Ocean Outdoor Nordics

Ocean Outdoor Nordics


We practise “The Art of Outdoor®” by creating inspirational experiences for inspirational brands.

Om oss

We practise “The Art of Outdoor®” by creating inspirational experiences for inspirational brands. We are the curator of Europe’s largest commercial art gallery, using digital screens in premium public spaces to create the most iconic, dramatic and impactful canvases in the world of out of home communication. The Art of Outdoor® is a single minded focus on desirable audiences and locations using the latest technology, research and data a facilitator of digital connectivity in the OOH world.

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  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    🤖Forget about tech > focus on ideas Catherine Morgan is the Managing Director of Ocean Labs. She has been operating at the forefront of creative use of technology within D/OOH longer than most. At the GroupM Sverige NextM earlier this year she delivered a compelling message that the industry could pause and reflect over. 💡Tech and use of it isn’t and has never been the starting point for great Out Of Home. At least not to us. ✅Yes we have a big palette of tech driven Labs products & solutions. ✅Yes we highlight the potential of using technology for creative effectiveness. ✅Yes innovation, product and concept design is part of our D.N.A. But, all of this has to facilitate the idea and what a brand has set out to do with its campaign. The very core attribute of tech is to help create a connection with the audience. The image to the left is the superhero version of me generated by our 𝗔𝗜 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗵. 👉 Tech used to put a smile on people’s faces and create positive brand associations. This is embedded in The Art Of Outdoor. #DOOH #OOH #tech #creativity #advertising

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  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    The 𝗥𝘂𝗻 𝗗𝗠𝗖 𝘅 𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘀 co-lab is the mother of all brand co-labs The backstory to this legacy co-lab has been widely covered so no need to get into that. 👉The fluency and longevity however in driving consumer appeal through this equally beneficial partnership is remarkable. Brand co-labs are fascinating and hard to get right. Especially when culture and commercial meet. To much planning and tailoring don’t always work out. 𝗥𝘂𝗻 𝗗𝗠𝗖 𝘅 𝗔𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵: 𝗔 𝗟𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗰𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘁 I’ve done an small analysis using our Ocean Analytics platform: 👟Searches for "run dmc adidas shoes 1986" saw a significant increase of 271.4%, highlighting a continued fascination with the group's original footwear. 👟Searches for vintage items like "run dmc adidas tracksuit for sale" and "80's run dmc adidas tracksuit" experienced a surge, suggesting a growing interest in retro styles. 👟The emergence of "run dmc adidas song" as a rising search term indicates a renewed interest in the group's music, potentially driving further engagement with their brand collaborations. The significance of the partnership for adidas is unquestionable considering it’s delivering value over several decades. Perhaps a stretch but bits and pieces of the many creative Out Of Home performances by the brand that we see today surely can be traced back to the street culture link up that the Run DMC co-lab was a big part of. Mural by unknown artist. #legacybrands #creativity #collab #OOH #streettheatre

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  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    🎤🏆showcase your idea & share the stage with icons and geniuses🎤🏆 On October 9th an insanely talented line up takes the Creative Summit stage. Check this out Advertising legend Sir John Hegarty Johan Pihl Mirja Kais Klas Lusth Hedvig Hagwall Bruckner Ernst Billgren Fredrik Ullén Anna Rosling Rönnlund Eva-Marie Röhl Jeff Jackett However you and your team have the chance to steal their thunder by winning the Digital Creative Competition. All you need is a brilliant idea that knocks the jury off their feet. We’ve just extended the entry deadline all across the Nordics so go for it 💡 #TheArtOfOutdoor #creativity #art #creativesummit #digitalcreativecompetition

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  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    🚍The Oslo Brand Terminal 🚍 Transit hub DOOH is a strong advertising environment. At Ocean we’ve passionately turned these spaces into places for many years. The Oslo Bus Terminal is one of the more exciting transit hubs in the Nordics. It’s an ideal platform for #Integratedoutofhome 👉 The largest bus terminal in the country 👉 130 000 travelers each week 👉 featuring 25 vertical full motion screens 👉 3 impact full motion screens 🧊 The Cube Icon with DeepScreen®️compatibility 👩🔬 Ocean Labs tech and take over compatible NOAH - for dyrs rettigheter took advantage of the DOOH smorgasbord in their DCC idea. Last year's Digital Creative Competition winner by JCP highlighted pigs' rights with an interactive campaign. The objective was to activate people and inspire them to sign a petition. Results: 👏 1938 people scanned the QR-code 📝 5000 people signed the petition 📈 Ocean Analytics show a 7% interest increase in NOAH A great example of the conversion power within Digital Out Of Home. 💡The deadline to submit your ideas for DCC is approaching. All you need is an idea. #TheArtOfOutdoor #TurningSpacesIntoPlaces #DigitalCreativeCompetition #OceanLabs

    Visa organisationssidan för Ocean Outdoor Norway, grafik

    569 följare

    1938 mennesker scannet QR-koden til NOAH - for dyrs rettigheter for å slippe fri grisen på Oslo Bussterminal 👏 Fjorårets Digital Creative Competition vinnere satte søkelys på grisers rettigheter med en interaktiv kampanje, og med stor suksess. QR-koden ble scannet hele 1938 ganger, og underskriftskampanjen fikk 5000 signaturer under de to ukene kampanjen var live. Ocean Analytics, et verktøy som analyserer share-of search-data, viser også en økning i interessen for NOAH på 7% siden kampanjeperioden. «Kampanjen har vært veldig synlig, og det har vært en fin erfaring å nå ut på denne måten. Vi er svært takknemlige for jobben som er gjort og at denne type reklameplass har kommet dyrene til gode. Nå gjelder det for NOAH å fortsette kampen for grisene fremover mot dyrevelferdsmeldingen. Vi håper folk vil fortsette å skrive under og støtte arbeidet vårt for at de "usynlige" dyrene i landbruket skal synes og at deres rettigheter skal komme på agendaen.» - Siri Martinsen, leder for NOAH «Interaktiv DOOH mener jeg blir brukt alt for lite her i Norge, så det er utrolig gøy å få denne kampanjen live. Potensialet i DOOH er så stort, og kanalen vår kan brukes til så mye mer enn massekommunikasjon. Interaktiv DOOH er et virkemiddel for annonsører til å engasjere målgruppen sin i større grad, noe vi har sett med denne kampanjen. Kudos til NOAH og JCP, så får vi håpe at fler annonsører følger etter!» - Jens Thomassen, Head of Labs i Ocean Outdoor Norge Du kan lese mer om kampanjen i lenken i kommentarfeltet nedenfor. #TheArtOfOutdoor #DigitalCreativeCompetition #OceanLabs

  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    ⛓️Turning Spaces into Places - The Art Of Outdoor - Integrated Out Of Home⛓️ 4 years ago I sent the first internal bulletin about ‘Integrated Out Of Home’. It is The Art Of Outdoor - Ocean’s core - and an idea of what D/OOH was, its evolution and how to harness it practically. It is a methodology for helping brands and agencies generate ideas and build plans where OOH categories play off of each other to maximize outcome. It is about integration, openness and curiosity to and about other media. For the sake of advertising half life extension and effectiveness. Here’s how Pepsi did #IOOH in the Nordics. 🎥Ocean Studio

  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    📌The Power of brand - location - context - integration📌 In our pre-event interview Anna Bager and I talked about 👉 the drivers behind D/OOH growth in the US and globally 👉 Upward trajectory factors 👉 The fact that approx 70% of D/OOH investments in US go to large format 🔎 What she thinks will be a new powerful avenue for D/OOH as the media landscape evolves Beyond Out Of Home came flying out of the blocks with Mats Georgson, Ph.D. A pretty clear message delivered in terms of the power of brand but even more so the width and complexity of the marketing function. Central to the company delivering dividends over time and that’s not limited to advertising. Daniel Collin - Hjärntränaren merged his 25+ years of media and advertising experience with his in-depth knowledge about 🧠 7 points about the brain to ponder in our comms and promotion work but equally in our own personal life. Quality! Rodrigo Pozo Graviz took to the stage making the link between brand performance - financial results - data. Not necessarily in that order. The Share of Search metric is a clear indicator of pendulum swings and interestingly it resonates clearly with both finance and marketing obsessed people. Marcus Lundvall a 2-time Digital Creative Competition winner and creative with Accenture Song delivered a great case study of the ‘Adidas Billboard Run’ and a creative’s perspective on ideas for DOOH. Fredrik Hermansson and Richard Stiller brought it across the finish line by taking a closer look at what adidas has done and and achieved over the last 12 months using D/OOH driven by creativity, location and link to other media. Martin Landeby moderated in the name of The Art Of Outdoor Be on the lookout for the 🎥 with Anna 📸 Staffan Eliasson #brand #advertising #growth #OOH #DOOH

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  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    🥳 The Paralympic Games 🥳 Watched the beautiful opening ceremony in Paris yesterday. Now we’re looking forward to experiencing some magic moments as the athletes enter the games. The DOOH campaigns and activations are under way. 🇩🇰Ocean Outdoor Denmark and DIF & Team Danmark Kommerciel are once again featuring the ‘No one wins alone’ campaign including a specially produced DeepScreen®️ feature. 🇸🇪Ocean Outdoor Sweden had the pleasure of hosting a launch get together for Parasport Sverige at the Ocean terrace yesterday. 🇫🇮 Ocean Outdoor Finland is promoting the Finnish Paralympic Committee - Suomen Paralympiakomitea team and the games across our network. Good luck all athletes!

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  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    💫 Going Beyond Out Of Home again💫 Tomorrow it's time for Ocean Outdoor Sweden to arrange Beyond Out Of Home again. A great line up of speakers on stage and an extra honor to have Anna Bager exclusively presenting. Of course taking the opportunity to have an off stage chat with her. These are a couple of questions I’ll probably ask 1️⃣The OAAA recently released a report on OOH investments Q1. It shows the highest ever quarterly spend in the channel. The report manifests that Digital Out Of Home and transit OOH are the segments driving the growth. What are her thoughts on the background to the steadily increase in D/OOH attraction among advertisers and what makes DOOH a growth engine? 2️⃣ The OAAA conducted the world's - probably oldest - OOH competition the 'OBIE Awards' for the 82nd time earlier this year (where Ocean won the international category together with Coca-Cola). From the outside looking in perspective, there seems to be a clear focus on large format both within DOOH and OOH. You also see very innovative solutions within DOOH where creativity and tech are combined with the large formats. In the American market, as in many other non-Nordic markets, brands and agencies seem to have embraced the possibilities of this both to drive impact and mental availability. Is that an accurate observation and do you get any underlying arguments when talking to advertisers? 3️⃣Together with The Harris Poll, the OAAA have conducted a large consumer survey linked to OOH. It shows that 73% of respondents like DOOH ads the most compared to other advertising and that 73% state that DOOH is the media most likely to get them to take action. These are impressive numbers. What else did you find of interest in the survey? Looking forward to hearing her thoughts.

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  • Ocean Outdoor Nordics omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jesper A., grafik

    CMO Ocean Outdoor Nordics I ✍️Out Of Home advertising & marketing I Integrated Out Of Home originator

    👟The New Balance 👟 NB has been hitting the streets since 1906 (figuratively at least) thus outperforming the likes of Nike and adidas. 𝗩𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗮 once wrote that the 990 model has a chokehold on the Scandinavian style set. Probably an accurate observation. The now iconic “N-logo” reportedly wasn’t introduced until 1976 (a great year). 70 years after the brand came to life. From the outside it feels like the brand has taken its time. No rush. An international big brand appeal but at the same time sort of not. Never gone but not everywhere either in terms of advertising and endorsements. 🔺They’ve done some great campaigns through the years though🔺 Thinking about “𝗥𝘂𝗻 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿” and “𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻’𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹” 🔎 Interestingly and positively for the brand, the core running segment is experiencing an 82% increase in interest looking at 𝗢𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀 I love sneaker and running shoe brands in the Out Of Home space. They have done amazing creatively driven stuff and have utilized their natural fit with D/OOH environments. Most of the time the products and use of distinctive assets are front and center but with minimalistic display and little copy. When we test new 𝗗𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗦𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻®️ locations we often use a clean sneaker model to run different angles and animations. It provides lots of ways to perfect the unique templates. Seeking inspiration for your next outdoor advertising campaign? Have a look at some sneaker / running shoes campaigns. Like this beautiful New Balance mural (unknown agency). #brand #heritage #DOOH #advertising #inspiration

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