anniversary. 🌏 We are truly proud to see our old traditional product, known by heart by so many Scandinavians, garner increasing attention internationally. Möller's Cod Liver Oil is in the midst of a global expansion, now available in over 30 countries. 🌏 The last month Möller's 170-year milestone has been highlighted in the Baltics, Poland, Romania, Taiwan, Turkey, and China. According to Johanna Kosanovic, Global Category Director Omega3 in Orkla Health, the reason for global interest is found in the heritage. The feedback to her teams is that oil is perceived as really unique and different because it is based on raw materials from clean Arctic waters. In fact it is the Norwegian origins and heritage that are perceived as aspirational and appreciated by consumers all over the world. 🌏 Möller's Cod Liver Oil is among the most established and favored brands in Norway. In 1854, pharmacist Peter Möller introduced a groundbreaking method of producing cod liver oil, enhancing both the quality and use of the raw materials. 🌏 We still continue production in his spirit. In 2024, with the inauguration of our brand-new production facility in Vesterålen, we will be able to utilise residual raw materials from the cod fishery more efficiently than ever before. Our production facility in Oslo became fossil-free as early as 2022. 🎁 Quite impressive for 170 years!! Happy anniversary, Möller’s! #supplements #møllerstran #celebrate #history

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    A heartfelt thank you to everyone at our Barcelona and Bigues Offices in Spain who participated in the first Corporate Volunteering Day within the framework of our EHS week. They all demonstrated such a great commitment and enthusiasm to generating a positive impact in their community by helping in a selfless way. More than 40 people joined the initiative, voluntarily choosing to participate among three solidarity actions: 👵 Accompaniment of the residents of the Granollers Hospital Asylum Foundation, giving unforgettable moments full of affection with those who need it most. 🌲Forest cleaning near the Torre Malla in Parets del Vallés through the Nature School. We believe we make nature breathe a little cleaner, doing our bit for the local environment. 📦 Preparation of shipments of the donations received to the Solidarity centers Hospital San Juan de Dios: Our help was to organize and distribute essential resources for those who need them most. Orkla Cederroth SAU was organizing their first volunteer day this year, and are planning for many more days to come. Congratulations to all! Marta De las Heras, Paco Prat, Guillermo Torres Sigamos construyendo un mundo mejor! #CorporateVolunteering #SolidarityAction #TeamPride

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    Our way of working is constantly subject to improvement, and we are extremely proud to be acknowledged for the outstanding efforts done by the Polish Team. 🏆 Our Polish Team was recently awarded for outstanding implementation of modern logistics solutions by one of the largest pharmacy chains in the country. DOZ is also one of our most important pharmaceutical partners. 🏆 The prize is the result of close cooperation in logistics processes. By efficiently and effectively addressing customer requirements, the team has significantly optimized logistics operations through the analysis and application of system data. The team consistently prioritizes good relations, cooperation, and achieving common goals. 🏆 This is the first such prize given to the Logistics Team, and a special note of appreciation goes out to them for their outstanding work. Your dedication and professionalism are truly invaluable! Thank you and congratulations to the Poland Logistics Team! You Rock! 💗 #OrklaHealth #OrklaCare

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    This weekend, the streets of Oslo were filled with excitement as the Oslo Marathon Took Place! Along the route, the support was incredible, but one of the highlights was our team from Maxim who were cheering and gave runners the energy they needed with a bar. Maxim had carefully chosen the Oslo Marathon as the first launch event for the large relaunch, being presented this fall. Through this initiative, we are growing our brand presence in the sports segment, with big launches in Norway and Finland leading the way. Maxim is not only tranforming into a beautiful blue design, we are also going through a complete facelift with fresh logos and updated visual identity. Maxim is also picking up the competition by launching four protein bars and two new energy bars. By introducing six new flavors like Salty Caramel, Peanut Caramel, Chocolate Banana, Cookie Dough, Chocolate Mint, and Chocolate Caramel, we want to be the tastier choise.     So many of our co-workers were running with Maxim-shirts this weekend, and it has been incredible to see the excitement and teamwork shown by our employees in Orkla Health. On top of that, seeing our new product being shared with running enthusiasms was truly rewarding. As we all know, Nothing Tastes Better Than Post-Workout. We couldn’t be prouder of the weekend and everything we accomplished together! #oslomarathon #maxim #teamwork #collaboration #engagement #together #proteinbars #sportsnutrition

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    As part of Hold Norge Rents initiative to clean up local areas, we organized a neighborhood clean-up at Skøyen in Oslo. On Tuesday this week, 43 of our employees joined this inspiring effort, and in just one hour, we collected 73 bags of wate. This event highlights the powerful impact we can make together in a short time. We encourage everyone to take similar actions in their communities to reduce waste and our environmental footprint. We must take responsibility as consumers to reduce waste globally and hope to see more initatives like this in the future 🌍

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    Swedish Podcast Host Ewa Kuszelewski is visited by our CEO Isabelle Ducellier, who takes us on a cultural journey in her leadership. Our Swedish-French CEO Isabelle has an exciting journey from elitist France leadership to team-oriented consensus Sweden. She has extensive experience from leading positions in companies like BioGaia, Pernod Ricard Sweden and McKinsey - but also as Secretary General of the Children's Cancer Fund. Don't miss this inspiring talk, that also takes you through issues like conflict handling and how to learn to recharge you inner batteries and find gratitude in everyday life. The Podcast name is the #LeadershipJourney, and the talk is in Swedish. https://lnkd.in/dgq2y-4V

    17. Isabelle Ducellier - Att finna vägen till tacksamhet - Michaël Berglund

    17. Isabelle Ducellier - Att finna vägen till tacksamhet - Michaël Berglund


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    This semester Hedda Henrikke Friele Eide, Celine Falck and Kristine Andrea Pedersen from Handelshøyskolen BI are excited to undertake an internship at Orkla Health. Celine and Hedda have joined the HR team, while Kristine is part of the Marketing team. We are already halfway through our internship, and these past weeks have been incredibly enriching, full of opportunities for learning and personal growth. From day one, we have been warmly welcomed by the entire team, and the support and encouragement we have received truly impressed us. The sense of inclusion here is strong, and being actively involved in the daily operations has been both insightful and rewarding. One of the standout moments so far was our visit to the Møllers Tran factory at Løren. This experience was exciting, offering us a better understanding of Orkla Health’s operations. It was also very fascinating to see how some of our products are made, and we thoroughly enjoyed the visit. We are excited about the weeks ahead and look forward to continuing our journey as interns at Orkla Health. #orklahealth #Interns #internship #HR #Marketing #CareerGrowth

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    Jordan has definetly been part of the Festival Scene this summer and we are proud to share some of the activities from Poland. August is the time of the Olsztyn Green Festival, a huge festival with an audience of over 46,000 people. 💚 Orkla was present with the Jordan branded zone, at the 10th edition of this unique music festival, which welcomes people who love ecology and good vibes! 💚 Jordan brand zone was visited by crowds of festival-goers who eagerly participated in the attractions prepared by the marketing team, such as exchanging a plastic toothbrush for new Jordan Change, consultations with a hygienist, SmileCam at a main stage, and much more... Good vibes 😎 #oralcare #jordan #festival

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    Norge skrev historie da de i 2018 lanserte en av verdens første strategier for satsting på hjernehelse. Nå er strategien evaluert og denne uka ble den drøftet på Arendalsuka. Hjernehelse ligger vårt hjerte nær som tran-produsenter gjennom mer enn 150 år. Fettsyrene i tran og fiskeoljer er viktig for utvikling av hjernen, og for opprettholdelse av hjernens normale funksjon gjennom hele livet. Men hjernen er dessverre også opphavet til vært mange og ulike typer sykdommer, fra demens til MS og migrene. Den nasjonal hjernehelsestrategien har i sin første fase satt mål og delmål for hjernehelse i helsevesenet. Strategien spenner fra livskvalitet til hvordan man skal sikre et mer brukerorientert helsetilbud for pasienter og pårørende. Den setter også mål for bedre behandlingsforløp til økt satsing på forskning og innovasjon. Oslo Economics har gjort en første evaluering av strategien og på Arendalsuka var både allmennlegene, kommunehelsetjeneste og spesialisthelsetjenesten med i panelet for å vurdere arbeidet.  Tilbakemeldingene viser et behov for å gjøre mye strategien mer kjent i helsetjenesten, men samtidig er det interessant å høre at den er gull verdt for klinkere og fagfolk på norske sykehus. Den bidrar allerede til mer fokus på felles satsingsområder. Mange håper nå på mer ressurser og enda mer tydelige mål i en neste fase.   Takk til Hjernerådet - (Norwegian Brain Council) for interessant og lærerik debatt og for å være en viktig faktor i et omfattende arbeid med mer fokus på hjernehelse. Vi ser vi frem til neste fase av strategien. Möller’s Pharma er med å finansiere Hjernerådets arbeid. Med Sølvi Jensløkken, Helene Westerblad Mari Hagerup og Magne Wang Fredriksen, Henrik Peersen #hjernehelse #forskning #pasienter #arendalsuka

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    Vi forbereder oss til Arendalsuka og gleder oss til å være med når Hjernerådet - (Norwegian Brain Council) inviterer til evaluering av Norges første nasjonale hjernehelsestrategi. Norge er en av få land i verden som har en slik nasjonal strategi. Strategien trådte i kraft i 2018 og fordi den nå skal fornyes gjøres det en evaluering av hva som er kommet ut av den. Evalueringen presenteres av Oslo Economics, og Helsedirektoratet er blant dem som skal kommentere på funnene. God hjernehelse er et felt vi har engasjert oss i gjennom mange år, og siden 2019 har vi bidratt med aktiv finansiering av Hjernerådets arbeid. Hver gang det selges Möller’s Pharma-produkter med Hjernerådets logo går det en krone til rådets arbeid. At det til sammen har gitt nesten to millioner kroner er helt unikt. Hjernerådet er en paraplyorganisasjon for norske hjernemiljø, som jobber for bedre behandling til mennesker med ulike hjernelidelser. De representerer 70 medlemsorganisasjoner, 25 brukerorganisasjoner og 45 fagmedlemmer, med til sammen flere hundre tusen brukere. En av hjertesakene deres er at både pasienter og pårørende skal oppleve bedre livskvalitet. Nå gleder vi oss til å se hvordan hjernehelse-strategien evalueres: Hva har kommet ut av den første politiske satsning på hjernehelse? Hva kan vi lære av innretningen og erfaringene med nasjonal hjernehelsestrategi og hvilke forventninger skal vi ha til den neste hjernehelsestrategien? For den som vil være med: her er Hjernerådets program i Arendal: https://lnkd.in/dKX7Rn9S Med Sølvi Jensløkken, Helene Westerblad, Per Ottar Grotle, Anders Brunæs, Mari Hagerup #arendalsuka #hjernehelse #forskning

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