

Tillverkning av livsmedel och drycker

Om oss

Cloetta, founded in 1862, is a leading confectionery company in the Nordic region and The Netherlands. We are manufacturing and marketing sugar confectionery, chocolate products, nuts, pastilles and chewing gum. In total, Cloetta products are sold in more than 50 markets worldwide. Cloetta owns some of the strongest brands on the market, e.g Läkerol, Cloetta, CandyKing, Jenkki, Kexchoklad, Malaco, Sportlife, Saila, Red Band, Lonka and Nutisal, most of them with a long heritage tradition. About 2800 employees work for us worldwide as we operate in 15 different countries. We are committed to continuously renew and utilize the company’s expertise and want to hire and develop competent employees that are given the opportunity to realize their full potential. We are an ambitious company, hence have people work for us who really want to make an impact on the business by doing their job receiving the trust and freedom to take a lot of responsibility. We all do our part but also support each other and enjoy working together and in teams. We have a positive attitude, are proud of our company, our brands and products, but most of all... we love what we do and have fun while doing so.

Tillverkning av livsmedel och drycker
1 001–5 000 anställda
Publikt aktiebolag
Candy, Liquorice, Sugar Confectionary, Pastilles, Chewing Gum och Chocolate


Anställda på Cloetta


  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    ❓ Swedish candy is trending - is there a risk of a candy shortage? Our beloved sweets have become even more trendy globally through social media and Swedish national public broadcaster SVT called our Global Director of Pick & Mix Laura Rytkola to find out if we could have a shortage. “We are well prepared and have for several years built a well-functioning supply chain that can meet demand both at home and abroad”, Laura assures us. Many thanks to Stina Qvarforth for the lovely chat! Interview available at:

    Stor efterfrågan på svenskt lösgodis – råder det godisbrist?

    Stor efterfrågan på svenskt lösgodis – råder det godisbrist?

  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    Cloettan yhteisöpaitapäivänä tunnustettiin rohkeasti väriä. Päivän ideana oli pukeutua oman urheiluseuran, harrastuksen, bändin tai muun yhteisön väreihin ja herättää pohtimaan yhteisöllisyyden merkitystä. Joanna Hellman (edessä vasemmalla) tuli yhteisöpaitapäivään yllään Crossfit East Turku -salin huppari. ”Yhteisöllisyys on itselleni tosi tärkeä asia varsinkin urheilussa. Vaikka tavoitteet ja suoritukset ovat yksilöllisiä niin vieressä hikoileva treenikaveri nostaa omaa motivaatiota treenaamiseen ja auttaa jaksamaan.” Porin Ässät -faniksi tunnustautuva Piia Rintamaa (edessä toinen vasemmalta) kannattaa entisen kotikaupunkinsa jääkiekkoseuraa. ”Vaikka olen miltei 20 vuotta asunut Turussa pidän itseäni edelleen hyvin porilaisena. Porin Ässät pitää kiinni kotikaupungissa ja tarjoaa tunteita laidasta laitaan. Yhteisöllisyys merkitsee minulle yhdessä tekemisen iloa, yhteisiä päämääriä ja luottamusta.” “Skating Club Turku (SCT) on minulle kuin toinen perhe”, tunnustaa Emmi Saternus (takana vasemmalla). “Tyttäreni luistelee seurassa ja itse toimin seuran hallituksessa vastaten tapahtumista ja varainhankinnasta. Yhteisöllisyys SCT:ssä on meille paljon enemmän kuin pelkkiä lajitaitoja. Olemme saaneet elinikäisiä ystävyyssuhteita, kokemuksia, kisareissuja ja oppineet uusia asioita. Yhteisöllisyys merkitsee minulle jaettuja iloja, suruja, onnistumisia ja epäonnistumisia. Kaikkia elämän sävyjä koettuna samanhenkisten ihmisten kanssa - talkootöitä unohtamatta.”

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    The beloved Tupla chocolate bar is now available also as ice cream! “Tupla ice creams have all the elements that are associated with Tupla: chocolate, roasted almonds and soft nougat – and the taste of adventure! The taste experience is exciting but true to what matters most - the unique, delicious taste of Tupla that everyone loves”, says Niina Lammila, Senior Brand Manager of Chocolate at Cloetta Finland, (on the left) The chewy and thick nougat is made from scratch in-house. As is the sweet chocolate coating with almonds in the ice cream pint, with the authentic taste of Tupla. Tupla ice cream is available in two most popular flavors, chocolate and vanilla. “The packaging and POS-materials of Tupla ice creams are built around Tupla's recognizable and ownable brand assets and delicious flavor images. Buying is easy when shoppers immediately know what they're buying,” states Cloetta Finland’s Shopper Activation Manager Venla Uotila (on the right) “Tupla ice creams are so delicious that we expect them to become one of the most sold super premium ice creams in Finland this autumn!”

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    Best Trade Event Award for Cloetta Denmark! We are tremendously proud of the recognition Cloetta received from Danish retailer, Salling Group, at their Supplier Day 2024. Cloetta won the “Best Trade Event” for the great in-store impact we made with the Big Bang execution in April, with Läkerol and Malaco in focus. We are proud of the impact that we can make in the Danish trade, truly leveraging our great sales force, the biggest confectionary sales force in Danish trade. Right now Cloetta Denmark is running another nationwide Big Bang Malaco campaign. This time the candy bag Malaco Flimmer Mix Classic, plays the main character.  “Flimmer” is slang for “TV” in Danish. “In front of TV” is the Danes' favorite time to eat sweets, and in this situation Flimmer Mix Classic is a perfect fit. During the campaign period, people from the office join forces with the sales force to make sure that we create another big in-store impact with relevant exhibitions. #teamplay #pride 

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    While Brand Parkies is still in full swing, we would like to take a moment to reflect on our amazing experience. We had the great opportunity to present ourselves as an employer at this event in Breda. We are still enjoying it and would like to share some of the memorable moments with you 📸. Did you spot us there? 🔍 We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    Cloetta at Brand Parkies: A Sweet Success! 🎉 We had an amazing time at Brand Parkies in Breda, where we shared more about what it’s like to work at Cloetta! Our promotion team handed out numerous samples 🍬, met many new people, and shared what makes us a great employer to work for. Thank you to everyone who came by and was interested in us as an employer. Check out the video to see the highlights of the event. #Cloetta #BrandParkies #EmployerBranding #Breda

  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    This week, the 4Days Marches in Nijmegen take place. More than 1.5 million people visit this event in the Netherlands. This year we are part of this iconic event with our Red Band brand. Our colleagues worked very hard to create a great experience for everyone visiting this event to let them enjoy the fun of Red Band. Each door opens a new adventure. From the moment you enter, you are immersed in a journey filled with moments of joy. Will you visit our Red Band stand today? 😀

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    Our latest interim report was published today! ➜ in Q2, we delivered improved profitability and continued organic growth ➜ we add another quarter of growth to 3 years of consecutive organic growth ➜ the improved profitability was mainly driven by the full quarterly effect of previous pricing and margin-improving initiatives in Pick & mix ➜ all material available on ➜ teleconference for investors and media starts today at 10.00 AM CEST Teleconference link: #Cloetta #Q2

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    Meet our colleague Emilija who is an International Marketing intern at Cloetta in the Netherlands. What internship are you doing at Cloetta, and what is the most interesting thing about an internship at Cloetta? I am an international marketing intern for The Jelly Bean Factory brand at Cloetta. The most interesting thing about this internship is the chance to work on real-world projects for a well-known brand. My responsibilities include conducting consumer research, developing a cross-market product catalogue, guiding creative agencies during product photoshoots, and supporting the team with daily tasks. I get to collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds and nationalities, learning about the intricacies of international marketing. The friendly and innovative work environment at Cloetta makes each day exciting and full of learning opportunities. What is your favorite Cloetta candy? Unsurprisingly, my favorite Cloetta candy is The Jelly Bean Factory's gourmet jelly beans. It's a pleasure to be working for my favorite candy brand! 😃

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Cloetta, grafik

    52 560 följare

    Recently, we invited our interns for a special visit to our factory in Roosendaal. They got a look behind the scenes of how our delicious candies are made 🍬. To wrap up the morning, they filled a large bag with their favorite candy, after which they enjoyed a delicious lunch together. It was a great way to celebrate Intern Day and reward them for their hard work over the past few months. Thank you to all our interns for being such a valuable part of Cloetta! 🚀 #InternDay #Cloetta #FactoryVisit #Internship #FMCG

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