OpenX Lab

OpenX Lab

Företagskonsultation och företagstjänster

Lund, Skane County 1 461 följare

We boost sustainable corporate innovation through reigniting entrepreneurship and accelerating open innovation

Om oss

OpenX Lab (previously Ideon Open) help clients bridge into a new future. We do it through a rapid learning process based on Open Innovation and Entrepreneurship. We have established ourselves as the partner of choice for Open Innovation and collaboration by consistently delivering win-win relationships. We provide the neutral platform for collaborating with corporate clients, external consultancy firms and other agents towards a common goal. We pride ourselves on delivering real business value and developing a culture change towards Open Innovation for our clients.

Företagskonsultation och företagstjänster
2–10 anställda
Lund, Skane County
Open Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, LEGO Serious Play, Lean Startup och Corporate Accelerators


Anställda på OpenX Lab


  • Visa organisationssidan för OpenX Lab, grafik

    1 461 följare

    We are thrilled to announce our latest collaboration with Malmö stad! 🎉 We've been entrusted with designing an organizational and financial model for an Innovation Hub that will drive systemic change and lead the way in sustainable, fair climate transformation. 🌍 This initiative aligns perfectly with our ongoing projects, including:  🔹 Developing an innovation hub for Uniper at Barsebäck.  🔹 Building a cutting-edge innovation platform (Open Innovation Arena) for major industry players within the Lund Innovation District. We are also very happy to team up with the entrepreneurial ecosystem creator Anders Sjostedt at Spacecraft. At OpenX Lab, we are passionate about shaping the future. If you're interested in pioneering resilient and robust innovation environments, let's connect! Together, we can build tomorrow's solutions today. 💡 #openxlab #innovationhub #Innovation #Sustainability #ClimateAction #OpenXLab #Malmö #Lund #FutureOfWork #Uniper #openinnovation

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  • Visa organisationssidan för OpenX Lab, grafik

    1 461 följare

    OpenX Lab at its core - building relations, making the future happen, solving bigger problems with greater competencies and faster by entrepreneurial mindset and systematic approach. Picture of two leading companies Uniper and Axess Logistics that together have joined forces to solve tricky problems - thanks to the bridge built and facilitated by OpenX Lab team Gustav Widerström, Pontus Rystedt, Anders Nilsson and Jakob Nielsen. The project is now mentioned as one of the most exciting in southern Sweden for Uniper and Axess Logistics.

    Visa profilen för Jakob Nielsen, grafik

    Senior Business Developer. Innovation Leader. Investment Pitch Expert. Status Quo Challenger. Board member. Sustainability and Gender Equality oriented. DJ. Moderator.

    Working as Innovation leader means talking to really sharp minds about the future challenges and how to solve them. Often the challenges are bigger than what we can achieve ourselves and cooperation and willingness to share, dare and join forces is key - at OpenX Lab we talk about systems thinking and building bridges in order to solve really big problems such as sustainability and societal transformation. By being active and around constantly networking and seeking knowledge we saw the potential of two big companies that - together - could work towards solving big issues - Axess Logistics with their massive import of vehicles that are rapidly changing from fossil fuel to EV's and Uniper that are working on the challenges on how to secure electricity and stability in the net. We brought them together and music started to play <3! Yesterday - being invited to the grand Housewarming of Unipers magnificent new office in Hyllie, Malmö and moderated by the superpro Eleni Cronström - we finally got the opportunity to catch the three partys on picture - and the Country Chairman and CEO of Uniper Sverige Johan Svenningsson highlighted the project as one of the most interesting for Uniper in the region together with Axess Logistics Nordic COO Dimitris Emmanouilidis. This would not have happened without the forward leaning team at Uniper lead by Business Developer Tove Barnabo! Looking forward to see the outcome.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för OpenX Lab, grafik

    1 461 följare

    Wow, vilken dag vi på OpenX Lab hade igår tillsammans med Attendo LSS Syd i Sverige! Anders Nilsson och Jakob Nielsen ledde deltagarna genom en inspirerande dag fylld med reflektioner kring det personliga ledarskapet i en komplex värld, affärsmannaskapsträning och fördjupning kring LSS värdeerbjudande kopplat till träning i storytelling och avslutande pitching. Att se teamets utveckling sedan vår senaste träff i mitten av januari är otroligt imponerande. Vi hade även förmånen att få lyssna till många gripande historier från verkligheten som verkligen berörde. Grattis till Attendo LSS för ett så dedikerat team verksamhetschefer och stort tack Karin Johansson och Marie Strand för fint och givande samarbete! #OpenXLab #Ledarutveckling #Värdeerbjudande #LSS #Storytelling #Pitching #AttendoLSS

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  • Visa organisationssidan för OpenX Lab, grafik

    1 461 följare

    In Sweden, we should look much more in depth on what is happening in Denmark. In some of our projects, we serve as an innovation bridge between our countries. In the #energytransition, the history and context are very different between Denmark and Sweden. For the curious mind, this is very refreshing. Jacob Østergaard has shared valuable knowledge, insights, visions and hands on work with us and our partners. In his new role at the board of Energinet, Jacob will be an immense resource and inspiration. Let’s hope Sweden is prepared to listen. And to act!

    Visa profilen för Jacob Østergaard, grafik

    Professor and Head of division

    I am thrilled to share that I have been appointed by Minister Lars Aagaard to the board of Energinet, the Danish TSO. I am grateful for the appointment and deeply honored to have the opportunity to contribute to Denmark’s energy future in this new role. As a Professor at DTU - Technical University of Denmark, I’ve dedicated 20 years to the advancement of power and energy systems, and it’s a privilege to bring this experience to Energinet. Energinet plays an extremely important role in our society. The organization has the massive task of establishing a resilient and secure future energy system that effectively delivers an increasing amount of renewable energy to customers. Among other things, the electricity system needs to undergo a rapid transformation to a completely new type of system without relying on large conventional generators. Instead, it will have to rely on demand and generation based on power converters. This fundamental change will require new digital and data-driven methods that are yet to be fully conceived for controlling and managing the system. Additionally, ensuring the resiliency and security of the entire energy system will challenge us to innovate and think in entirely new ways, while continuing to explore efficiency through well-functioning markets and cross-border energy exchange.   I look forward to collaborating with the brilliant minds at Energinet and contributing to the establishment of our energy infrastructure of tomorrow, for the benefit of society. #dkgreen #dkenergi The Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities Thomas Egebo

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  • Visa organisationssidan för OpenX Lab, grafik

    1 461 följare

    OPEN INNOVATION ARENAS 🚴♂️ Today attendes representing almost 1 000 000 employees worldwide of which 17 000 in Lund met up to discuss “What could create a strong magnet in Lund 5 years from now, enabling open collaboration between companies located here and attracting top talent?” The topic was discussed between a no of large players active in the region, sharing relevant experiences and possible next steps to achieve this vision. This first workshop was initiated by us at OpenX Lab and we are already looking forward to the next activity. Thanks to Ericsson, Sony Bosch, Alfa Laval, Volvo Cars, Saab, Schneider Electric, Sandvik, Kraftringen, Ignite Sweden and the city of Lund. The bicycle? One metaphor that was used today was the one of cycling together. The more we are the less strenuous it is for everyone including the one in the front. Just as innovation efforts can be easier if we are many companies working together… #LundInnovationDistrict #OpenInnovation

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  • Visa organisationssidan för OpenX Lab, grafik

    1 461 följare

    Sometimes I get really impressed...! This was certainly the case with the Ballingslöv International  Group Sustainability Council. Sustainability issues within the kitchen industry is a really important topic as well as challenging. We, at OpenX Lab, therefore was happy to contribute with a LEGO Serious Play workshop in order to explore the role of the future kitchen in our daily lives along with how sustainability aspects create both challenges and opportunities forth. I was really impressed by the level of energy and commitment the participants displayed along with the creativity when we delved into the specifik topics. The team already had worked more or less a full day but got into the process with super high engagement and commitment all into the late evening! Well done Marie Webrant with colleagues! #openxlab #legoseriousplay #strategy #sustainability #ballingslövinternational #kitchenofthefuture

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  • Visa organisationssidan för OpenX Lab, grafik

    1 461 följare

    Things we like to do!

    Visa profilen för Johanna Krantz, grafik

    Projektledare Handelskammaren | Nätverk | Event och utbildningar | HR | Kommunikation | Ledarskap

    Att bygga lego är kul!✨Lego Serious Play (LSP) en fantastisk workshopmetod! Metoden passar speciellt bra för att lösa problem i grupp samt för team-, organisations- och strategiutveckling. Tack snälla Gustav Widerström och Pontus för en riktigt kul dag på jobbet! 🏗🙏 #lego #kulpåjobbet

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