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BIM A+ European Master Course. A unique multicenter leading Erasmus Mundus Master in Building Information Modelling.

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BIM A+ is an European Master in BIM Actually, BIM A+ had its first edition in 2019/2020 as an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course. Moreover, the Master was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union until 2023. The objective of BIM A+ is to offer an advanced education programme on BIM integrated design, construction and operation processes. Additionally, it has a strong focus on the collaborative practices that are the cornerstone of such integration. The Master combines the diversity of expertise at leading European universities in the relevant fields. Also, it offers education oriented to a multidisciplinary understanding of virtual construction through the involvement of experts from complementary fields (engineers, architects, programmers and others). The Master’s Course has a duration of one academic year and is held on a rotating basis among partners. Hence, each student follows coursework in one partner institution and dissertation in another one. The language of instruction and examinations is English. The degree awarded is a Master’s degree, provided as a double degree from the institutions involved. Scholarships sponsored by the BIM A+ Consortium are available for students coming from any country.

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Guimarães, Braga
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    Campus de Azurém, University of Minho

    Guimarães, Braga 4800-058, PT

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    Ljubljana, 1000, SI

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    ⭐ Good job, Gabriel Pereira Veloso !

    Ver perfil de Gabriel Pereira Veloso, gráfico

    Engenheiro Civil | MSc BIM | Revit API | C#

    [EN] In the last few days, I had the opportunity to participate in the European Conference on Product & Process Modelling (ECPPM 2024) in the beautiful city of Dresden. Several relevant discussions about the future of AI in the AEC, the future of IFC, Ontologies, and Digital Twins took place, led by experts in these fields. Yesterday, I had the chance to present a paper based on my Master's Thesis in the BIM A+ : "Web3 services for information exchange in the AEC industry: IDS-based contracts." We discussed how IDS could serve as an end-to-end protocol to control project scopes and data access, further enhanced by decentralized technologies. During the conference, I was asked a few times why travel so far from Brazil. And for me, it was always important to hear and observe different perspectives and approaches, to refresh my mind, and connect the dots with the things I'm working on. It was very nice to engage in such a prestigious conference. [PTBR] Nos últimos dias, tive a oportunidade de participar da European Conference on Product & Process Modelling (ECPPM 2024) na bela cidade de Dresden. Vários debates relevantes sobre o futuro da IA na indústria AEC, a evolução do IFC, Ontologias e Gêmeos Digitais foram realizados, conduzidos por especialistas nessas áreas. Ontem, tive a chance de apresentar um artigo desenvolvido a partir da minha tese de mestrado no Programa BIM A+, intitulado "Web3 services for information exchange in the AEC industry: IDS-based contracts." Na ocasião, discutimos como o IDS pode ser um protocolo de ponta a ponta para controlar os escopos dos projetos e acesso a dados, sendo reforçado por tecnologias descentralizadas.

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  • BIM A+ compartilhou isso

    Ver perfil de Georgios Triantafyllidis, gráfico

    PhD Candidate @ NTNU | Sustainability, Circular Economy, Digital Twins

    Last week, I had the privilege of co-chairing a session on circular building materials with Marinella Passarella from Montanuniversität Leoben at the conference of Circular Economy organised by the Technical University of Crete and the Hellenic Society for Circular Economy I Ελληνικός Σύνδεσμος Κυκλικής Οικονομίας. A special thank you to Prof Dr Alexandros Stefanakis for giving me the opportunity to co-chair the session and present my research on BIM to GIS: Multi-Criteria Queries for Material Tracking in Circular Built Environments. It was a great experience exchanging ideas with experts working on sustainable solutions in various industries. #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #CircularBuilding #BIM #GIS #MaterialTracking #GreenTransition #SustainableFuture #CircularSolutions

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    Ver perfil de Ana De Luna, gráfico

    BIM Consultant | M.Pm., M.Sc. BIM, Architect

    Comparto completamente Lia Margarita Del Toro Marenco. Fue un honor compartir panel con mujeres tan talentosas y apasionadas por el sector ferroviario. La diversidad y la inclusión son fundamentales para el crecimiento y la innovación en cualquier industria. It was an honor to share a panel with such talented and passionate women in the rail industry. Diversity and inclusion are fundamental to growth and innovation in any industry #MujeresEnElSectorFerroviario #DiversidadEInclusión

    Ver perfil de Lia Margarita Del Toro Marenco, gráfico

    Head of Sales/Sales Manager/ Account Manager

    El papel de la mujer en el sector ferroviario ha evolucionado significativamente a lo largo de los años. Tradicionalmente dominado por hombres, el sector ha visto un aumento en la participación femenina en diversos roles, desde conductoras y operadoras de trenes hasta ingenieras y directivas. Este cambio no solo refleja una mayor equidad de género, sino también la creciente reconocimiento de la habilidad y el talento de las mujeres en un campo técnico y complejo. Admiración total para mis compañeras de panel Ana De Luna @SandraAlamo

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    👀 Check this post from our former student Cristian Rincón!

    Ver perfil de Cristian Rincón, gráfico

    Regional Principal Consultant & Digitalization Portfolio Owner en DB Engineering & Consulting

    Nuestra ponencia sobre la importancia de las politicas BIM en la implementación de Gemelos Digitales en el sector ferroviario, basada en la experiencia de DB E.C.O. Group, fue seleccionada para ser parte de la agenda en #BIMCO2024. Gracias Camacol Colombia por esta oportunidad, estamos muy contentos de ser parte de este importante evento! Nos vemos el 12 y 13 de Septiembre! #BIM #Ferrocarriles #Colombia #Infraestructura

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    🌟🎓 Celebrating the Graduation of Mohammad Asim! May this milestone be the start of exciting new opportunities! 👏🎉 Congratulations on your graduation! 🎉👏

    Ver perfil de Mohammad Asim, gráfico

    European Masters in Building Information Modelling (BIM A+)

    💥 Hello, my LinkedIn Family 💥 👑 Another milestone added to my academic and professional journey! 🎉 *I'm Thrilled to Announce the Successful Completion of My Dissertation Defense!* 🎉 After an incredible journey, I’m excited to share that I have successfully defended my dissertation on the topic "Creation and Implementation of BIM Model Measurement Rules" for the European Masters in Building Information Modeling (BIM A+). This achievement marks a significant milestone in my academic and professional journey, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support and guidance of so many remarkable individuals and institutions. 🙏 *A Heartfelt Thanks to My Supervisor* 🙏   First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Miguel Azenha. Your endless support, mentorship, and belief in my potential were the driving forces behind my success. Your insightful feedback and constant encouragement not only shaped my dissertation but also inspired me to grow as a professional. I am truly grateful for your dedication and the time you invested in my work. 💼 *Thank You to the Jury Members*   I’m also deeply thankful to the jury members Manuel Parente and Jose Sena-Cruz for their valuable time and constructive feedback. Your expertise and thoughtful evaluation have been instrumental in refining my research. 🏛️ *Gratitude to the University of Ljubljana and the Universidade do Minho*   I would like to extend my appreciation to the University of Ljubljana and the University of Minho for providing an enriching academic environment that fostered my growth and development. 🌍 *Thanks to the BIM A+ Consortium Scholarship*   A big thank you to the BIM A+ consortium scholarship for supporting my education and making this journey possible. Your investment in students like me creates opportunities for global learning and collaboration. 👥 *A Shoutout to My Batchmates and the BIM A+ Secretariat*   To my amazing batchmates, thank you for the camaraderie, shared experiences, and unwavering support throughout this journey. Special thanks to the BIM A+ Secretariat for your assistance and for ensuring everything ran smoothly. 🏢 *Appreciation to Top Informática*   I’m also grateful to Top Informática for collaborating with me on my dissertation and providing valuable industry insights. A special thanks to the tutors and mentors Ricardo Figueira & Paula Assis from the company, who guided me and enriched my understanding of BIM practices. This achievement is not just mine but belongs to everyone who played a part in this journey. I’m excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to continuing to contribute to the field of Building Information Modeling. #BIMAPlus #DissertationDefense #ThankYou #BuildingInformationModelling #ErasmusPlus #BIM #erasmus #bimaplus #bimcoordinator #bimmanager #bimarchitect #bimspecialist #europeanmasters #europeandegree #indianscholar #proudindian

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    🎓✨ Congratulations Shobhit Suthar! Wishing you all the best in the next chapter of your professional journey. May this be just the beginning of many more achievements! 👏🎉 Congratulations on your graduation! 🎉👏

    Ver perfil de Shobhit Suthar, gráfico

    BIM Specialist | AECO Technologist | Data expert | Learner

    Successful Defense of My Master's Thesis! 🎓 I am beyond excited to share that I have successfully defended my thesis! This milestone would not have been possible without the support and guidance of many incredible individuals. Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the BIM A+ Consortium for providing me with this amazing opportunity. A special thank you to my academic supervisor, Professor Manuel Parente, for his constant support and guidance throughout my dissertation journey. Your insights and encouragement have been instrumental in my success. I am also deeply grateful to my company supervisors, Orjola Braholli and Giancarlo de Marco, for providing this research topic and a continuous flow of ideas. Your support and contributions have been crucial in shaping my work. I am also thankful to my jury members, Professor Jose Sena-Cruz and Professor Miguel Azenha, for their invaluable feedback. With such reputable experts in the BIM industry, their fair and insightful evaluation of my work was truly an honor. Lastly, a big thank you to my colleagues, who made this time memorable and enjoyable. Your camaraderie and support have been a significant part of this journey. Thank you all for being a part of this significant achievement! I'm excited to share my educational milestone!

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    Excellent work Ankita Maurya!!👏 👏 👏

    Ver perfil de Ankita Maurya, gráfico

    BIM Architect | M.Sc.BIM | BIMA+ | University of Ljubljana | University of Minho

    I am excited to present Prototype testing for my master's thesis within the course BIM A+, Topic: Bridging Gaps: Advancing Modular Construction with BIM and Mixed Reality Integration. My thesis exploration has led me to automate construction processes and provide a common platform to interact. Modular construction is revolutionizing how we build, offering increased efficiency, quality control, and sustainability. However, bridging the gap between design and fabrication remains a challenge. My research explores how BIM and Mixed Reality can be integrated to streamline the modular construction process. The approach involves using Grasshopper, to generate assembly commands for a KUKA robot. These commands are then executed by the robot to fabricate modular components off-site. To ensure safety and efficiency on the construction site, I utilized the Microsoft HoloLens, a mixed-reality headset, to monitor the entire process. By integrating BIM data into the mixed reality environment, we can visualize the construction process in real-time, identify potential issues, and make informed decisions. The HoloLens allows site managers and workers to access critical information, such as assembly instructions and safety protocols, directly in their field of view. Moreover, the use of robotics in modular construction enables precise and consistent fabrication, ensuring high-quality components that meet stringent standards. By automating repetitive tasks, we can also reduce the reliance on manual labor, addressing the ongoing skilled labor shortage in the construction industry. Performing the task with the help of Blufab company and ACTech Hub Arena lab of Universidade do Minho, the prototype is tested in a controlled lab environment. Heartful thanks to Professor Bruno Figueiredo, Professor Filipe Brandão, João Ribeiro, João Carvalho, and Sir Pedro Andrade for helping me achieve this task and make the testing successful. Also grateful to my colleagues Adriano Franchini and Paris Bagheri, for helping and guiding me throughout the journey. By bridging the gaps between design, fabrication, and site operations, we can create a more efficient, sustainable, and safer construction process. #BIM #Mixedreality #modularconstruction #Prototype #roboticsfabrication

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    We are proud to announce that our graduate, Frank Chuquin Montoya, is now a staff member of this program at PUCP! It's inspiring to see our graduates shaping the future of BIM!

    Ver página da empresa de Escuela de Posgrado PUCP, gráfico

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    #Especialización | Nuestro Programa de Especialización en Gestión Estratégica BIM es el primer programa orientado a aumentar las capacidades de Building Information Modelling and Management en las empresas. Además, brinda las herramientas necesarias para que nuestros profesionales gestionen la transformación digital en diferentes organizaciones, implementen procesos de gestión de la información digital y administren la formulación y el diseño de proyectos de ingeniería civil. 🎓Más información: 🗓️Inicio de clases: 14 de Agosto #PosgradoPUCP #ProgramaDeEspecialización #GestiónEstratégica #PUCP #BIM

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