Business Consulting and Services

National Association of Autonomous and Electric Vehicles in Serbia (NAAEV) EIT Urban Mobility RIS HUB

About us

NAAEV contributes to the development, sale and use of electric, hybrid, fuel cell, light e-vehicles and autonomous vehicles in Serbia, as well as the construction of supporting infrastructure, with the aim of protecting the environment, encouraging and improving energy efficiency and increasing traffic safety. Since September 2019, NAAEV has been a partner of the EIT UM network (European Institute of Innovation and Technology-Urban Mobility). As EIT Urban Mobility RIS HUB, NAAEV aims to improve urban mobility in the RIS countries and reinforce the synergies between local knowledge triangle actors, share new tools and technologies, and connect the local stakeholders with our international community.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
2-10 employees


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    🇷🇸 Između kišnih pljuskova, uspešno smo predstavili Evropsku nedelju mobilnosti 🌍 i istakli urbanu mobilnost 🚴♀️🚗 u svim njenim oblicima. Od električnih vozila ⚡️ do aktivne i inkluzivne mobilnosti 🤝, uključujući mikromobilnost 🛴—sve je bilo predstavljeno. Veliko hvala našim partnerima i startapovima na podršci ovoj inicijativi 💼👏 do kraja, uprkos nepredvidivom vremenu 🌧. Krećemo dalje ka novim avanturama 🚀 pod znakom urbane mobilnosti! 🇬🇧 Between the rain showers, we successfully showcased European Mobility Week 🌍 and highlighted urban mobility 🚴♀️🚗 in all its forms. From electric vehicles ⚡️ to active and inclusive mobility 🤝, including micro-mobility 🛴—everything was represented. A big thank you to our partners and startups for supporting this initiative 💼👏 until the end, despite the unpredictable weather 🌧. Onwards to new adventures 🚀 in urban mobility!" Thx: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade Road arrow Dualtron ABB , Belgrade Waterfront, Park011 NavBlind Tehničko-inženjerski Zavod Glagol EIT Urban Mobility #eiturbanmobility #europeanmobilityweek #micromobility #inclusion #activemobility #retrofit #belgrade #startups #mobility

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    🇷🇸 NAAEV , kao RIS Hub za EIT Urban Mobility u Srbiji, i ove godine učestvuje u Evropskoj nedelji mobilnosti 2024, uz podršku Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade . Brojni partneri i startapovi će se pridružiti NAAEV-u na ovom događaju. U okviru ovogodišnjeg događaja, NAAEV će promovisati rešenje e-retrofit sa prezentacijom retrofituiranog vozila. Naši partneri uključuju Mašinski fakultet i njihov tim drumska strela , dualtron za mikromobilnost sa svojim električnim trotinetima, Park011 za rešenja za parking za mikromobilnost, kao i ABB i Belgrade Waterfront. Pridružiće nam se i startapovi u ekspanziji poput Tehničko-inženjerski Zavod Glagol i perspektivni startap NavBlind , koji se fokusira na inkluzivnu mobilnost sa svojim rešenjem za slepe i slabovide osobe. Ne propustite događaj i pridružite nam se kako bismo razgovarali i delili ideje o urbanoj mobilnosti u našem prelepom gradu Beogradu! Lokacija će biti ispred Mašinskog fakulteta, ulica Kraljice Marije 16. Čekamo vas! 🇬🇧 NAAEV, as the RIS Hub for EIT Urban Mobility in Serbia, is once again participating in European Mobility Week 2024 with the support of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. A number of partners and startups will join NAAEV for this event. As part of this year's event, NAAEV will promote the e-retrofit solution with the presentation of a retrofitted vehicle. Our partners include the Faculty and their Drumska Strela team, Dualtron for micro-mobility with their electric scooters, Park 011 for parking solutions for micro-mobility, as well as ABB and Belgrade Waterfront. Joining us will also be expanding startups like Glagol and the promising startup Navblind, which emphasizes inclusive mobility with its solution for the visually impaired. Do not miss the event and join us to discuss and share ideas about urban mobility in our beautiful city of Belgrade! The event will be located in front of the Faculty at Kraljice Marije 16 Street. We are waiting for you! #retrofit #evconversion #urbanmobility #inclusivity #activemobility #micromobility #eiturbanmobility #belgrade #europeanmobilityweek

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    🚨 Podsetnik – Produžen rok za SIM Challenge 2024 Pažnja svim studentskim timovima! Rok za podnošenje vaših predloga za SIM Challenge 2024 produžen je do 30. septembra 2024. 🗓️ Ovo je vaša prilika da predstavite svoje inovativne ideje i doprinesete budućnosti održive mobilnosti! 🚗⚡ Ne propustite ovu šansu—završite svoje projekte i pošaljite ih pre novog roka! Za više informacija o učešću, posetite NAAEV sajt: [ ili nas kontaktirajte direktno na Radujemo se vašim predlozima! 🙌 --- 🚨 Reminder – Deadline Extension for the SIM Challenge 2024 Attention all student teams! The deadline for submitting your proposals for the SIM Challenge 2024 has been extended until September 30th, 2024. 🗓️ This is your chance to showcase your innovative ideas and contribute to the future of sustainable mobility! 🚗⚡ Don’t miss out on this opportunity—finalize your projects and submit them before the new deadline! For more details on how to participate, visit the NAAEV website: [ or contact us directly at We can't wait to see your proposals! 🙌 #SIMChallenge #NAAEV #SustainableMobility #Innovation #StudentChallenge University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade University of Belgrade University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering FTN Novi Sad - Menadžment u zdravstvu Saobraćajni Fakultet EIT Urban Mobility

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    🇷🇸 Dalibor Ignjatovic iz NAAEV-a, i profesori Milan Kalajdzic i Nikola Momčilović sa katedre za brodogradnju Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade - zajedno su prisustvovali sajmu Electric and Hybrid Marine Expo, koji je održan od 18. do 20. juna 2024. godine u Amsterdamu. Ovaj događaj, koji je globalno priznat zbog svog fokusa na tehnologije električnog i hibridnog pogona brodova, kao i na rešenja za smanjenje emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte, pružio je idealnu platformu za otkrivanje najnovijih inovacija u ovoj oblasti. Među novitetima su bili napredni sistemi baterija, tehnologije pogona nove generacije i rešenja za autonomnu vožnju. Učestvovanjem na ovom događaju, NAAEV i profesori sa Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu imali su priliku da se povežu sa međunarodnim stručnjacima, prisustvuju specijalizovanim konferencijama i otkriju inovativne proizvode koje su predstavili vodeći lideri u industriji, sa ciljem potencijalne zajedničke saradnje na razvoju rešenja za rečni transport u Srbiji. 🇬🇧 Dalibor Ignjatovic from NAAEV and Professors Milan Kalajdzic and Nikola Momčilović from the Department of Naval Architecture at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade, jointly attended the Electric and Hybrid Marine Expo, held from June 18 to 20, 2024, in Amsterdam. This event, globally recognized for its focus on electric and hybrid marine propulsion technologies, as well as solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, provided an ideal platform to discover the latest innovations in the sector. Among the new products showcased were advanced battery systems, next-generation propulsion technologies, and solutions for autonomous driving. By participating in this event, NAAEV and the professors from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, were able to connect with international experts, attend specialized conferences, and discover innovative products showcased by industry leaders, with the aim of potential collaboration on developing river transport solutions in Serbia. #waterborne, #marine #hybrid #electric #autonomous #Hydrogen #fuelcell

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    🇷🇸 Članovi NAAEV -a, Ivan Vulović i Dalibor Ignjatovic , učestvovali su na Poslovnom forumu Francuska - Zapadni Balkan, koji se održao 13. i 14. juna 2024. godine u MTS dvorani u Beogradu i organizovan od strane Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie France Serbie. Ovaj događaj je bio izuzetno uspešan, pružajući dragocenu platformu za diskusiju o izazovima i prilikama u oblastima proizvodnje, lanaca snabdevanja i ESG (ekoloških, društvenih i upravljačkih) praksi na Zapadnom Balkanu. Bila je prilika za razmenu mišljenja sa visokim predstavnicima privatnog i javnog sektora. NAAEV je uspeo identifikovati prilike za saradnju koje su proizašle iz ovog događaja i ima u vidu dalji nastavak aktivnog doprinosa razvoju održivih i inovativnih rešenja u oblasti mobilnosti. 🇬🇧 Members of NAAEV, Ivan Vulović and Dalibor Ignjatović, participated in the France - Western Balkans Business Forum, held on June 13 and 14, 2024, at the MTS Hall in Belgrade and organized by the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie France Serbie . This event was extremely successful, providing a valuable platform for discussing challenges and opportunities in the areas of manufacturing, supply chains, and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) practices in the Western Balkans. It was an opportunity to exchange views with senior representatives of the private and public sectors. NAAEV successfully identified opportunities for collaboration that emerged from this event and is looking forward to continuing to actively contribute to the development of sustainable and innovative solutions in the field of mobility. #esg #france #serbie #expo2027

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    Ne zaboravite da se prijavite na naš SIM-Challenge 2024! 👍 Više informacija možeš pronaći ovde: ___________________________________________ Do not miss to apply to our SIM-Challenge 2024! 👍 For more information, you can find it here: University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

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    SIM Challenge

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    🇷🇸 Na jučerašnjem događaju "Energetska tranzicija Srbije – Inovacije i Implementacija", koji je organizovala Wireless Media Group, Nacionalna Asocijacija za Autonomna i Električna Vozila (NAAEV) je imala čast da učestvuje u panelu posvećenom e-mobilnosti. Događaj je bio izvanredno organizovan, sa izuzetno kvalitetnim panelima koji su obuhvatili širok spektar tema – od obnovljivih izvora energije do nuklearne energije. Panel na kojem je učestvovala NAAEV, a koji je predstavio Dalibor Ignjatovic , bio je posebno značajan, jer je pružio uvid u trenutna dostignuća i buduće planove vezane za e-mobilnost u Srbiji. Diskusije su bile produktivne i inspirativne, a učesnici su imali priliku da razmene iskustva i ideje o izazovima i prilikama koje donosi energetska tranzicija.Ovaj događaj je još jednom potvrdio da Srbija ima velike potencijale u oblasti energetike i e-mobilnosti, te da uz prave inovacije i implementaciju možemo očekivati značajne pomake ka održivoj budućnosti. 🇬🇧 At yesterday's event "Energy Transition of Serbia – Innovations and Implementation," organized by Wireless Media Group, the National Association for Autonomous and Electric Vehicles (NAAEV) had the honor of participating in a panel dedicated to e-mobility. The event was exceptionally well-organized, with high-quality panels covering a wide range of topics – from renewable energy sources to nuclear energy. The panel in which NAAEV participated, represented by Dalibor Ignjatovic , was particularly significant as it provided insight into the current achievements and future plans related to e-mobility in Serbia. The discussions were productive and inspiring, and participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas about the challenges and opportunities brought by the energy transition.This event once again confirmed that Serbia has great potential in the field of energy and e-mobility, and that with the right innovations and implementation, we can expect significant progress towards a sustainable future. #energy #energytransition #nuclear #renewableenergy #emobility #futuremobility #mobility #serbia #innovation

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    🇷🇸 Direktor Inovacija NAAEV-a, Dalibor Ignjatović, imao je priliku da se upusti u uzbudljivi svet Vivatech 2024! Ovaj događaj bio je prava izložba inovativnih rešenja, gde smo imali zadovoljstvo da sretnemo partnere poput ex9 i otkrijemo nove perspektivne startape poput NamX , Enhywhere , Anod , SteerLight i mnoge druge. 🚀 Ova duboka uronjenost u Vivatech 2024 omogućila nam je da otkrijemo more inovativnih rešenja za oblikovanje mobilnosti sutrašnjice. 🇬🇧 NAAEV's Innovation Manager, Dalibor Ignjatovic, had the opportunity to dive into the exciting world of Vivatech 2024! This event was a true showcase of innovative solutions, where we had the pleasure of meeting partners like ex9 and discovering new promising startups such as NamX , Enhywhere , Anod , SteerLight , and many others. 🚀 This deep dive into Vivatech 2024 allowed us to discover a sea of innovative solutions to shape the mobility of tomorrow. #Innovation #Vivatech2024 #mobility #futuremobility #startup

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    🚀 Naš SIM-Challenge je otvoren! 🚀 Dobrodošli u svet inovacija i mladalačke energije! Naš "Student Innovative Mobility Challenge" predstavlja ne samo izazov, već i priliku za studente da istraže granice mogućnosti u oblasti mobilnosti. Prošle godine smo započeli ovu inspirativnu avanturu sa nekoliko vodećih fakulteta u Beogradu, a ove godine širimo krug i otvaramo vrata partnerstva širom zemlje. 🌍 Ovaj izazov predstavlja pokretač mladim umovima ka stvaranju inovativnih rešenja koja će oblikovati buduću mobilnost. 💡 Budi i ti deo ove priče i uključi se kako bi bio deo novih generacija mladih lidera i inovatora. 💪🎓 Više informacija možeš pronaći ovde: ___________________________________________ 🚀 Our SIM-Challenge is Open! 🚀 Welcome to the world of innovation and youthful energy! Our "Student Innovative Mobility Challenge" is not just a challenge, but an opportunity for students to explore the boundaries of possibilities in the field of mobility. Last year, we embarked on this inspiring adventure with several leading faculties in Belgrade, and this year we are expanding the circle and opening the doors to partnerships across the country. 🌍 This challenge serves as a catalyst for young minds to create innovative solutions that will shape the future of mobility. 💡 Be part of this journey and join us to be part of the new generation of young leaders and innovators. 💪🎓 For more information, you can find it here: University of Belgrade, University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade, Saobraćajni Fakultet, EIT Urban Mobility

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