Telescope Services AB

Telescope Services AB


Lund, Skane County 12 169 följare

Competence beyond borders

Om oss

Telescope Services AB is based in Lund, Sweden and has delivered consultants and customer adapted software solutions within a wide range of business segments. Our consultant pool consists of Swedish and non Swedish consultants within the fields of telecommunication, embedded systems, application development, web based systems, finance systems, transaction systems, infrastructure, IT security, quality assurance, graphics development and project management. Please contact us for a quotation on your specific on site requirement.

51–200 anställda
Lund, Skane County
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Recruting och Resource consulting


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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    Did you know that in Sweden, EVERYONE is typically called by their first name? While in some cultures, using titles such as “Miss,” “Mr.,” or “Professor” is seen as a sign of respect, in #Sweden, such formalities are often set aside. Here, people introduce themselves using their first names and expect others to do the same. This practice reflects a deeper cultural commitment to equality and informality. 🤝 A Culture of Equality: Using first names symbolizes a broader cultural commitment to flat hierarchies in Swedish workplaces. This structure promotes an environment where all team members feel valued and empowered to contribute, regardless of their position in the organization. In Sweden, it's common for decisions to be made collaboratively, and managers often work closely with their teams, encouraging open dialogue and shared responsibilities. Flat organizational structures in Sweden lead to several benefits:   Enhanced Communication: With fewer layers of management, information flows more freely, enhancing transparency and speeding up decision-making processes. Increased Employee Engagement: When workers feel their voices are heard and valued, their engagement and satisfaction levels are typically higher. Fostering Innovation: By reducing barriers to expression, flat hierarchies encourage creative thinking and innovation. Everyone, from interns to CEOs, is encouraged to share ideas. 💼 Adapting to #Swedish Work Culture: For newcomers, adapting to this level of informality and the flat structure of Swedish workplaces might take some time. It requires embracing a mindset where respect is shown through direct communication and inclusiveness rather than hierarchical titles and structured formality. ☕ Fika with Leadership: In Sweden, it's not uncommon to have a 'fika'—a coffee break—with the CEO or other higher-ranking employees. These breaks provide an opportunity to chat informally, further breaking down the barriers typically found in hierarchical organizations. At Telescope, we are proud to embody these values, providing a supportive and inclusive work environment that mirrors the Swedish approach. We believe in empowering all our team members, fostering a culture where cooperation thrives! 📸 Credits: Lena Granefelt/

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

     🛡️ Fun Fact Friday: Discover the Viking Origins in Our Everyday English! Ever realize you're speaking a bit of Viking? That's right, several everyday English words trace back to the Old Norse language, spoken by the Vikings. Here's a deeper dive into how these ancient explorers have influenced our language today! 1. Sky - From Old Norse ský, meaning cloud. 2. Window - Derived from vindauga, literally "wind eye." 3. Egg - Direct from Old Norse egg. 4. Knife - Comes from Old Norse knifr. 5. Husband - From húsbóndi, meaning master of the house. 6. Berserk - Originally berserkr, warriors who fought in a fierce frenzy. 7. Dirt - Comes from drit, which means excrement. Not the cleanest origin, but interesting! 8. Slaughter - From slatra, which meant to butcher. 9. Gift - From the Old Norse gift, which means the same in English. 10. Leg - Also from Old Norse leggr, referring to the limb. For those interested in learning more Viking words, check out this detailed list: 🗣️How These Words Entered English: These words came into English during the Viking Age when Norsemen settled parts of the British Isles and interacted with Anglo-Saxon inhabitants. This period of cohabitation led to the blending of languages, with Old Norse vocabulary seeping into English, especially in regions under Norse control. Over centuries, these words became completely assimilated into the English language. Have a Fun Friday and keep channeling your inner Viking!   ⚔️ 📸 Credits: Battle reenactment at Birka Viking village/ #TelescopeServices #Sweden #LifeinSweden #SwedishCulture #Viking #VisitSweden #RelocationtoSweden #Career #News #Jobs2024

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    Our Telescope family is excited to welcome Marco Montevechi from Brazil, now embarking on a new chapter in Sweden. Marco's pride in his country's scientific achievements and the warm, welcoming nature of its people are qualities he brings to his new role at our client, ESS, where he is a vital part of the Hardware Integration and Distributed Systems Software team. Marco has settled in the peaceful city of Lund, which suits his preference for a calm, indoor-focused lifestyle. For more dynamic outings, nearby Malmö offers plenty of exploration opportunities, which he enjoys. His adjustment to Sweden has been smooth, thanks to the well-structured public transport system and the country's emphasis on prioritizing people over cars in urban planning, making it easy and pleasant to navigate the city without crowds. He mentioned the invaluable support in having a community of Brazilians in Sweden, which eased the relocation process and provided a sense of familiarity and comfort in a new environment. At ESS, Marco's main focus is on creating and maintaining distributed software systems that enhance the functionality of laboratory equipment. His work spans software development, server management, and hardware integration, allowing him to engage deeply across multiple domains. Marco takes pride in optimizing existing systems to improve efficiency and performance, reflecting his deep commitment to sustainability and technological advancement. Marco appreciates the collaborative environment at ESS. He notes that the professional culture in Sweden provides him with more time to think through and refine solutions, which enhances his job satisfaction. He also values the balanced nature of his Swedish colleagues and their methodical approach to work, which he finds conducive to producing high-quality outcomes. This pace of life and work suits his introverted nature, making the social interactions here less overwhelming and more enjoyable. In his free time, Marco is rekindling his passion for music, particularly piano. He has a special affection for Brazilian music, which he finds uniquely touching—a sentiment he humorously notes may be biased. Additionally, Marco enjoys visiting the Science Fiction store in Malmö and exploring the scenic trails and lakes around Lund. He is inpresed by the Swedish habit of actively exploring and enjoying nature, which has made it easier for him to find all the necessary resources for his outdoor activities, including detailed information about the best local spots. His future goals include becoming a certified Linux sysadmin and contributing more to open-source projects, ambitions that align with his professional growth and personal interests. Welcome aboard, Marco! Your arrival brings valuable perspectives and expertise to our team, and we look forward to your contributions! #TelescopeServices #Sweden #Brazil #ESS #Lund #Software #RelocationtoSweden #Work #Jobs2024 #Career #LifeinSweden

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    Stockholm is celebrated for having some of the cleanest air among major cities worldwide! This remarkable achievement is a boon for public health and a testament to Sweden's commitment to ecological sustainability and healthy living. 🍃Stockholm’s Commitment to Clean Air: Stockholm’s ranking among cities with the cleanest air is no coincidence. Sweden's capital has been a pioneer in environmental initiatives, from extensive public transportation networks and stringent emissions regulations to the promotion of green spaces throughout the urban landscape. These efforts are all part of a broader strategy to ensure that residents and visitors enjoy a high quality of life in a clean and safe environment. 💡 The Benefits of Clean Air: Living in a city with clean air has profound health benefits, reducing the incidence of respiratory diseases, allergies, and other health issues related to air pollution. Moreover, it contributes to greater overall well-being, making cities like Stockholm ideal for those who value health and wellness alongside urban convenience. 🌳 Green Living in Urban Settings: Stockholm's green initiatives extend beyond clean air. The city's numerous parks, waterways, and preserved natural areas offer residents a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature. Over half of Stockholm's municipal area is made up of greenery, including several nature reserves and large parts of the Royal National City Park. This blend of urban development and natural beauty is a key factor in why Stockholm is often rated as one of the most livable cities in the world. 🇸🇪 A National Priority: Across Sweden, cities like Gothenburg and Malmö also boast commendable air quality levels. These cities have invested heavily in renewable energy sources, eco-friendly public transport options, and urban planning that prioritizes pedestrian-friendly spaces and cycling paths. If you are interested in accessing real-time data, Sweden’s air quality can be continuously monitored here: For engineers considering a move, Sweden offers an unbeatable combination of high-tech infrastructure, progressive urban planning, and a deep respect for nature and health. Living in Sweden means experiencing the best urban living without compromising environmental values! 📸 Credits: @visitstockholm on Instagram #TelescopeServices #Sweden #LifeinSweden #Stockholm #Engineer #Career #RelocationtoCareer #LivinginSweden #SwedishCulture

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    We're thrilled to spotlight Gürcan Serbay Aslan, a talented HMI engineer engaged in a project at Hitachi Energy, who has recently joined us at Telescope. Gürcan hails from Turkey, a country renowned for its rich historical heritage and delectable cuisine. He proudly shares that Turkish food is a major attraction for tourists and is also popular among his Swedish friends who often rave about their experiences at Turkish restaurants in Sweden. The decision to move to Sweden was influenced by the country's high quality of life and excellent education system, especially important for those with children. He and his family are currently residing in the charming city of Västerås. He appreciates the stress-free environment, the prevalent use of bicycles, and the city's commitment to environmental sustainability. The lack of traffic issues, a stark contrast to Turkey, and the proximity to Stockholm for weekend activities add to their satisfaction. Gürcan is thoroughly enjoying the Swedish summer, with its beautiful weather and endless daylight. The abundance of parks allows him to spend quality time with his child, exploring the greenery and soaking in the sun. He remains curious and slightly apprehensive about the upcoming winter as he has heard about the challenges of the Swedish winter and is eager to see how they will adjust. At Hitachi Energy, Gürcan's primary responsibility is designing software for the control of energy systems provided to customers. His expertise in HMI engineering is pivotal in ensuring efficient and effective energy solutions. He finds the Swedish work culture to be refreshingly different from that in Turkey. Gürcan appreciates the well-established work-life balance, ample annual leave, and the provision of necessary resources for a conducive work environment. And, of course, he enjoys the Swedish tradition of fika with his colleagues! Telescope has played a crucial role in Gürcan's relocation and integration into Sweden. He praises the quick responses to his queries and the extensive organization provided during their adaptation period. He encourages engineers from Turkey to embrace the experience of moving to Sweden, assuring them that they won't regret it. His key advice is to be bold and open to new opportunities. In his free time, Gürcan enjoys biking and exploring the green spaces around Västerås. He is excited about his future with Telescope and looks forward to furthering his career while enjoying the balanced lifestyle Sweden offers. We are thrilled to have Gürcan as part of our team at Telescope. His journey and experiences serve as an inspiration for other engineers considering a move to Sweden! #TelescopeServices #Sweden #LifeinSweden #Turkey #RelocationtoSweden #HMI #Engineer #Hitachi #Work #Team #Relocate #Jobs #Jobs2024

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    Sweden Enhances Its World-Leading Parental Leave Policy with Innovative Grandparent Inclusion! As we continually strive to support families, Sweden is proud to announce a groundbreaking enhancement to our already progressive parental leave policies. In a move that further cements our reputation as a world leader in family benefits, Sweden now allows grandparents to take up to three months of paid parental leave to care for their grandchildren during the child’s first year.  A New Era for Grandparents: Last December, the Swedish parliament passed a significant amendment, permitting parents to transfer a portion of their substantial parental leave to the child’s grandparents. This change provides families with greater flexibility and support, ensuring that care for the youngest members is a communal effort reflecting modern family dynamics. A couple may transfer up to 45 days, while a single parent can transfer up to 90 days to a grandparent.  A Pioneering Approach to Parental Leave: Sweden's parental leave system is one of the most generous globally. Parents are entitled to 480 days of leave per child, with 390 of these days paid based on their salary and the remaining 90 days compensated at a fixed rate. This system emphasizes the Swedish commitment to family, work-life balance, and gender equality.  Empowering Fathers: Significantly, Sweden’s parental leave not only supports mothers but also actively encourages fathers to take substantial leave. Fathers in Sweden are known as "latte dads," frequently seen enjoying time with their children in cafes across the cities. This cultural shift has led to fathers taking approximately 30% of the total parental leave, a significant rise from just 0.5% decades ago. This focus ensures that male professionals, including the many engineers who move to Sweden, do not have to sacrifice careers for family and vice versa. At Telescope, we recognize the importance of a supportive environment that values family welfare and work-life balance. Sweden’s continuous innovations in parental leave make it an ideal destination for professionals looking to relocate without sacrificing family time or career growth!  Credits: Mona Loose/ #TelescopServices #Sweden #LifeinSweden #Jobs #Team #Work #Career #ParentalLeavePolicy #SwedishCulture

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    Telescope is delighted to welcome Jessie Gutay, our new colleague from the the tropical archipelago of the Philippines, now making his home in Sweden. Jessie brings his expertise in design verification to Ericsson, where he is a part of the Software and Optics team. Jessie and his wife, Brenda, have recently settled in Stockholm and are delighted with its serene environment, beauty, and efficient public transport. They appreciate the unique combination of vibrant culture and stunning architecture, yet enjoy a relaxed and unhurried pace of life. The proximity to greenery and nature further enhances their experience, making Stockholm an ideal place to call home. In Stockholm, Jessie appreciates the relaxed pace and the friendly, multicultural community. Adjusting to the local cuisine was a challenge at first, given his preference for rice-based meals, but Jessie and Brenda are now exploring various dining options that the city has to offer. At Ericsson, Jessie's role involves working with a global team, enhancing ethernet products through rigorous design verification processes. He is delighted to work in a diverse team with engineers from different cultures, which enriches his professional experience. His onboarding experience was very smooth and stress-free, contributing to a positive start at the company. Jessie has noted that Telescope's comprehensive support has been instrumental in making him and his wife feel at home in Sweden. From arranging their relocation to facilitating community integration, Telescope ensures their engineers and families have everything they need to succeed and thrive in the new environment. Outside work, Jessie enjoys exploring Stockholm's cultural scene with Brenda. They recently had the opportunity to attend a Taylor Swift concert, marking one of their first major outings in the city. With plans to travel and explore more of Sweden and Europe, Jessie looks forward to making the most of the opportunities ahead. Welcome aboard, Jessie! We are thrilled to have you as part of our team and excited to see all the contributions you will make! #TelescopeServices #Sweden #LifeinSweden #Relocation #Team #Work #Ericsson #Software #PhilippinestoSweden

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    Did you know that Dalsland, a peaceful province in western Sweden, has just installed its first traffic light? But this isn’t your typical traffic signal. Perched on a tree on Bläsen mountain, overlooking the stunning Lake Ärr, this solar-powered light is designed to make visitors pause and take in the breathtaking scenery. This initiative by Visit Dalsland aims to draw attention to the area's natural beauty and support the local hospitality industry. Sweden is full of natural beauty gems like this, waiting to be discovered!  Credit: Kalle Levin #TelescopeServices #Sweden #LifeinSweden #Dalsland #Career #RelocationtoSweden #Work #Engineers #Team

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    We are excited to introduce Branford T. Gbieor, a talented Software, Data, and DevOps Engineer from Liberia, who has recently joined Telescope and is now working on an innovative project with Volvo Cars in Gothenburg, Sweden. Branford brings a wealth of experience from his previous roles and is eager to apply his skills in a new vibrant environment. Liberia, Africa's first and oldest modern republic, is proud to see its talented individuals like Branford making their mark globally. Branford's motivation for moving was driven by the opportunity to relocate to Europe and work on projects with legendary, innovative companies like Volvo. Gothenburg, his new home, is a vibrant city known for its beautiful scenery and friendly people. Branford has been enjoying the city's charm and is especially thrilled to have arrived during the warm summer season. He looks forward to exploring more of Sweden, including Stockholm, and Lund, and visiting other Scandinavian countries. At Volvo Cars, Branford is part of the MarvisPrime team, where he works on setting up, troubleshooting, and fixing issues related to CI/CD pipelines. He is particularly involved in aligning Volvo Car's CI pipeline with the Golden Path, a set of tools and practices designed to enhance software development processes. His transition from working in healthcare to the automobile industry has been smooth, thanks to the supportive and open-minded team at Volvo Cars. Colleagues are always willing to exchange knowledge and explain new concepts, which has greatly helped Branford adapt to his new role. Branford notes that Telescope does not treat him just as another engineer who has signed a contract and has been brought in to do some work; they treat him as a friend and family member. Whenever he has an issue, even if it's not work-related, Telescope is happy to help and make him as comfortable as possible. Telescope has an integration program that supports engineers and their spouses. For instance, they have volunteered to help Branford’s wife find her footing in Sweden, introducing her to other spouses of engineers and helping her integrate into the community. As a sporty guy, Branford is looking forward to making the most of Telescope's sports contribution program, which includes a gym membership. Sweden's culture of outdoor activities and sports will offer him plenty of opportunities to stay active and enjoy his time here. Branford's journey with Telescope and Volvo Cars is just beginning, and we are confident that he will continue to thrive and make significant contributions to his team. Welcome to Sweden, Branford! #TelescopeServices #Sweden #LifeinSweden #Career #Relocation #Work #Team #Software #Devops #Data #Engineer #Gothenburg #VolvoCars #Volvo

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Telescope Services AB, grafik

    12 169 följare

    As summer takes hold and the days stretch longer, we at Telescope want to extend our warmest wishes for a happy Midsummer! This beloved holiday is a cornerstone of Swedish culture, embodying the perfect blend of joy, tradition, and an enviable work-life balance. 🌞 Embracing the Swedish Summer: In Sweden, summer is a special time when many take the opportunity to unwind, rejuvenate, and enjoy life to the fullest. It’s common for Swedes to take several weeks off during the summer, often spending time in nature, at summer cottages, or traveling. This tradition highlights the importance placed on relaxation and quality time with loved ones, contributing to the nation’s well-known work-life balance. 🌸 Midsummer Magic: Midsummer, or "Midsommar," is the pinnacle of Swedish summer celebrations. It marks the arrival of the summer solstice and is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country. One of the most enchanting aspects of Midsummer is the communal celebration around the maypole, or "midsommarstång." Decorated with vibrant flowers and greenery, the maypole is the centerpiece of festivities, bringing together people of all ages for traditional dancing and singing. 🍓 A Feast for the Senses: No Midsummer celebration is complete without a bountiful feast. Tables overflow with delicious Swedish dishes such as pickled herring, new potatoes, gravlax, and a variety of cheeses. Freshly picked strawberries, often enjoyed with whipped cream, are a quintessential treat, embodying the sweet essence of Swedish summer. 🌅 The Beauty of Continuous Daylight: In the northern regions of Sweden, the Midsummer celebration is made even more magical by the phenomenon of the Midnight Sun. During this time, the sun barely sets, casting a perpetual twilight that bathes the landscape in a soft, golden glow. This natural wonder enhances the festive atmosphere, creating a truly unique and memorable experience. ⚖️ Work-Life Balance and Well-being: Sweden’s approach to summer and holidays reflects a broader commitment to work-life balance and well-being. The country’s emphasis on taking time to relax and enjoy life is integral to its culture, contributing to the overall happiness and productivity of its people. This balance is not only beneficial for personal well-being but also fosters a positive and innovative work environment. At Telescope, we celebrate the spirit of Swedish summer and the values it represents. Whether you are enjoying the Midsummer festivities, taking time off to relax, or simply appreciating the beauty of the season, we wish you a joyful and restful summer! May your summer be filled with happiness, relaxation, and unforgettable moments! 📸 Credits: Anna Hållams/ #TelescopeServices #Sweden #LifeinSweden #SwedishSummer #Midsummer #Relocation #Work #Jobs #Team

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