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TÜV SÜD Romania

TÜV SÜD Romania

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Munich, Germany 398.637 adepți

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Despre noi

TÜV SÜD este partenerul de încredere cel mai ales la nivel internațional pentru soluții de siguranță, securitate și dezvoltare durabilă. Comunitatea noastră de experți este pasionată de tehnologie și este unită de convingerea că tehnologia ar trebui să îmbunătățească viața tuturor oamenilor. Lucrăm alături de clienții noștri pentru a anticipa și a valorifica evoluțiile tehnologice. Suntem specializați în servicii de testare, certificare, audit și consultanță pentru diferite industrii. Încă din 1866, suntem dedicați scopului nostru de a permite progresul prin protejarea oamenilor, a mediului și a activelor, de riscurile legate de tehnologie. Inovația aduce schimbări radicale și ne afectează munca și viața în nenumărate moduri. La TÜV SÜD, suntem fermi în viziunea noastră, care ne permite să facem parte din acest progres. Anticipând evoluțiile tehnologice și facilitând schimbarea, inspirăm încredere. Mergând dincolo de conformitatea cu reglementările, inspirăm încredere într-o lume fizică și digitală pentru a crea un viitor mai sigur și mai durabil. Nu doar visăm la viitor, ci îl modelăm în mod activ. Prin cei peste 25.000 de angajați din peste 1.000 de locații la nivel global, adăugăm valoare clienților și partenerilor, permițând accesul la piețele de desfacere și gestionând riscurile. Nu încetăm niciodată să ne provocăm pentru siguranța oamenilor și a întregii societăți. Respirăm tehnologie, țintim spre excelență profesională și ne lăsăm amprenta. #FutureInYourHands #AddValue #InsprieTrust #ViitorulInMainileTale #AdaugaValoare #InspiraIncredere Mai mult informații sunt disponibile la TÜV SÜD AG: Board of Management: Johannes Bussmann (Chairman) Ishan Palit Imprint: Data privacy: Romania Address TÜV SÜD Romania S.R.L. Calea Victoriei, nr. 155 Bucureşti – 010073

Sector de activitate
Siguranță publică
Dimensiunea companiei
Peste 10.001 de angajați
Munich, Germany
Companie privată
Auditing and System Certification, Inspection, Training, Knowledge services, Advisory, Testing, Certification, Sustainability, Mobility, Cybersecurity, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Audit, Life Science, Industrial Manufacturing, Transportation, Consumer Goods, Retail, Health, Safety și Oil and Gas


Angajați la TÜV SÜD Romania


  • 🌍✨ From Munich to Tokyo: Alexander’s GlobetrottHR Experience ✨🌍 "I’ve always wanted to gain professional experience abroad, and especially Japan fascinated me by its deep-rooted traditions, modern eccentricity, and its unique yet highly structured work culture, which I was eager to understand,” says Alexander Herr, Specialist in People Operations. Spending 12 weeks in Tokyo through GlobetrottHR, TÜV SÜD’s internal exchange program for HR professionals, was the perfect opportunity for him to dive into this unique world and experience it all firsthand. Adjusting to a new work environment was an eye-opening experience that constantly challenged and fascinated me, he says. “The atmosphere felt completely different from what I was used to—but in a very structured and respectful way,” he shares. “Punctuality and commitment to work are taken very seriously, and the politeness in daily interactions definetely stood out to me.” Outside of work, navigating daily life with limited knowledge of the language was a thrilling mix of discovery and challenges for him. “To get the most out of this experience I spent over a year preparing by dedicating myself to learning Japanese, arranging flights and accommodation, and familiarizing myself with cultural dos and don’ts. That made the transition much smoother.” Reflecting on his time in Japan, he says, “Every single day brought me new perspectives, challenges, and moments that pushed me to grow—both personally and professionally. This experience reinforced my passion for working internationally and has definitely been one of the most enriching experiences of my life.” 🚀 Thinking about taking your career abroad? Click the link below to explore your international opportunities at TÜV SÜD! 🔗 #futureinyourhands #tuvsud #leaveamark #GlobetrottHR

  • GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) is a leading ESG benchmark for real estate and infrastructure investments. It provides businesses with a structured framework to measure and improve their sustainability performance, aligned with global best practices and investor expectations. By participating in GRESB, companies can identify ESG risks and opportunities; enhance accountability; attract responsible investors and improve operational efficiency and sustainability. GRESB is a powerful tool to stay ahead. Is your company leveraging it yet? Partner with TÜV SÜD to enhance your GRESB score and drive meaningful sustainability progress. Learn more: #GRESB #Sustainability #ESG #BusinessGrowth #TÜVSÜD

  • TÜV SÜD Romania a distribuit aceasta

    What if navigating AI regulations, like the EU AI Act, didn’t have to be overwhelming?   With the right tools and frameworks, organizations can turn compliance into a strategic advantage. 📥 Read the article to discover how ISO/IEC 42001 sets the foundation for sustainable success!

  • TÜV SÜD Romania a distribuit aceasta

    ⏳ Time is running out! Tomorrow, we’re going LIVE with TÜV SÜD Global Risk Consultants & RIMS to break down how AI is changing property insurance submissions—and how you can stay ahead. If you submit property risk data as a risk manager, broker, or underwriter, you NEED to know: ✅ How AI is influencing underwriting decisions ✅ Why insurers expect structured, AI-ready submissions ✅ Best practices to improve your risk data & insurance outcomes 📅 The webinar is tomorrow—don’t miss out! Want to attend for free? We have a promo code—just ask! 🔗 Register NOW:

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  • Dlaczego warto przystąpić do QMP? 🐄🐂 Hodujesz bydło i chcesz zwiększyć opłacalność swojej produkcji? System QMP to klucz do nowych rynków, lepszej jakości mięsa i dodatkowych dopłat. Uczestnictwo w QMP daje możliwość uzyskania wyższych cen za bydło oraz dodatkowych środków finansowych w ramach dopłat ARiMR. Przykładowo: ➡ 130 zł za każdego opasa spełniającego wymogi QMP ➡ 250 zł za każdą krowę mamkę ➡ Brak limitów ilościowych na płatności dobrostanowe Dowiedz się więcej na Targach Agrotech w Kielcach! Odwiedź halę 8 i porozmawiajmy o Twojej hodowli. Spotkaj się i porozmawiaj z naszymi ekspertkami QMP – Sylwia Sikorska oraz Weronika Szewc, które będą do Waszej dyspozycji na Targach Agrotech w Kielcach! ⏲️ Kiedy? - 14-16 marca 2025 📍 Gdzie? : Kielce Stoisko: Znajdziesz nas w hali 8 nr. stoiska: A02 Agrotech S.A., Targi Kielce,, Bydł, 🌾 #agrotech2025 #QMP #hodowlabydła #dobrostanzwierząt #hodowla

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  • 🌍 Shaping a Sustainable Future at TÜV SÜD! 🌱 Meet Komal, a Working Student in our Corporate Sustainability Office, who is actively contributing to our company’s environmental impact. As part of her Master’s in Sustainable Resource Management, she works on environmental reporting, analyzing data on emissions across all scopes. Her job involves collaborating with colleagues worldwide to ensure accurate sustainability reporting and to drive TÜV SÜD’s climate goals forward. 💡 “What I love most? The opportunity to turn sustainability theory into real impact. Every day, I get to work with diverse teams, analyze critical environmental data, and help shape strategies that make a difference. Plus, the flexibility at TÜV SÜD allows me to balance my studies and work seamlessly!” Her work is all about tracking, measuring, and optimizing sustainability efforts, ensuring TÜV SÜD is continuously improving and innovating in the field of corporate sustainability. Her must-haves at work? Laptop, notebook, and a good cup of coffee! ☕📖💻 Want to be part of a company that values sustainability, innovation, and growth? Join us! 🌍💙 #FutureInYourHands #Sustainability #tuvsud

  • The Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) is set to transform how products are designed and managed across the EU. Are you ready to navigate these changes? Join our exclusive webinar to gain key insights and stay ahead of the curve! 👉 Secure your spot today! #ESPR #Ecodesign #Sustainability #DigitalProductPassport #DPP #Compliance #Webinar

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    398.637 urmăritori

    🐄🐂 Rolniku, czy wiesz, że certyfikacja w systemie Quality Meat Program (QMP) otwiera przed Tobą nowe rynki i zwiększa opłacalność hodowli bydła? Zapraszamy na XXX Międzynarodowe Targi Techniki Rolniczej AGROTECH w Kielcach, które odbędą się w dniach 14-16 marca 2025. Znajdziesz nas w hali 8. Przyjdź i dowiedz się, jak QMP może pomóc w uzyskaniu wyższej ceny za Twój żywiec wołowy, jak spełnić warunki certyfikacji i skorzystać z dodatkowych dopłat bezpośrednich. Nie przegap okazji! Spotkajmy się na targach i porozmawiajmy o przyszłości Twojego gospodarstwa.   Spotkaj się i porozmawiaj z naszymi ekspertkami QMP – Sylwia Sikorska i Weronika Szewc, które będą do Waszej dyspozycji na Targach Agrotech w Kielcach! 📍Kiedy? - 14-16 marca 2025 Gdzie?: Kielce  Znajdziesz nas w hali 8 nr. stoiska: A02   AGROTECH, Targi Kielce, 🐄 🌾 #Agrotech2025 #QMP #hodowlabydła #dobrostanzwierząt #hodowla

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  • TÜV SÜD Korea has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sinan County, Heunghae, and Serfac to establish an Offshore Wind Industry Training Center!🎉 This agreement marks a significant step in advancing the offshore wind industry and training specialized personnel.⚡ Currently, an 8.2GW large-scale wind farm is being developed off the coast of Sinan, increasing the demand for maintenance personnel. However, existing training centers have faced challenges in establishment. Through this agreement, training will be conducted directly in Sinan, contributing to local technical workforce development and economic benefits. 💪 In particular, the center will provide Global Wind Organization (GWO) certified training, including Basic Technical Training (BTT) and Advanced Rescue Training (ART), ensuring workforce safety and reducing domestic training costs. 🚀 The ceremony was attended by Sinan County Mayor Park Woo-Ryang, Managing Director of TÜV SÜD Korea Jung (Jung-Wook) Seo, Heunghae CEO Bae Dong-jin, Serfac CEO Lim Nam-heu, as well as representatives from the German Embassy, the AHK Korea (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry), and renewable energy experts. ✨ Join us in supporting this meaningful first step in Sinan’s offshore wind industry! 💙 TÜV SÜD Korea가 신안군, 흥해, 써팩과 함께 해상풍력산업교육센터 구축을 위한 업무협약을 체결했습니다! 🎉 이번 협약을 통해 해상풍력산업의 발전과 전문 인력 양성이 본격적으로 추진됩니다. 현재 신안 앞바다에는 8.2GW 규모의 대규모 풍력발전단지가 조성 중이고, 유지보수 인력의 수요도 증가하고 있지만 기존 교육센터들은 설립이 어려웠던 상황이었는데요! 이번 업무협약을 통해 신안군에서 직접 교육이 이루어져 지역 내 기술 인력 양성과 경제적 효과도 기대됩니다. 💪 특히 국제풍력기구(GWO) 인증 교육과 함께 BTT(기초기술교육), ART(상급구조교육) 과정도 제공되어 인력 안전 확보와 교육 비용 절감 효과도 기대할 수 있습니다. 🚀 이번 업무협약식에는 박우량 신안군수, TÜV SÜD Korea 서정욱 대표, 흥해 배동진 대표, 써팩 임남희 대표뿐만 아니라 독일 대사관, 주한독일상공회의소 및 신재생에너지 전문가들도 참석해 자리를 빛냈습니다. ✨ 이번 신안 풍력 산업의 의미있는 첫걸음을 함께 응원해주시기 바랍니다! 💙 [Learn More] TÜV SÜD Wind Services >> [Register Now] GWO Basic Safety Training (BST) Course >> #windpower #offshore #sinan #GWO #Heunghae #Serfac #tuvsud

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  • TÜV SÜD Romania a distribuit aceasta

    🔮 AI is the future of underwriting—will your risk data keep up? 🚨 Property insurance submissions are evolving. Insurers now expect structured, AI-ready data—and that means risk managers, brokers, and carriers need to adapt or fall behind. Join Global Risk Consultants & RIMS for a game-changing webinar on: 📊 How AI is influencing property insurance decisions 💡 Best practices for data-driven risk submissions 🔍 Real-world insights to gain better insurance outcomes 📅 March 13 at 1 p.m. 📍 Online, hosted by RIMS 🎟️ We have a promo code for free registration—DM us! 🔗 Secure your spot:

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