Sustainability is at the core of our integrated consulting services as we help our clients navigate towards responsible future by taking accountability for the impact of their business today. Meet us at Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) in Toronto, as we join this premier mineral exploration and development convention to learn and discuss how the industry upholds its ESG commitments to help shape the sustainable future. If you are in Toronto 2nd to 5th March, message us. We look forward to insightful discussion and knowledge sharing.
About us
Executive Group is a leading integrated communications agency in Serbia and South East Europe. Our know-how and capabilities span across entire communications spectrum covering, among others, corporate communications, digital, marketing and advertising, branding advisory and public affairs. We are proud of the top international and domestic and awards we are winning for our work. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that our work product makes meaningful contribution only if it fully supports fulfillment of Clients’ core business objectives while maximizing brand and corporate value. We are privileged to serve world’s leading brands and organizations across most critical areas of communications. Our relentless commitment to constant learning and innovation is aimed to produce cutting edge solutions and world-class deliverables for the clients we serve across South East Europe in Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Albania. Excellence, hard work, strategic thinking, creativity, impeccable execution and customer service are at the core of our philosophy. We respect each other’s individuality and cherish an open culture while working together to serve our Clients the best we can, and more.
- Website
External link for Executive Group
- Industry
- Marketing Services
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Belgrade
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2002
- Specialties
- Strategic communications, government relations, corporate social responsibility, internal relations, media relations, event management, digital communications, advertising and marketing, communications training, editorial and prepress services, and public relation
Knez Mihailova 9
Belgrade, 11000, RS
Employees at Executive Group
Naše koleginice Marina i Vanja su u poslednjem izdanju magazina Marketing mreža podelile svoja razmišljanja o važnosti mikroinfluensera u kreativnim kampanjama. Naglasile su da mi, kao eksperti, imamo mogućnost da svojim radom, ne samo oblikujemo već i transformišemo celo tržište, donoseći nove perspektive.
U čast najznačajnije globalne gala ceremonije IPRA Golden World Awards 2024, ove godine se u Beogradu održava PR Samit „Poverenje je PRioritet“. Događaj okuplja komunikacione stručnjake iz celog sveta, a naša Sanja Milakovic Kolundzija biće moderator panela na kojem će se diskutovati o budućnosti PR profesije u eri veštačke inteligencije. Velika je čast za PR struku Srbije i regiona što će se ove godine „PR Oskar“ dodeliti upravo u Beogradu. Zahvaljujemo se predsednici IPRA-e za 2024. godinu, Natasa Pavlovic Bujas na trudu i zalaganju da nas sve okupi i dovede PR svet u naš grad. Posebno smo ponosni na činjenicu da smo među prvima bili laureati ove nagrade za projekat „Kuća snova“.
U specijalnom dodatku Agency report septembarskog broja Marketing mreža magazina, našao se i komentar naše Sanja Milakovic Kolundzija na temu poslovanja agencija u 2023. godini. Da li je i na koji način inflacija uticala na industriju pročitajte u poslednjem izdanju Marketing mreža.
From June 17 to 21, the renowned Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity will gather the crème de la crème of the marketing industry from around the world. We can expect an incredible program filled with outstanding presentations, events, and networking opportunities. Our delegates Vesna Platisa & Dusica Matijasevic will be in Cannes to share the most exciting moments and top trends from the world of marketing. Some of the companies we will be engaging with, through presentations, panels, workshops, activations, and on-site networking, include The Coca-Cola Company, Mondelēz International, Pinterest, McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, the LEGO Group, TikTok, Hyundai Motor Company (현대자동차) and many others. We'll be in the presence of brilliant speakers and experts, whose names you can see here: Follow us as we share many useful and interesting segments from the festival.
Naša direktorka advertajzinga i strategije bila je moderatorka na desetom regionalnom forumu komunikacionih lidera #IZAZOV2024. Na panelu #BrandTalk sa ostalim sagovornicama diskutovala je na temu generacija Z i Alpha - koje su glavne karakteristike ovih generacija, šta one očekuju od brenda, ali i kako nove tehnologije utiču na njihove potrošačke navike.
Naš kreativni direktor i ujedno pisac Bojan Babić dao je intervju za međunarodni magazin Transitions Online. Pročitajte njegove odgovore u kojima se dotakao tema kao što su književnost, kultura, politika, ali i jugonostalgija i bogatstvo Tejlor Svift. Ceo intervju pročitajte na linku:
Effie Awards nagrađuju najefikasnije agencije i oglašivače, koji su ostvarili i premašili marketinške i poslovne ciljeve same kampanje, kao i brenda. Priznanje se dodeljuje na lokalnom, regionalnom i globalnom nivou, a ove godine će naša Dusica Matijasevic, direktorka advertajzinga i strategije, ocenjivati radove u prvom krugu takmičenja Effie Awards Serbia.