Samsung Electronics Nordic

Samsung Electronics Nordic

Tillverkning av datorer och elektronik

Stockholm, Stockholms län [SE-01] 18 107 följare

Om oss

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. inspirerar världen och formar framtiden med innovativa idéer och teknologier. Samsung omdefinierar världen för tv, audio, smartphones, tablets, wearables, kameror, vitvaror, skrivare, medicinsk utrustning, nätverkssystem, halvledare samt LED-lösningar. Vi är också ledande inom Internet of Things, bland annat genom våra initiativ inom det smarta hemmet. Med 307 000 medarbetare i 84 länder har Samsung en årlig försäljning på 196 miljarder dollar. För att upptäcka mer besök samt den officiella bloggen

Tillverkning av datorer och elektronik
201–500 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholms län [SE-01]
Publikt aktiebolag
Innovation och Technology


Anställda på Samsung Electronics Nordic


  • Samsung Electronics Nordic omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Søren Rinnov Østergaard, grafik

    IM Director & Country Manager, Samsung Denmark

    For et tech-selskab som Samsung Electronics er lanceringsdagen noget nær juleaften. Og for mig har 2025-lanceringen af S25-serien i dag været ganske særlig. 1) Det var min første launch som dansk landechef og 2) AI har taget et kolossalt ryk med vores opdatering, hvor det integreres på tværs af styresystemet og mellem apps. Fra i år har jeg noteret mig, at AI i den grad rykker ind i kernen af vores telefoner og daglige liv. Det har aldrig været nemmere at bruge kunstig intelligens til alt fra mødenotater, regnskaber, indkøbslister og madlavning, og vi har hos Samsung forsøgt at gøre kunstig intelligens tilgængeligt og letanvendeligt for alle brugere - høj som lav, gammel som ung, tech-kyndig som analog-begejstret, så vi ikke ender ud med et a og b-hold.   1 ud af 5 af Samsungs brugere anvender allerede i dag AI-tjenester dagligt med flere og flere, der kommer til. Min forventning er, at det kun bliver mere, når AI nu kan integreres på tværs af alle apps, så en spansk sms-besked kan omdannes til en kalenderbooking på tysk og et billede fra dit halvtomme køleskab kan give dig opskrifter på de varer, der er. Jeg er overbevist om, at vi står over for store forandringer, og vi har i branchen et ansvar for at tech bliver introduceret og implementeret på en god måde, så så mange som muligt kommer med, og AI virker som en hjælper for flest mulige danskere.   For mig personligt må jeg blot sige: Jeg er både glad og taknemmelig for at arbejde med teknologi i en brydningstid. Stay tuned! #Samsung #Tech #Paradigm2025 #Google 

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  • We are proud to present our latest addition to the Galaxy-family: The Galaxy S25 Series. We had a talk with Anders Elmby, Division Director at MX in Samsung Electronics Nordic, about what our business consumers can expect in the new line-up: "I’m elated about all the improvements and innovation our new Galaxy S25 Series brings to the table for our business consumers. Powered by Galaxy AI we offer a plethora of features to make professionals work both more efficiently day to day and to conduct business across language barriers. All secured through Knox - our state of the art security solution with encryption from the fundamental hardware components and upwards - which now also enlists the assistance of other Samsung ecosystem devices which through Knox Matrix adds yet another security layer on top to make on-device data more secure than ever for our business customers.” Find out more about the Galaxy S25 Series for business right here: Sweden: Denmark: Finland: Norway:

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  • It is a proud moment for us when we, together with our partner 🟢 Bravo, can share the results of our collaboration with Kristiania University of Applied Sciences in Oslo. The college has a rich history, being one of Norway's oldest private institutions of higher education, established over 100 years ago in 1914. The Oslo city center campus recently underwent a comprehensive modernization and restoration, marking one of our largest education LED projects worldwide at Samsung. We had the privilege of providing Kristiania College with technological and innovative solutions tailored to meet their educational needs, resulting in a modernized approach to teaching and learning. Stian Andersson, Commercial Lead at Bravo and Henrik O. Gustavsen, Head of the technical team at Kristiania, told us: "We chose to use Samsung products in our modernization efforts as they’re recognized for their solutions, as well as their mission towards sustainability." Samsung's solutions enable us to have a more modern teaching approach at Kristiania. We can use our rooms in a more flexible way, catering to the needs of staff and students." Dr. Anthony Giannoumis, faculty member at the college, also shared insights with us: "It can be challenging in an auditorium setting for students to interact with each other, and to think and act creatively. But, now they can draw on their screens and work together in ways that help them become more innovative." Discover how our collaboration with Kristiania College and Bravo is shaping the future of education through innovative technology. Learn more about our solutions for businesses and get in touch with us here: Norway: Sweden: Denmark: Finland:

  • What is luxury in terms of Hospitality? Samsung’s 2025 lineup introduces the award-winning The Frame as a hotel TV. Along with the 2024 HBU800, we take in-room entertainment to the next level by supporting Google Cast for secure, seamless, in-room streaming. Combined with an Anti-Reflection Matte Display that limits light interference and a Slim-Fit Wall Mount that enables the TV to sit flush against the wall like a true art piece, The Frame elevates hotel aesthetics with a unique blend of luxury and personalization. As The Frame as revolutionized the private individual’s option of having the TV blending in with the home environment, you can now offer the same experience for the hotel guest who’s visiting your pristine hotel accommodation. Read more: Sweden: Denmark: Norway: Finland:

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  • Samsung is excited to return to Barcelona for the 21st edition of Integrated Systems Europe (ISE)! We invite our valued customers and partners to join us at Booth 3F500 to experience our latest innovations. Discover how SmartThings Pro enhances connectivity, explore our AI-driven classroom solutions for smarter education, and see the revolutionary colour E-Paper technology alongside our diverse range of LED and LCD signage. Don’t miss the opportunity to register for free with the code KQEUTCQE and connect with your account manager to schedule a meeting: Let’s shape the future together at #ISE2025!

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  • The Wall is transforming businesses with lifelike picture quality, high durability, and incredible flexibility! Our product manager Martin Clarin is back to explain why The Wall also helps your business save on costs - while at the same time reducing your carbon footprint. Need we say more? Contact us today to learn how The Wall adds value to your business or read about it here: Sweden: Norway: Denmark: Finland:   #TheWall

  • At Samsung Electronics Nordic we have been running our graduate program since 2013. We had a chat with one of our current graduates Adrienne Sjöberg and asked her about her experiences with the program. How has your experience joining Samsung been? I joined Samsung as part of the graduate program 2023-2025, specializing in HR and Learning & Development. I share this 18-month journey with 11 other graduates who work in different parts of the company. The program consists of different activities such as field trips, training, and visits to the Nordic Samsung offices. How would you summarize your time from the graduate program? One of the most motivating aspects of being a graduate at Samsung is the trust that I feel is given to me as a junior. I get encouraged to take on new responsibilities and learn from the experience. At the same time, my colleagues are there to support and I have learned a lot from working together with them. As a part of the graduate program, I have even been assigned a mentor who supports me in job-related challenges. To me, the graduate program symbolizes a belief in young talent and our future potential. In fact, trying to adapt to the future can be difficult, but at Samsung, it is considered extremely important. This is visible in our company in many ways, from the innovation of our products to the futureproofing of our people. In the Learning & Development field, we work on different projects to ensure that our employees continue to learn – both on-the-job and in training. To support our employees in driving change in the right direction, the skills development is tailored in relation to future needs. I am so grateful to have started my career at Samsung. With only a few months left of the program, I can soon call myself an L&D Specialist and I feel excited to step into this new role. Are you interested in joining our team? Read more about Samsung and find our job openings right here: Sweden: Denmark: Norway: Finland: #LifeatSamsung

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    Visa organisationssidan för AFA Decaux, grafik

    1 565 följare

    Samsung har gjort det igen 🎉 Den spritnye Galaxy Ring blev lanceret på flotteste vis med en helfolieret buslæskærm sammen med en overdimensionereret model af ringen med lysende dioder, som tiltrak sig stor opmærksomhed. Via en QR-kode kunne modtagerne blive endnu klogere på ringens mange funktioner, og hvordan den integreres til Samsung Health-app'en. Ringen er en AI-drevet sundhedstracker, som følger dit helbred både dag og nat ved at måle din hjerterytme, aktivitet og søvn ❤️🤸♀️🌙 🔗Stor tak for samarbejdet til: Ann-Kristin Salminen fra Samsung Electronics Nordic  Michael Hansen & Henrik Welling fra Mindshare Danmark Kurppa Hosk Communications RocketSigns Signage #oohadvertising #oohmedia #outdoormedia #outdooradvertising #brandactivation #creativity #creativeoutdoor

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