Decisão difícil? Nem por isso. 😏 Candidaturas abertas até 28 de março, para todas as empresas ou pessoas que estejam a transformar o mundo do trabalho em Portugal. Vamos a isso? 🏆 Link na secção de comentários 👇
Sobre nós
Benefícios flexíveis e transparentes para todos: a compensação que tu mereces é o nosso trabalho. 🚀 B Corp, com muito orgulho.
- Site
Link externo para Coverflex
- Setor
- Atividades de serviços financeiros
- Tamanho da empresa
- 51-200 funcionários
- Sede
- Remote-first
- Tipo
- Empresa privada
- Especializações
- Flexible benefits, Meal Card, Insurance, Childcare Vouchers, EWA e Expense Management
Software de administração de benefícios
Somos a solução de benefícios, cartão refeição, seguros, budgets, Flexpay, e descontos. Com a Coverflex, as empresas podem reduzir custos e maximizar a compensação dos colaboradores.
Remote-first, PT
Funcionários da Coverflex
Tiago Fernandes
Co-Founder & CTO at Coverflex - Proudly building in-house (NOT looking for outsourcing)
João Terrível
Pedro Cardoso
Head of Product Design at Coverflex
Davide Dattoli Zhang
Davide Dattoli Zhang é influencer Founder and Executive Chairman of Talent Garden, Board Member and Angel Investor
Providing meaningful and accessible benefits to employees shouldn’t be frustrating. TESI Group wanted a simple, flexible, and user-friendly way to manage corporate welfare. With Coverflex, they found the perfect solution! "Our approach is entrepreneurial and rooted in care. First and foremost, for our employees." - Wanda Gobbi , HR Manager at TESI Group 📖 Read the full story to see how TESI Group transformed its benefits experience with Coverflex. Link in the comments.
Mejorar el bienestar integral de tu equipo mientras optimizas la estructura de compensación SÍ es posible 🤝 ¿Quieres potenciar el poder adquisitivo de tu equipo sin incrementar costes salariales? Con nuestra calculadora de retribución flexible para empresas, puedes ver en minutos: 📈 Cuánto pueden ahorrar tus empleados - hasta 15% más de poder adquisitivo. 📉 Cuánto reduce tu empresa en costes laborales. 💡 Desde Coverflex te ayudamos a aumentar el salario disponible 💸 de tu equipo sin necesidad de subir salarios ni asumir cargas extra. ¡Haz tu mismo los números! 👇🏽
💡 “I leader che prospereranno saranno quelli capaci di costruire team solidi e performanti, mettendo empatia e fiducia al centro delle loro strategie.” Il 2025 sarà un anno cruciale per le Risorse Umane: l’intelligenza artificiale ridefinisce i processi, la flessibilità lavorativa è ormai una realtà e il senso di appartenenza è messo alla prova dalla digitalizzazione. Nel suo contributo allo speciale "HRoscopo 2025 - Le principali questioni nell'agenda dei people manager" di Persone&Conoscenze , il nostro Chief People Officer, João Franqueira 🧠 , sottolinea un aspetto fondamentale: la tecnologia non basta, servono connessioni umane forti. Nel 2025, le aziende che sapranno investire nel benessere dei dipendenti e creare una cultura aziendale basata su ascolto, confronto e coinvolgimento saranno quelle che attireranno e tratterranno i migliori talenti.
Coverflex compartilhou isso
La digitalización ha revolucionado la forma en que vivimos, compramos e incluso cómo trabajamos, siendo en muchas ocasiones el motor que impulsa el crecimiento y la transformación de las organizaciones. Recientemente, en el observatorio organizado por Expansión, tuve la oportunidad de reflexionar junto a Cabify, Revolut y Coverflex cómo la tecnología está redefiniendo las estrategias empresariales, especialmente en un entorno cada vez más competitivo. Uno de los aspectos clave de esta evolución es cómo la digitalización permite la creación de nuevos modelos de negocio. Desde la transformación de empresas tradicionales hasta la aparición de servicios completamente digitales, la tecnología ha abierto oportunidades sin precedentes. También abordamos cómo la digitalización facilita la expansión a nuevos mercados. Las plataformas digitales permiten que empresas locales alcancen una audiencia global, superando barreras físicas y accediendo a nuevos potenciales clientes. En Visa, llevamos más de 60 años apoyando a las empresas en su digitalización y con ello impulsando su competitividad en un mercado en constante cambio. En este contexto, la IA se convierte en aliado para la toma de decisiones y la personalización de productos y servicios. Gracias Isabel Cobo, Eduardo Pérez Toribio y Julia Abarca Muro por vuestras reflexiones en este encuentro. La digitalización es el presente, y quienes sepan integrarla estarán mejor posicionados. #digitalización #tecnología #empresas
Just in: tune in to the participation of our own Inês Odila, Country Manager at Coverflex Portugal, at the insightful "Mulheres com ECO" podcast, alongside Cátia Sá Guerreiro, Sara Lopes da Silva, Sónia Lage Lourenço and Isabel Patrício 🚀 To watch or listen to the 47-minute episode, find the link in the first comment below 👇
Coverflex has won the Financecommunity Fintech Awards 2025 in the category Best Communication and Advertising! 🏆 A huge thank you to and ItaliaFintech, as well as to the jury and to everyone who believes in our mission to make employee benefits simpler, smarter, and more accessible. This award fuels our commitment to keep innovating and pushing the boundaries of communication in fintech.
☕ Breakfast with Benefits 🥐 This morning, we gathered at the beautiful Altis Belém Hotel & Spa, right by the river in Lisbon, for another edition of Breakfast with Benefits. Together with key leaders within our community, we explored the 5 steps to creating and implementing a flexible benefits plan, under the motto "From Zero to Flex", presented by our own Paulo Fradinho, Pedro Miguel Cruz and Miguel Franco. A big thank you to everyone who joined us and contributed to such a great morning, exchanging ideas, addressing challenges, and sharing insights on how to optimize compensation strategies. All while enjoying great food, of course, and an even nicer view. We're already looking forward to the next one 🚀
COVERFLEX ACADEMY, your new go-to resource for mastering compensation and benefits 🚀 Whether you’re an HR leader or an employee making the most of your benefits, we've built a space designed to empower, educate, and simplify everything related to compensation and the Coverflex product. 🎯 It is currently only available in Portugal, but it was built with a global mindset. This is just the beginning: more to come. 👀 Link in the first comment 👇
Today, on #InternationalWomensDay, we want to share a message from our Coverflexer Laura Moreira: Every year, when International Women's Day comes around, we talk (or at least we should) about progress, equality, and empowerment. Because the truth is, if you’re paying even a little bit of attention, you see it: we’re still so far from where we should be. So much of what’s been fought for (and won) at the expense of the sweat, blood, and sanity of so many of us is slipping away — right in front of our eyes. But over the years, we haven’t just been talking. We’ve been putting our words and our energy into real action. After all, it’s action that will close those damned pay gaps, dismantle biases, or change cultures. Real, sometimes messy, but tangible action, stuff that hopefully doesn’t just sound good, but actually moves the needle for the women who work here. And maybe even raises the bar for what everyone should expect from their workplace. So, what does that actually look like right now at Coverflex? 🧡 Caring Days Plus - Women at Coverflex can now use their Caring Days as Period Leave. Because let’s be honest: nobody should have to power through a workday curled up in pain just to prove they can. Rest is not weakness. 📣 Leadership & Learning - We’ve brought in actual experts to run workshops on Female Leadership and Impostor Syndrome, because the biases women face at work are real, and so is the inner voice that too often holds us back. 💡 Hiring & Pay Equity - We’ve restructured our compensation model to correct disparities, revamped our hiring process to actually attract more women in tech, and made sure our performance reviews aren’t quietly reinforcing the same old biases. 🏡 A workplace designed for women – From flexible parental leave to Employee Resource Groups (shoutout to our CovHERflex Slack channel, named by one of our marketing geniuses), we’re working on creating spaces where women can share, support, and lead on their own terms. 🎓 Hard Conversations - Over the years, we’ve run internal initiatives for Women’s Day that tackled stuff like endometriosis, harassment, discrimination, and social inequalities. And the most powerful part? The stories came straight from your colleagues, people you work with every day, maybe even call friends. That hits different. We’re not perfect. There’s still a long way to go, at Coverflex and everywhere else. But we’ll keep showing up, saying the right things when it matters, and — more importantly — doing the right things, every day, not just today.
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