Vattenfalls omslagsbild


VA- och elnät

Solna, Stockholm 280 134 följare

We’re working for fossil freedom.

Om oss

Vattenfall is a European energy company with approximately 20,000 employees. For more than 100 years we have electrified industries, supplied energy to people's homes and modernised our way of living through innovation and cooperation. We are working for fossil freedom. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Privacy Policy:

VA- och elnät
Fler än 10 001 anställda
Solna, Stockholm
Publikt aktiebolag
Electricity generation, District heating, E-mobility charging, renewables, energy, climate, environment, distribution & sales och utilities


Anställda på Vattenfall


  • Five years ago, Vattenfall was planning the dismantling of one of its first major wind farms. At the same time, a decision was taken to rule out sending the wind turbine blades to landfill and instead commit to a 50% circular outflow of wind turbine blades by 2025 and 100% circular outflow by 2030.  In the search for innovative circular solutions, we found a match with Norwegian recycling company Gjenkraft AS and ski manufacture EVI ski. Today, the collaboration has resulted in the production of skis using carbon fibre from our wind turbine blades.  Learn more about this project at #fossilfree #fossilfreedom #environment #circularity #vattenfall #recycle #reuse #skiing #ski #eviski #gjenkraft

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  • Another common misconception about onshore wind farms is that they involve chopping down trees. Quite often they’re built in or near commercial timber forests, where quick-growing, non-native species were planted many decades ago to support post-WW2 economic regeneration. Through Habitat Management Plans, funding from the windfarm or the developer pays for replanting native species over a wide area, which encourages other flora and fourna to return. #renewables #netzero #wildlife #nature #fossilfreedom

  • We’re working with composite recycling company Gjenkraft and Norwegian ski maker Endre Hals, founder of EVI Ski, to produce skis with recycled materials from wind turbine blades that have reached the end of their operational life. Through a thorough process, the high-quality carbon fibres found in the blades are modified to fit the complex construction of skis.      EVI Ski designs skis that can be repaired, extending their use beyond what’s possible with conventional skis. Instead of being discarded, worn-down or broken skis can be repressed and used again.      Our work with Gjenkraft and EVI Ski is one example of how we’re extending the lifetime of our materials. Read more at    #fossilfree #fossilfreedom #environment #circularity #vattenfall #recycle #reuse #skiing #ski #eviski #gjenkraft Gjenkraft AS evi ski as

  • At Vattenfall, we are proud of our progress towards greater female representation at all levels of our organization. Since signing the Equal by 30 initiative in 2018, female representation in leadership has increased from 24% to 34% in 2024. Defining clear targets and KPIs for the whole business is key to driving gender representation. Unique challenges faced at a departmental level require tailored, data-driven solutions. This is how we build strategies to drive real change and bring innovation to the business. Right now, we are spotlighting women in the industry during Vattenfall Women in Energy Week. The week leading up to International Women’s Day will feature a variety of online sessions, inspiring reads and more for our employees. Members of the Women in Energy LinkedIn community will receive special access to a day of curated expert sessions. Find out more about it at #Vattenfall #IWD #Women #Diversity #Inclusion 

  • At Vattenfall, we're working to give people and businesses the freedom to choose fossil-free ways to move, make, and live. A strong, clear framework for e-mobility is a crucial step toward that future.   That’s why we, alongside key players in the e-mobility and charging sectors, are calling on the European Commission to uphold the 2025 CO₂ fleet limits for cars without introducing loopholes that could weaken progress.   The facts: ✅ Electric car sales in the EU are rising-up nearly 40% in January compared to last year. ✅ An electric vehicle is four times more energy-efficient and reduce our dependence on import of fossil fuels ✅ Affordable EVs are entering the market, with 11 new models launching under €25,000. ✅ A stable regulatory framework is crucial to unlock investment in charging infrastructure, battery innovation, and the broader e-mobility ecosystem. ✅ Fossil free electricity is the most cost-efficient way to decarbonize the transport sector and reach the Paris agreement ✅ Our modern power grids give the EU a competitive advantage and a window of opportunity to act!   Any delay or dilution of the 2025 target risks: ❌ Slowing down consumer adoption of electric vehicles. ❌ Penalizing companies that have already invested in compliance. ❌ Hampering Europe's ability to compete in the global EV race.   That’s why we urge the European Commission to reject measures that undermine the 2025 targets, such as phasing-in or multi-year averaging, and instead focus on demand-side incentives that will drive the electric vehicle market forward.   Now is the time to accelerate the clean mobility transition - not step back from it. #EUMobility #EVTransition #SustainableFuture #Electrification #CO2Targets

    • Vattenfall states that a strong, clear framework for e-mobility is a crucial step toward a fossil-free future.
  • HYBRIT: Large-scale storage of fossil-free hydrogen successfully proven! HYBRIT's pilot project for hydrogen storage, that was launched in 2016 by owners Vattenfall, SSAB and LKAB, has now been completed and reported to the Swedish Energy Agency. The results show that large-scale storage of fossil-free hydrogen for industrial-scale steelmaking production is technically possible and can reduce variable production costs by up to 40 percent. HYBRIT has the potential to reduce Sweden's carbon dioxide emissions by 10 percent. #fossilfreedom HYBRIT #fossilfreesteel

  • Visa organisationssidan för Vattenfall

    280 134 följare

    THE EDIT newsletter is your monthly briefing on the journey to fossil freedom. Here’s what’s in the March issue ⬇️   🤖 Robots doing the risky work in power plants AI powered robots are becoming increasingly helpful – especially when it comes to heavy, hazardous and hard-to-reach tasks.   🎮 Smooth operator – AI drones are proving their worth These smart machines are making wind farms operate more efficiently than ever.   🌋 Using AI to tap into volcanic heat AI is opening new possibilities to explore geothermal heat – even directly from magma chambers of volcanoes.   And more! Who should read this newsletter? Tag someone who would enjoy inspiring updates about energy solutions and innovations.   Special thanks to Hjalti Páll Ingólfsson and Vordis Eiriksdottir. #Vattenfall #theedit #newsletter #sustainability #fossilfreedom #energy #AI #drones #robotics Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT)

  • Vattenfall celebrates Pink Shirt Day because we know bullying is not limited to schools: It can also exist in workplaces and online. Pink Shirt Day began in Canada when a student faced bullying based on gender norms for wearing pink. Today, Pink Shirt Day is a global movement against harassment in all its forms. At Vattenfall, we stand for respect, inclusion and a safe environment for all. We have a zero-tolerance policy against harassment and discrimination because everyone deserves to be protected and thrive in the workplace. Raising awareness about harassment and working against any form of harassment, bullying and discrimination is a top priority. Watch our Finnish colleagues stand up against harassment. Together, we can create a culture where everyone can feel safe and bring their best self to work. #Vattenfall #PinkShirtDay #Diversity #Inclusion #Respect 

  • Vattenfall was named a Leader in Diversity by the European Diversity Leaders Ranking, highlighting its commitment to embedding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) throughout the organisation. The prestigious ranking is a collaboration between Statista and the Financial Times. Among Swedish companies, Vattenfall climbed from 35th place in 2022 to 3rd place in 2024. In the utilities sector, the company rose from 16th place in 2022 to 4th place in 2024, demonstrating its leadership in a traditionally challenging industry for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Stephanie Hinton-James, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: "We are delighted to see Statista and the Financial Times recognising our company-wide collective efforts and work in the field of DEI. Vattenfall has climbed to Europe's top Leaders in Diversity, which is equally a recognition of the hard work of our Diverse Energy Networks and drivers of DEI among our employees and management. DEI is a strong movement at Vattenfall, so we are proud of this result. As DEI is also a work in progress, we will build on our achievements in 2025. With more robust legislation expected in Europe, Vattenfall will continue to ensure compliance and best practice through comprehensive, data-driven action plans tailored to prioritised DEI focus areas. This is how we drive real change." Read more at #Vattenfall #Diversity #Inclusion #Ranking #DEI

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  • CO₂ emissions in the supply chain are not only caused by construction and plant parts or grid and turbine components. Intangible services such as analysis tools, risk management software or monitoring systems also cause CO₂ - and can be consistently reduced.   With the Vattenfall Green Globe Award, we recognise exceptional achievements by our suppliers who support us on the path to a fossil-free future and actively help us to become CO₂-neutral by 2040. These suppliers support Vattenfall with trade-related services, such as analyses, forecasts, real-time pricing and weather data or trading and consulting.   Congratulations to our winners VITEC ENERGY AB, DTN and Bloomberg Financial for your commitment to fossil-free solutions in energy trading! We presented the Green Globe Award at the Vattenfall stand at this year’s E-world energy & water – for the very first time.   Your commitment is becoming increasingly valuable to our trading activities where also the introduction of AI in such services will only accelerate the related energy requirements! #Vattenfal #fossilfreedom #Eworld25 #trading #sustainability #AI #C02

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