Produkty i materiały stalowe stosowane pod ziemią do ponownego użytku♻. To temat, na który mamy wiele do powiedzenia📣📣. Zapraszamy do uczestnictwa w jutrzejszym wydarzeniu ⬇⬇ - - - - Below ground steel products and materials for reuse ♻. This is a topic we have a lot to say about📣📣. We invite you to participate in the tomorrow's event⬇⬇ - - - - Unterirdische Produkte und Materialien zur Wiederverwendung ♻. Dazu haben wir viel zu sagen📣📣. Wir laden Sie ein, an der morgigen Veranstaltung teilzunehmen⬇⬇ Grupa Winkelmann w Polsce #Webinar #Budownictwo #Stal #Recykling #ZrównoważonyRozwój #EkologiaWBudownictwie #CircularEconomy #MetalRecycling #KonstrukcjeStalowe #OdnawialneMateriały #InnowacjeWBudownictwie #ZieloneBudownictwo #SteelSustainability #RecyklingStali #BudownictwoPrzyszłości #EcoBuilding #SteelStructures #WasteReduction #SustainableConstruction #GreenMaterials
Exploring Reuse Opportunities: Below ground products and materials. Join us for an insightful and collaborative webinar dedicated to advancing the reuse of steel below ground in the construction industry. There is a huge opportunity to reduce material waste, decrease embodied carbon, and drive more circular construction practices. Iain Bell will be sharing real life lessons learned from our case studies and experience as part of the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products Reuse now campaign, we’ll also be joined by Cleveland Steel & Tubes Ltd, Heyne Tillett Steel and Winkelmann Foundation Screw who are also championing steel reuse in construction. Register your interest here: Details: 30 JAN 25 | 12:30-14:00 | Online Free for ASBP members, £10+VAT for members of partner organisations, £20+VAT general admission. #reusenow #repurposedsteel #piling #sustainable #construction #sustainablebuildingproducts #belowground #foundations